Interesting that you said "most white men" that you knew....are dating "attractive black women"...notice you didn't say most "successful, attractive white men" as if we're all suppose to assume that he's attractive and successful BECAUSE he is white LOL...
This is what Im talking're trying to hype this up and make it appear as if the pairing is a big deal....I know plenty of black dudes with all races of women...some married, some dating, some "hooking up", some successful, some poor, some doing alright for runs the gamut. But I don't need to make it out to be some complex social upswing worthy of saying that black men are improving themselves when they do so...that's primarily because I don't rest myself esteem on the acceptance of other races like A LOT of desperate black women do.
And, most "attractive successful" White dudes I know, are with WHITE blonde skinny women. Most of them prefer attractive white blonde skinny women, and a few of them date Asian women and Indian women. The ones who are working class IMO...tend to be more open to Latin women, and a few of them are open to black women...I bet that hurt for you to hear right?...i'll never understand some of these BW who are into this interracial madness...most of you feel entitled to if you're suppose to be the "arm trophy" and his own WW are not....LOL. It's a sickness.
Either way, most "Attractive" black women I know are with BLACK men, and most of those women and men prefer one another.
And that's nonsense, about "real love" ...first of all...who are you to say it's "real love" for anyone? What's the metric for that any way? Most people of the same race get together with people of the same race for the same superficial reasons people date people of other races do. I personally think you're basing your entire outlook on celebrities (i.e. entertainers and Athletes) who are in the spotlight with multiple divorces hook ups etc. It's just easier for you to look at the ones involving BM because there are FAR more of them than the reverse.
And who cares about confidence? What relevance does that have? The "studies" also say that they're the least attractive race of women to men. They also say that they're the poorest and most overweight. They also say that most men prefer lighter complexions in general.
Theres plenty of successful and attractive white men that prefer black women, think what you want to think. Youre going to believe what you want and ill believe what i want.