Well, how does that help their argument when they decide to congregate with enough people to fill up a basketball arena, not wear masks, and go against actual social distancing? Let’s say they were right in thinking and their communities weren’t affected like say Detroit. Now, you just brought in multiple people into one spot and statistics show that it’s a good chance a lot of those people may have the corona virus and be asymptotic and have no signs of being sick. You introduce them to other people who all eventually have to go home to their families and loved ones. Off eye ball gage alone, most of those people down there were 30 plus and older with kids and teenagers sprinkled in. A good portion stayed in their cars but a lot of them were walking around no coat, mask, no real distancing, yelling, chanting, in 30 degree weather with wind and light snow. This is about to test their belief in a few days