Do black women and white men couples..


Jun 21, 2012
How would YOU personally know how many white men approach black women if YOU are not a black woman? White men usually do not approach women in the same manner in which black men tend to do. However white men flirt, compliment and approach black women all of the time. Why is that so difficult to comprehend? They are not asking for the approval or blessings of black men and most of them do not make a spectacle of it either.

I have had two white male bosses and numerous white male co-workers who had black wives. I have dated predominantly white (and a few Hispanic) guys since high school. Several of my cousins and an aunt are married to white and Hispanic men (and one Asian). Several of my (black) female friends have white husbands. My 60 plus yr old aunt just started dating an older white man at her church. So this is a part of MY daily reality.

You guys seem so butt hurt of the idea of white guys wanting black women and it is beyond baffling because you are attempting to degrade black women in an effort to make your point.

How would I personally know? Um Maybe because my job consists of 95% of white men, and we discuss women ALL of the time, couple that with the fact that I have read what white men have written and discussed online on several forums and add to the fact that just about every statistic and study substantiates what I've said. There's consistency across the board there. Generally speaking, they prefer black women the least, and statistically they marry them the least. It might hurt YOU to hear it, but as far as I'm concerned, there's 110% truth behind what I'm saying. Besides YOU act as if YOU'RE qualified to tell them what THEY prefer anymore than I am.

Heck even a Japanese scholar from a VERY prestigious research University designed a study "proving" why he thinks black women are physically the least attractive women...

Like it or NOT, everything that you've stated has been discussed on the opposite end of the pendelum from white men...

And I've heard this BS before, you're simply regurgitating what you've read on Black Women's interracial blogs. White Men approach women just as boldly as any black men does when they WANT THAT WOMAN. If you haven't seen a white man approach a woman that he really wants, then you haven't been in a majority white social setting such as a bar, a lounge or a dinner party. I've sat there and watched them walk straight up to White, Latin and Asian women...offer them to buy them drinks...and then straight up ask them for their numbers or if they wanna phuck. And NO ONE said anything about WM not hitting on BW....what I said is that it is strongly exaggerated and that wasn't my original point original point is that yall LOVE and invest your self-esteem in them far more than the reverse.

LOL and as far as "dating" is concerned, I 've heard this from just about every black woman who makes interracial dating some big their town it's a "BIG" thing LOL...their cousins, best friends, co workers, grandma, great grand ma etc all have white men hounding them down LOL...yet every statistic on God's green earth says otherwise, every white guy online says something different, every white guy I talk to says something different, and every study done on the matter says something different..YET...some how, of the 3% of black women are married interracially to white men... that 3% is in everyone's town or city LOL.

ANd WHO'S "degrading" black women? Like I said, I'm just telling it like it is....there's not one thing that I have stated earlier that isn't true. It's hilarious that you can sit there with a straight face and "degrade" black men as if you're telling some kind of truth..yet when someone gives you their truth...all of a sudden it's insulting lol...

you're just "butt hurt" that I'm not drinking the Kool Aid...that's all that is. I on the otherhand know better, and I will give it to you straight raw and call you out on it.
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Jun 21, 2012
It has nothing to do with black men thats for sure, since most of the time they're not in the picture. Also in the study it said it only meaured mixed kids that lived with their mother. A mixed child with a single black mother may not have the same opportunities as a single white mother. whats interesting about this?

If you're going to play with stereotypes, perhaps black women are single mothers more often because they don't know who the daddy of their children are? Most people of other races are aware that black women "can't keep a man" anyway, it doesn't matter what color they are.

Besides, statistically speaking, most White Men don't want black women in THEIR picture to begin with LOL. All I know, is that on average, BM/WW biracial children have an 11 point higher IQ average than those bore by BW/WM. IQ scores have nothing to do with "opportunity" anyway.
Oct 27, 2013
If you're going to play with stereotypes, perhaps black women are single mothers more often because they don't know who the daddy of their children are? Most people of other races are aware that black women "can't keep a man" anyway, it doesn't matter what color they are.

Besides, statistically speaking, most White Men don't want black women in THEIR picture to begin with LOL. All I know, is that on average, BM/WW biracial children have an 11 point higher IQ average than those bore by BW/WM. IQ scores have nothing to do with "opportunity" anyway.

Black women are usually in poorer environments on average which means poor school system. Someone that has a white mother is most likely to go to a white school, have connections from white family members, and have more resources.White kids on average supposedly have higher iq's than black kids, why do you think this is? they grow up in better enviroments, better education, etc. In the report you posted it rated the iq's of children with SINGLE moms, so the black and white dads didn't have any influence. Also, Im not playing on stereotypes most white women that have children by black men are single moms, im simply stating a fact, dont know why you're angry.
Oct 27, 2013
How would I personally know? Um Maybe because my job consists of 95% of white men, and we discuss women ALL of the time, couple that with the fact that I have read what white men have written and discussed online on several forums and add to the fact that just about every statistic and study substantiates what I've said. There's consistency across the board there. Generally speaking, they prefer black women the least, and statistically they marry them the least. It might hurt YOU to hear it, but as far as I'm concerned, there's 110% truth behind what I'm saying. Besides YOU act as if YOU'RE qualified to tell them what THEY prefer anymore than I am.

Heck even a Japanese scholar from a VERY prestigious research University designed a study "proving" why he thinks black women are physically the least attractive women...

Like it or NOT, everything that you've stated has been discussed on the opposite end of the pendelum from white men...

And I've heard this BS before, you're simply regurgitating what you've read on Black Women's interracial blogs. White Men approach women just as boldly as any black men does when they WANT THAT WOMAN. If you haven't seen a white man approach a woman that he really wants, then you haven't been in a majority white social setting such as a bar, a lounge or a dinner party. I've sat there and watched them walk straight up to White, Latin and Asian women...offer them to buy them drinks...and then straight up ask them for their numbers or if they wanna phuck. And NO ONE said anything about WM not hitting on BW....what I said is that it is strongly exaggerated and that wasn't my original point original point is that yall LOVE and invest your self-esteem in them far more than the reverse.

LOL and as far as "dating" is concerned, I 've heard this from just about every black woman who makes interracial dating some big their town it's a "BIG" thing LOL...their cousins, best friends, co workers, grandma, great grand ma etc all have white men hounding them down LOL...yet every statistic on God's green earth says otherwise, every white guy online says something different, every white guy I talk to says something different, and every study done on the matter says something different..YET...some how, of the 3% of black women are married interracially to white men... that 3% is in everyone's town or city LOL.

ANd WHO'S "degrading" black women? Like I said, I'm just telling it like it is....there's not one thing that I have stated earlier that isn't true. It's hilarious that you can sit there with a straight face and "degrade" black men as if you're telling some kind of truth..yet when someone gives you their truth...all of a sudden it's insulting lol...

you're just "butt hurt" that I'm not drinking the Kool Aid...that's all that is. I on the otherhand know better, and I will give it to you straight raw and call you out on it.

I don't get why you men like to keep repeating yourselves? did she say all or even most white men preferred black women? No, but there is a lot that do, especially in the younger crowd. Speaking in general black women don't prefer non black men but there is a lot that do prefer them. its simple. when black women speak about white men they're talking about the ones that do like black women.


Jun 21, 2012
Black women are usually in poorer environments on average which means poor school system. Someone that has a white mother is most likely to go to a white school, have connections from white family members, and have more resources.White kids on average supposedly have higher iq's than black kids, why do you think this is? they grow up in better enviroments, better education, etc. In the report you posted it rated the iq's of children with SINGLE moms, so the black and white dads didn't have any influence. Also, Im not playing on stereotypes most white women that have children by black men are single moms, im simply stating a fact, dont know why you're angry.

Nah...that has nothing to do with it. I'm not here to get into an IQ debate, but the results are with they are, accept it and move on.... "IQ" is generally inherent; environment "opportunity" etc is what determines outcome, and the study states that BM/WW children score 11 points higher than ones between BW/WM, the study shows that this is true with even married/cohabitating couples, but in order to get a full examination of the matter, they focused their study on single mothers to narrow down the results. Besides MtDNA is generally passed and traceable through the female...some things are just inherently passed through sex/gender.. I'm not sure if this is one of them, but perhaps it has something to do with it.

But what I really love... I just love how in your caked up believe everything negative about black men...and for that reason this statistic has you completely stumped LOL.

Now, if it were the other way wouldn't have jack shyt to say about would be on some "of course" shyt LOL. But since it start coppin

When black men have higher rates of unemployment, higher incarceration rates and allegedly "abandon" their children at higher don't swing that "environment" and "opportunity" talk around....and make excuses...but you expect me to understand when your children have lower IQs? :umad:

And you keep talking about most white women with biracial children are single that's a lie....please show me a study and then I'll agree with you. Most white women I know who are with black men are either married to, or cohabitate with them. Those who are single moms with biracial children, generally behave just like stereotypical black women and live in the same environments with majority black female friends, behaviors and often imitate their attitudes and nuances.


Jun 21, 2012
I don't get why you men like to keep repeating yourselves? did she say all or even most white men preferred black women? No, but there is a lot that do, especially in the younger crowd. Speaking in general black women don't prefer non black men but there is a lot that do prefer them. its simple. when black women speak about white men they're talking about the ones that do like black women.
LOL who's repeating themselves? I'm just giving you a cold dose of reality. Let's be 110% here...the reason this is even a discussion is because you WANT to attempt to injure the self-esteem of black men, because in your convuluted twisted brains you think that BM interracially dating has damaged the self-esteem of BW. It's a tit for tat argument and you know it...otherwise , there wouldn't even be a need to discuss it.

Second, let's stop being vague, it's not "most" or even "a lot"....and if it makes you feel better that's true for both white men and white women. And MOST people prefer their own race...MOST black men prefer black women and vice versa.
Oct 27, 2013
Nah...that has nothing to do with it. I'm not here to get into an IQ debate, but the results are with they are, accept it and move on.... "IQ" is generally inherent; environment "opportunity" etc is what determines outcome, and the study states that BM/WW children score 11 points higher than ones between BW/WM, the study shows that this is true with even married/cohabitating couples, but in order to get a full examination of the matter, they focused their study on single mothers to narrow down the results. Besides MtDNA is generally passed and traceable through the female...some things are just inherently passed through sex/gender.. I'm not sure if this is one of them, but perhaps it has something to do with it.

But what I really love... I just love how in your caked up believe everything negative about black men...and for that reason this statistic has you completely stumped LOL.

Now, if it were the other way wouldn't have jack shyt to say about would be on some "of course" shyt LOL. But since it start coppin

When black men have higher rates of unemployment, higher incarceration rates and allegedly "abandon" their children at higher don't swing that "environment" and "opportunity" talk around....and make excuses...but you expect me to understand when your children have lower IQs? :umad:

And you keep talking about most white women with biracial children are single that's a lie....please show me a study and then I'll agree with you. Most white women I know who are with black men are either married to, or cohabitate with them. Those who are single moms with biracial children, generally behave just like stereotypical black women and live in the same environments with majority black female friends, behaviors and often imitate their attitudes and nuances.

You are the one lying I read the whole article it saids kids that grow up in white homes have higher test scores than ones that grow up in black homes. Show me the data where it says it measured married couples as well. Me and all the biracials I know do not have their fathers in their lives. Same goes for alicia keys, halle berry and many others who are successful because of their white MOTHERS. If Iqs are genetic why do whites in poor environments score lower than whites in upper class environments. you're an idiot for supporting this racist study

--When black or mixed-race children are raised in white rather than black homes, their preadolescent test scores rise dramatically. Black adoptees' scores seem to fall in adolescence, but this is what we would expect if, as seems likely, their social and cultural environment comes to resemble that of other black adolescents and becomes less like that of the average white adolescent.

A better-known study dealt with black and mixed-race children adopted by white parents in Minnesota. The mixed-race children were adopted earlier in life and had higher IQ scores than the children with two black parents. When the 29 black children were first tested, they scored at least ten points higher than the norm for black children, presumably because they had more favorable home environments than most black children. When these children were retested in their late teens or twenties, their IQ scores had dropped and were no longer very different from those of Northern blacks raised in black families. The most obvious explanation for this drop is that the adoptees had moved out of their white adoptive parents' homes into less favorable environments. But because the study did not cover black or mixed-race children adopted by black parents, it does not seem to us to provide strong evidence on either side of the heredity-environment debate.

Why you didn't quote these from the study as well? Its all theories it hasn't been proven that IQ is genetic, and if it is than that would mean whites and biracials are on average smarter than you. Every reply you send supports the theory that blacks have low iqs and need to mix with whites to increase it lol.
Oct 27, 2013
LOL who's repeating themselves? I'm just giving you a cold dose of reality. Let's be 110% here...the reason this is even a discussion is because you WANT to attempt to injure the self-esteem of black men, because in your convuluted twisted brains you think that BM interracially dating has damaged the self-esteem of BW. It's a tit for tat argument and you know it...otherwise , there wouldn't even be a need to discuss it.

Second, let's stop being vague, it's not "most" or even "a lot"....and if it makes you feel better that's true for both white men and white women. And MOST people prefer their own race...MOST black men prefer black women and vice versa.

most of the white men I know are open to dating an attractive black women, maybe the white men you know are different. There does seem to be a more real love between bw/wm when they get together imo, thats why i asked for opinions. I dont have anything against black men.and I'm not trying to lower black mens self esteem, what would be the point of that? black women are the most confidence of all races, and its been proven through studies.
Oct 27, 2013
--Growing up in an African-American rather than a European-American family substantially reduces a young child's test performance.

--When black Americans raised in white families reach adolescence, their test scores fall.

--When "black" genes are not visible to the naked eye and are not associated with membership in a black community, they do not have much effect on young children's test scores.

support racist studies brehs..


Jun 21, 2012
You are the one lying I read the whole article it saids kids that grow up in white homes have higher test scores than ones that grow up in black homes. Show me the data where it says it measured married couples as well. Me and all the biracials I know do not have their fathers in their lives. Same goes for alicia keys, halle berry and many others who are successful because of their white MOTHERS. If Iqs are genetic why do whites in poor environments score lower than whites in upper class environments. you're an idiot for supporting this racist study

Why you didn't quote these from the study as well? Its all theories it hasn't been proven that IQ is genetic, and if it is than that would mean whites and biracials are on average smarter than you. Every reply you send supports the theory that blacks have low iqs and need to mix with whites to increase it lol.

LOL How bout I'll show you the study that supports that ALL couples BM/WW have higher averages than WM/BW, when you show me a study that says that most biracial children by white women are single parent households. Just because yo daddy skeeted and fleeted doesn't mean that everyone elses has. Just ask Derek Jeter, Drake, Boris Kudjo, and Shemar Moore, all of which grew up with black daddies in the home. Where are the successful biracial children with white dads and black moms in the home? There's a few but not much...maybe it has something to do with their IQ?

Second of all perhaps poor whites are "poor" to begin with because they have lower IQs?

And as for biracials and IQ scores compared to my own lol I could care less about my average is higher than the norm above ALL groups. You're simply mad because my children's IQ will end up higher than those you procreate with Biff :banderas::umad:

the Stats have you stumped and you're coppin NOW you wanna get all analytical and argumentative about the numbers...

Like I said before, if it were the other way would have agreed, full frontal with it.


Jun 21, 2012
most of the white men I know are open to dating an attractive black women, maybe the white men you know are different. There does seem to be a more real love between bw/wm when they get together imo, thats why i asked for opinions. I dont have anything against black men.and I'm not trying to lower black mens self esteem, what would be the point of that? black women are the most confidence of all races, and its been proven through studies.

Interesting that you said "most white men" that you knew....are dating "attractive black women"...notice you didn't say most "successful, attractive white men" as if we're all suppose to assume that he's attractive and successful BECAUSE he is white LOL...

This is what Im talking're trying to hype this up and make it appear as if the pairing is a big deal....I know plenty of black dudes with all races of women...some married, some dating, some "hooking up", some successful, some poor, some doing alright for runs the gamut. But I don't need to make it out to be some complex social upswing worthy of saying that black men are improving themselves when they do so...that's primarily because I don't rest myself esteem on the acceptance of other races like A LOT of desperate black women do.

And, most "attractive successful" White dudes I know, are with WHITE blonde skinny women. Most of them prefer attractive white blonde skinny women, and a few of them date Asian women and Indian women. The ones who are working class IMO...tend to be more open to Latin women, and a few of them are open to black women...I bet that hurt for you to hear right?:pachaha:...i'll never understand some of these BW who are into this interracial madness...most of you feel entitled to if you're suppose to be the "arm trophy" and his own WW are not....LOL. It's a sickness.

Either way, most "Attractive" black women I know are with BLACK men, and most of those women and men prefer one another.

And that's nonsense, about "real love" ...first of all...who are you to say it's "real love" for anyone? What's the metric for that any way? Most people of the same race get together with people of the same race for the same superficial reasons people date people of other races do. I personally think you're basing your entire outlook on celebrities (i.e. entertainers and Athletes) who are in the spotlight with multiple divorces hook ups etc. It's just easier for you to look at the ones involving BM because there are FAR more of them than the reverse.

And who cares about confidence? What relevance does that have? The "studies" also say that they're the least attractive race of women to men. They also say that they're the poorest and most overweight. They also say that most men prefer lighter complexions in general.
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Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
seem more genuine than bmww couples?

No. And if you were really female, or a female who had partaken in interracial dating, you'd know why the answer is 'no'. Your fantasies are alarming, but I figure you had to have been emotionally hurt something fierce to hate black men and put white men on a pedestal like this.
Oct 27, 2013
LOL How bout I'll show you the study that supports that ALL couples BM/WW have higher averages than WM/BW, when you show me a study that says that most biracial children by white women are single parent households. Just because yo daddy skeeted and fleeted doesn't mean that everyone elses has. Just ask Derek Jeter, Drake, Boris Kudjo, and Shemar Moore, all of which grew up with black daddies in the home. Where are the successful biracial children with white dads and black moms in the home? There's a few but not much...maybe it has something to do with their IQ?

Second of all perhaps poor whites are "poor" to begin with because they have lower IQs?

And as for biracials and IQ scores compared to my own lol I could care less about my average is higher than the norm above ALL groups. You're simply mad because my children's IQ will end up higher than those you procreate with Biff :banderas::umad:

the Stats have you stumped and you're coppin NOW you wanna get all analytical and argumentative about the numbers...

Like I said before, if it were the other way would have agreed, full frontal with it.

Biracials are usually lumped with black outta wed lock kids, but im pretty sure the numbers are the same, you seriously think black men take care of their half white kids more than they do their black kids? Why would i be mad? My mom is white so according to you, My IQ is already high. Like I said the whole white people genetically having higher IQ's is a theory, i dont get why you would support that. If biracials with black moms arent successful because of their Iq's than how is their so many black sucessful people since biracial are 'smarter' than blacks? Also if it were the other way around I wouldn't agree, like I said this is just a way to make whites feel superior. Those white people that are poor usually grow up around blacks/hispanics, making them less intelligent than the ones who grow up around whites. The debarges have black moms and they are pretty sucessful, there are plenty of successful mixed celebs with black moms. Single parenting with white mother and black dad haven't been measured but if you look at the mixed girl tag most of the ones with black dads dont have the man in their life, and its pretty apparent in real life. If a survey was conducted im pretty sure the vast majority would be in single parent house holds. There is a pattern where even white women are concerned, and wonder why black men dont take care of their kids.

Many people notice this trend...

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
Biracials are usually lumped with black outta wed lock kids, but im pretty sure the numbers are the same, you seriously think black men take care of their half white kids more than they do their black kids? Why would i be mad? My mom is white so according to you, My IQ is already high. Like I said the whole white people genetically having higher IQ's is a theory, i dont get why you would support that. If biracials with black moms arent successful because of their Iq's than how is their so many black sucessful people since biracial are 'smarter' than blacks? Also if it were the other way around I wouldn't agree, like I said this is just a way to make whites feel superior. Those white people that are poor usually grow up around blacks/hispanics, making them less intelligent than the ones who grow up around whites. The debarges have black moms and they are pretty sucessful, there are plenty of successful mixed celebs with black moms. Single parenting with white mother and black dad haven't been measured but if you look at the mixed girl tag most of the ones with black dads dont have the man in their life, and its pretty apparent in real life. If a survey was conducted im pretty sure the vast majority would be in single parent house holds. There is a pattern where even white women are concerned, and wonder why black men dont take care of their kids.

Many people notice this trend...
