"We are the Fury"
They criticized white women with generalizations, I proved my point.
This was not your point. Plus, generalizing about feminism as it relates to women isn't a "takedown". It's feminist ranting. Anyway, this was your original point:
You said: "I mean just last week I was on a majority white forum
where dozens of posters were gushing about their attraction
tp black women and what accompanied this was some pretty blatant
disparaging of white women."
1) there was no gushing about attraction.
2) the crux of some criticisms were of feminism and Western society in general. They weren't "takedowns"; you posted 4 examples of general feminist hating. There was no attack on white female beauty, body, etc. It's about feminism.
3) meanwhile I posted 10 examples (there was more) of the cacs, ironically, disparaging black women as being easy when you're white (and as much saying so). This is the basis of the entire bb.com thread, and the foundation from which the the bb.com OP beganthe thread after being rejected by 4 white girls and rebounding on an easy black girl. That's what opened his eyes to "black girls might be easy", anyone else think so". then the parade of responses "yah yah" come

4) on the final page, one bb.com poster basically summarizes the thread as being: " in a thread where white miscers are spouting their typical vitriol of ''black women are easy for us, they want to assimilate!''. so, ironically, the thread isn't praise but rather insult as that poster sees it and supposedly has seen it before since he implies the vitriol is "typical". The poster implies this is a typical bb.com belief which suggests that black girls being easy came up in another thread and got traction.
all this aside, you're a poster that attacks affirmative action and uses the term "miscer". prolly wasn't a coincidence u were thereabouts around bb.com, which explains why you're misrepresenting things in general

And your personal opinion on what constitutes an insult or an ignorant
generalization doesn't factor into that.
I'm done with it![]()
My opinion is as valid as my ability to substantiate it. If I can prove 2+2 =4 then my opinion is as strong as any fact. In any factual case, there is a right and a wrong answer. So one of us is overstating the case, and given your 4 crappy examples and my 10 examples--including the bb.com user himself--I think I win. It is what it is: since I argued in this thread about delusion, I have to finish or else I lose creditability. My skrong posting has already risen my value

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