How would YOU personally know how many white men approach black women if YOU are not a black woman? White men usually do not approach women in the same manner in which black men tend to do. However white men flirt, compliment and approach black women all of the time. Why is that so difficult to comprehend? They are not asking for the approval or blessings of black men and most of them do not make a spectacle of it either.
I have had two white male bosses and numerous white male co-workers who had black wives. I have dated predominantly white (and a few Hispanic) guys since high school. Several of my cousins and an aunt are married to white and Hispanic men (and one Asian). Several of my (black) female friends have white husbands. My 60 plus yr old aunt just started dating an older white man at her church. So this is a part of MY daily reality.
You guys seem so butt hurt of the idea of white guys wanting black women and it is beyond baffling because you are attempting to degrade black women in an effort to make your point.
How would I personally know? Um Maybe because my job consists of 95% of white men, and we discuss women ALL of the time, couple that with the fact that I have read what white men have written and discussed online on several forums and add to the fact that just about every statistic and study substantiates what I've said. There's consistency across the board there. Generally speaking, they prefer black women the least, and statistically they marry them the least. It might hurt YOU to hear it, but as far as I'm concerned, there's 110% truth behind what I'm saying. Besides YOU act as if YOU'RE qualified to tell them what THEY prefer anymore than I am.
Heck even a Japanese scholar from a VERY prestigious research University designed a study "proving" why he thinks black women are physically the least attractive women...
Like it or NOT, everything that you've stated has been discussed on the opposite end of the pendelum from white men...
And I've heard this BS before, you're simply regurgitating what you've read on Black Women's interracial blogs. White Men approach women just as boldly as any black men does when they WANT THAT WOMAN. If you haven't seen a white man approach a woman that he really wants, then you haven't been in a majority white social setting such as a bar, a lounge or a dinner party. I've sat there and watched them walk straight up to White, Latin and Asian women...offer them to buy them drinks...and then straight up ask them for their numbers or if they wanna phuck. And NO ONE said anything about WM not hitting on BW....what I said is that it is strongly exaggerated and that wasn't my original point original point is that yall LOVE and invest your self-esteem in them far more than the reverse.
LOL and as far as "dating" is concerned, I 've heard this from just about every black woman who makes interracial dating some big their town it's a "BIG" thing LOL...their cousins, best friends, co workers, grandma, great grand ma etc all have white men hounding them down LOL...yet every statistic on God's green earth says otherwise, every white guy online says something different, every white guy I talk to says something different, and every study done on the matter says something different..YET...some how, of the 3% of black women are married interracially to white men... that 3% is in everyone's town or city LOL.
ANd WHO'S "degrading" black women? Like I said, I'm just telling it like it is....there's not one thing that I have stated earlier that isn't true. It's hilarious that you can sit there with a straight face and "degrade" black men as if you're telling some kind of truth..yet when someone gives you their truth...all of a sudden it's insulting lol...
you're just "butt hurt" that I'm not drinking the Kool Aid...that's all that is. I on the otherhand know better, and I will give it to you straight raw and call you out on it.
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