Do black women and white men couples..


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
why do you keep acting like they're arent non black men that like black women?

Did I say there wasn't? I said that on average they think bw are the ugliest and least attractive. Of course a loser c00n can go looking for the few of them who doesn't think you are inferior, but then that makes that person a pathetic and self-denigrating Tom, right? Like a token black trying to fit in where he's not wanted or a person with a wheelchair looking for that one person who doesn't see the handicap. It's a sad case of affairs all around. What's important is that c00n females should not attack black men and then say that non-black men are different; non-black men are in fact worse.

and why are you still talking about that okcupid study? America is mostly white so a small percent of white men being attracted to black women is alot compared to the number of black women in the country.

Of course a loser c00n can go looking for the one of them who doesn't think you are inferior, but then that person a pathetic and self-denigrating Tom, right? Like a token black trying to fit in where he's not wanted or a person with a wheelchair looking for that one person who doesn't see the handicap. It's a sad case of affairs all around. What's important is that c00n females should not attack black men and then say that non-black men are different; non-black men are in fact worse.
Oct 27, 2013
Did I say there wasn't? I said that on average they think bw are the ugliest and least attractive. Of course a loser c00n can go looking for the one of them who doesn't think you are inferior, but then that makes them pathetic and self-denigrating, right? Like a token black trying to fit in where he's not wanted or a person with a wheelchair looking for that one person who doesn't see the handicap. It's a sad case of affairs all around. What's important is that c00n females should not attack black men and then say that non-black men are different; non-black men are in fact worse.

Of course a loser c00n can go looking for the one of them who doesn't think you are inferior, but then that makes them pathetic and self-denigrating, right? Like a token black trying to fit in where he's not wanted or a person with a wheelchair looking for that one person who doesn't see the handicap. It's a sad case of affairs all around. What's important is that c00n females should not attack black men and then say that non-black men are different; non-black men are in fact worse.

majority of black men apparently feel the same way.


May 21, 2012
This is so true. A lot of black men in relationships with non-black women use their disdain of black women as the foundation of the relationship with non-BW. But white men never bring up white women in relationships and black men are also a non-factor because WMBW couples are generally more focused on building their own strong bonds and not worrying about trying to justify their love by bashing the opposite sex of their respective race. And I do believe that this is one of the factors in the difference in the divorce rate between BMWW marriages (which have the highest divorce rate) and WMBW marriages(which have the lowest divorce rate).
This is a load of bullshyt.
I mean just last week I was on a majority white forum
where dozens of posters were gushing about their attraction
tp black women and what accompanied this was some pretty blatant
disparaging of white women.
Lots of them even called them "Entitled" and "Poisoned by feminism".


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
majority of black men apparently feel the same way.

Not true as per convention; black men are more variable and rank black women higher than average other groups on average, as the OKCupid study shows. Even though the black men on OKCupid don't represent the average nikka and probably only represent nerds and geeks (as most BM don't like Asian women like that), these black men still respond to black women messages at higher rates than cacs, Asians and Hispanics. So there you have it, facts. Any that criticize black men without criticizing cacs, Asians and Hispanics as being worse is a true delusional clown. If you're going to say, "I won't talk to groups of men that hate me!", any honest person would start with non-blacks before they get to blacks :yeshrug:
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Slaying Bed Bucks™ since 1981
Apr 21, 2014
SoCal and AZ
This is a load of bullshyt.
I mean just last week I was on a majority white forum
where dozens of posters were gushing about their attraction
tp black women and what accompanied this was some pretty blatant
disparaging of white women.
Lots of them even called them "Entitled" and "Poisoned by feminism".

I am not talking about on an online forum, I am talking about in real life. In my experience, I have never had a white guy bash white women or black men. I am not saying that it can or has never happened but I haven't experienced it.


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
This is a load of bullshyt.
I mean just last week I was on a majority white forum
where dozens of posters were gushing about their attraction
tp black women and what accompanied this was some pretty blatant
disparaging of white women.
Lots of them even called them "Entitled" and "Poisoned by feminism".


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
I am not talking about on an online forum, I am talking about in real life. In my experience, I have never had a white guy bash white women or black men. I am not saying that it can or has never happened but I haven't experienced it.

You were here during the Cumia fiasco. There were legions of them doing just that on Twitter and YouTube, or retweeting racist shyt, or whatever. I have to believe now that you're an 8th dimension delusional c00n or some sort of debased weirdo cac:dead:.

Edit: You even posted in the Cumia thread and called him a white racist, you lying bed wench:
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May 21, 2012
I am not talking about on an online forum, I am talking about in real life. In my experience, I have never had a white guy bash white women or black men. I am not saying that it can or has never happened but I haven't experienced it.
Well your anecdotal experience means fukk all if we're making definitive
statements here.
I can pull up several instances in my personal life where I've had guys who're hispanic
and white, some I've known for several years that have gone on to state WHY they
prefer black women and USUALLY that's followed with a reason why they don't date
women who AREN'T black.
And unsurprisingly it's filled with the same sort of mental acrobatics used by individuals
who only chase white men or some other demographic.

Link provided :


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013

You said:

"I mean just last week I was on a majority white forum
where dozens of posters were gushing about their attraction
tp black women and what accompanied this was some pretty blatant
disparaging of white women.

So I reviewed the thread. The OP is based in San Francisco, which is basically c00nville. I didn't see any blatant disparaging of white women and I didn't see them gushing about attraction. It's just a bunch of "black girls are easy if you're white" (several posters actually say this in one way or another), exactly what the OkCupid study indicates already. I was kind of surprised to see that black girls act different when cacs talk to them than when nikkas do - but nikkas here have already said or implied the same thing multiple times as related to c00nery and wenching. @Will Ross Once again, the OkCupid study indicates this might be the case as well. This is how one misc poster, AlphaQUp4This, summarized the thread:

" where white miscers are spouting their typical vitriol of ''black women are easy for us, they want to assimilate!"


So cacs are basically saying bw are sellouts (assimilators) and hold cacs as trophies (that's the logical progression from being easy; it means the women values you higher than you do), exactly what nikkas have been saying all along. They're basically saying that black women want them more than they want bw. Shocking, as that's exactly what I said. :troll:
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May 21, 2012
You said:

"I mean just last week I was on a majority white forum
where dozens of posters were gushing about their attraction
tp black women and what accompanied this was some pretty blatant
disparaging of white women.

So I reviewed the thread. I didn't see any blatant disparaging of white women and I didn't see them gushing about attraction. It's just a bunch of "black girls are easy if you're white" (several posters actually say this in one way or another), exactly what the OkCupid study indicates already. I was kind of surprised to see that black girls act different when cacs talk to them than when nikkas do - but nikkas here have already said the same thing multiple times. @Will Ross Once again, the OkCupid study indicates this might be the case as well. This is how one misc poster summarized the above thread:

" thread where white miscers are spouting their typical vitriol of ''black women are easy for us, they want to assimilate!'"
They clearly expressed derogatory views towards
white women.
There are also several posters who don't express the sentiment that
"black girls are easy if you're white" while also stating that they like black women.
Examples :
Miscer said:
Because they aren't all full of that bull shyt neo feminazi crap
"You're raping me with your eyes!"

OP I've always agreed there is less hostility to break through when you go to talk to a black girl compared to a white girl.

Miscer said:
Maybe it has something to do with #Yesallwoman which comprises mostly of white woman claiming that men rape them. BTW

Fun fact:

"1 in 4 women have been raped" began with the study by Mary Koss et al, that was published in 1987 in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Her methodology has been critiqued quite a bit...she misconstrues a state definition of rape and uses vaguely worded questions in order to elicit positive responses. In effect...if ever you had sex and later regretted it, or felt you had been tricked (i.e. someone told you they loved you but were lying)...that counted as rape. "

So in the 1 in 4 woman are raped statistics. Rape includes if ever a woman had sex and later regretted it, and if someone had told a woman they loved them but were lying.

miscer said:
Not even gonna lie a ton of western white women are stuck up and conceited w/ no values. Wouldn't say the majority at all, but it's still more rampant among them then other people it seems...
miscer said:
White girls are more estrogenized and they're overwhelmed with attention therefore they will be uptight and insecure.

The downing of white women is blatant, I mean I don't know
what to say to you if the shyt isn't obvious to you.

On topic :
This whole thread is founded on bullshyt in the first place.
It's kinda sad it got this far but then again TLR loves arguing
about the same shyt day in and day out.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
They clearly expressed derogatory views towards
white women.

No they didn't. The thread veered but they didn't criticize one white woman physically or otherwise. Some criticized feminism and attached it to haughty western white women. Others said talking to white women was harder than black women (with the subtle and open implication the latter are easier). That's as far as the "derogatory views" went.

There are also several posters who don't express the sentiment that
"black girls are easy if you're white" while also stating that they like black women.

Several? You posted four examples and they don't even down white women or say necessarily that they like black girls (there were some but you don't post them). The examples you give are tirades aimed at feminism using white women as examples. The thread opener post is basically a "black girls are easy" rant and you don't even realize it. The OP says:

"i did approach other girls, but i found out that white girls tend to have their defense shields up in clubs. Eventually saw that same white girl make out with a 6'2 super good looking guy. I approached maybe 2-3 HBB blondes but no go, they either told me "would you please go away i have a boyfriend" or they would point at a random direction and say "hey tha'ts my boyfriend over there and he wouldn't like it if you talk to me

whereas, i approached like 2 black chicks and 1 of them came with the boyfriend. I even introduced myself and he was chill as fuk, and was focused on having fun."


So basically the OP went after 4 white women first, was rejected each and every time, rebounded on some black women and had easy success. And Ttat's what the thread is about. It's about how easy the black women was after bruh was rejected by white girls like four times in a row:laff:


Then the other posters chip in with their opinions (first page) saying black girls are easy if you're white (ergo, black women are sellouts, exactly as the OKCupid model predicts. Funny how science works?):

"The few times I've been cold approached by women they have been black chicks."

"can confirm. (live in south fl). if ur white looking and decent looking and u strike up a convo with a black chick it almost always goes smoothly"

"Can confirm black girls are easier to talk to than white chicks."

"because your white op. every girl wants to assimilate."

"When black people are friendly, they're VERY friendly. And why do you act so surprised? White women are up themselves a bit too much these days. A man they don't know has somehow become a rapist."

"go to the south and then report back"

"funny because i hear that black chicks get hit on all the time because black dudes approach a lot

but then, when i approach them, they are nice and chill as fuk. I would think they have a high defense shield because they got hit on so much but they are pretty chill. They even want to get to know you like "so where you from" "what's your name"

"Yes, its actually a bad thing because a lot of times, black females end up settling for deadbeat type black guys so if a professional looking white guy comes along, they might be responsive to it."

"Can confirm /10"

The downing of white women is blatant, I mean I don't know
what to say to you if the shyt isn't obvious to you.

This is a stretch. It's anti-feminism talk. Let's review what you posted here:
"Because they aren't all full of that bull shyt neo feminazi crap
"You're raping me with your eyes!"

OP I've always agreed there is less hostility to break through when you go to talk to a black girl compared to a white girl."

This is a takedown of feminism, not white women. The guy even implies that black women are easier than white girls, just like I and the other poster summarized the thread as being.
"Maybe it has something to do with #Yesallwoman which comprises mostly of white woman claiming that men rape them. BTW

Fun fact:

"1 in 4 women have been raped" began with the study by Mary Koss et al, that was published in 1987 in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Her methodology has been critiqued quite a bit...she misconstrues a state definition of rape and uses vaguely worded questions in order to elicit positive responses. In effect...if ever you had sex and later regretted it, or felt you had been tricked (i.e. someone told you they loved you but were lying)...that counted as rape. "

So in the 1 in 4 woman are raped statistics. Rape includes if ever a woman had sex and later regretted it, and if someone had told a woman they loved them but were lying.

This is again a takedown of feminism, using rape as a weapon, feminists, etc using white women as props. Not a "takedown" of white women.

Not even gonna lie a ton of western white women are stuck up and conceited w/ no values. Wouldn't say the majority at all, but it's still more rampant among them then other people it seems...

This was just a general continuation of the feminist thing.

White girls are more estrogenized and they're overwhelmed with attention therefore they will be uptight and insecure.

This is just saying white girls are harder than black girls and black girls are easy. Also, estrogen is the feminine hormone. Where's the takedown?

On topic :
This whole thread is founded on bullshyt in the first place.
It's kinda sad it got this far but then again TLR loves arguing
about the same shyt day in and day out.

You argue against affirmative action and call users "miscers". you're probably a cac :troll:
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May 21, 2012
No they didn't. The thread veered but they didn't criticize one white woman physically or otherwise. Some criticized feminism and attached it to haughty western white women. Others said talking to white women was harder than black women (with the subtle and open implication the latter are easier). That's as far as the "derogatory views" went.

Several? You posted four examples and they don't even down white women or say necessarily that they like black girls (there were some but you don't post them). The examples you give are tirades aimed at feminism using white women as examples. The thread opener post is basically a "black girls are easy" rant and you don't even realize it. The OP says:

"i did approach other girls, but i found out that white girls tend to have their defense shields up in clubs. Eventually saw that same white girl make out with a 6'2 super good looking guy. I approached maybe 2-3 HBB blondes but no go, they either told me "would you please go away i have a boyfriend" or they would point at a random direction and say "hey tha'ts my boyfriend over there and he wouldn't like it if you talk to me

whereas, i approached like 2 black chicks and 1 of them came with the boyfriend. I even introduced myself and he was chill as fuk, and was focused on having fun."


So basically the OP went after 4 white women first, was rejected each and every time, rebounded on some black women and had easy success. And Ttat's what the thread is about. It's about how easy the black women was after bruh was rejected by white girls like four times in a row:laff:


Then the other posters chip in with their opinions (first page) saying black girls are easy if you're white (ergo, black women are sellouts, exactly as the OKCupid model predicts. Funny how science works?):

"The few times I've been cold approached by women they have been black chicks."

"can confirm. (live in south fl). if ur white looking and decent looking and u strike up a convo with a black chick it almost always goes smoothly"

"Can confirm black girls are easier to talk to than white chicks."

"because your white op. every girl wants to assimilate."

"When black people are friendly, they're VERY friendly. And why do you act so surprised? White women are up themselves a bit too much these days. A man they don't know has somehow become a rapist."

"go to the south and then report back"

"funny because i hear that black chicks get hit on all the time because black dudes approach a lot

but then, when i approach them, they are nice and chill as fuk. I would think they have a high defense shield because they got hit on so much but they are pretty chill. They even want to get to know you like "so where you from" "what's your name"

"Yes, its actually a bad thing because a lot of times, black females end up settling for deadbeat type black guys so if a professional looking white guy comes along, they might be responsive to it."

"Can confirm /10"

This is a stretch. It's anti-feminism talk. Let's review what you posted here:
"Because they aren't all full of that bull shyt neo feminazi crap
"You're raping me with your eyes!"

OP I've always agreed there is less hostility to break through when you go to talk to a black girl compared to a white girl."

This is a takedown of feminism, not white women. The guy even implies that black women are easier than white girls, just like I and the other poster summarized the thread as being.
"Maybe it has something to do with #Yesallwoman which comprises mostly of white woman claiming that men rape them. BTW

Fun fact:

"1 in 4 women have been raped" began with the study by Mary Koss et al, that was published in 1987 in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Her methodology has been critiqued quite a bit...she misconstrues a state definition of rape and uses vaguely worded questions in order to elicit positive responses. In effect...if ever you had sex and later regretted it, or felt you had been tricked (i.e. someone told you they loved you but were lying)...that counted as rape. "

So in the 1 in 4 woman are raped statistics. Rape includes if ever a woman had sex and later regretted it, and if someone had told a woman they loved them but were lying.

This is again a takedown of feminism, using rape as a weapon, feminists, etc using white women as props. Not a "takedown" of white women.

This was just a general continuation of the feminist thing.

This is just saying white girls are harder than black girls and black girls are easy. Also, estrogen is the feminine hormone. Where's the takedown?

You argue against affirmative action and call users "miscers". you're probably a cac :troll:
They criticized white women with generalizations, I proved my point.
And your personal opinion on what constitutes an insult or an ignorant
generalization doesn't factor into that.
I'm done with it :yeshrug: