Coli Goddis Says BW Wearin Blonde Weave Equal To WW Pretendin To Be Black! HIT DOGS IN THE THREAD!

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013

My hair is locked and down my back. I don't need to cape for weave. I just ain't in the business of shytting on my people because they change hair styles. :yeshrug:


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
It was in reference to that 'blackfishing' shyt they exposed recently with a bunch of white girls on twitter and the gram tanning super dark and kinking their hair and dressing more urban to look like black women.
That still shouldn't be used to excuse blackfishing. When a black woman wears blonde weave or colored contacts, she still looks black and doesn't seem to be trying to fool anyone. They aren't comparable. Having said that, some black women look better with blonde weave and colored contacts.


Maybe that's a tad bit of a c00n spirit within me that I need to get rid of.



Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
fukk outta here with that " we wear weaves becuz historical reasonz" bullshyt


Our grandmothers or any of their ancestors didnt wear no damn weave. The straightened their hair and that was basically it. And they had to deal with much more bullshyt than yall sheltered birds these days.

:russ: I just can't get over how NONE OF YALL KNOW shyt on this topic but got so many feeeeeeelings. It's hilarious.

Our grandmothers did so wear weave. Wigs was popping all throughout the 50's and 60's. You are literally wrong about everything.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
These men of thecoli need to admit they are full of it on this topic,this thread had nikkas so uptight I got sent to the bushes:mjlol:

And I wasn't even being offensive,just saying they should realize why they dress the way they do in certain circumstances before they have the audacity to judge black women. Because all in all I don't think 95% of black women would trade being black for being a white woman at all,or would tell you white women are more attractive than black women. Might black women have issues among lighter skinned black women who they are in direct competetion with?and who they can see get preferential treatmeant,attention and oppurtunity?Yes there are real issues there in my opinion.

But as someone who considers myself consicence,I don't like our women being harrassed and bashed for putting a spin on a blonde hair,and for having style and flava:ufdup:. Same way I didn't bash black men who put a black spin on a "european look". But in both cases both need to question why they are doing it. More often the not it will be the black man who is dressing like europeans with cacs in mind,than it would be a black woman wearing a blonde hairstyle with cacs in mind. I can say this with 100% certainty.

exactly. dap+rep bless you


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
First, this is a general conversation please don't make about you. You asked a question and I gave you an answer. No one is talking about you. Obviously the comments are about the person being discussed not you.

Already answered the question. If you know BH is dynamics then you know also know is breaks easily. Easier to keep a healthy head of hair while changing styles if you just lap a weave on it. That's pretty obvious, it allows you to change styles without damaging your hair.

It's not about weave. It's about telling BW then need to take on the limited hair style practices of other none BW in order to express "self love." It's about telling BW they aren't "allowed" to wear certain hair colors or styles. It's about telling BW they can't participate in cultural norms of "switching it up".

To me shytting on ya people for something that will literally be different in a week is mental gymnastics but I guess I ain't in the business of looking down on my people so I guess that makes me the weird one.

Your second to last paragraph kind just proved my point. "It 'wrong' when BW do it and we should wear out own hair like 'WW' do. But when WW start wearing, colorful hair, wigs, weaves etc it's 'okay' b/c it's their hair texture." Which isn't even true. Most WW have curly or wavy hair. It's not straight. That is why they treat the flatirons like God.

Also I am discussing culture norms. Idk what you are talking about. Most weave it BLACK STYLES. Since when are braids White or Asian? The vast majority of weaves are something that would out of place on a WW head so where you get this WW imatation is beyond me.

I guess we can agree to disagree because I can appreciate culture expression via Black hair. I don't look down on it and I
certainly don't attribute it to any other people especially because it is expressed in such a diverse, dynamic and unique manner. If you had a person who only wore blond weave in a "caucasian" style all the time. Maybe then I could feel you but i personally have never met a BW who does that.

Sis, it’s simple. Why do black women wear weave? You’re not answering the question. You’re just saying shyt at this point. You’ve deviated from the conversation cuz you can’t answer the question. No one is trying to limit black women or tell you what to do. You can dye your hair purple and shave half of it off for all I care.

Perhaps, the real problem is that black people don’t know to actually take care of our hair? Our ancestors wore their hair just fine and I still don’t get the weave thing. Its just juelzing at this point. I see a bigger problem. Black people cant properly maintain the bodies nature gave them. But fukk all that. Just wear weave :yeshrug:

And white women wearing extensions doesn’t equal weave wearing. Modifying the hair you were born with isnt wearing someone else’s hair. I don’t know why that’s something people get so touchy about but as you stated, we can agree to disagree.

And you know darn well, Black women are wearing Indian and Brazilian hair on their heads. I’ve yet to see a black woman braid their weave. Most of the weaves that are seen are not done up in black styles. That’s what’s OP is discussing. Black women are wearing blonde flowing hair on their heads.

But again this convo is pointless. Weave is sacred for some reason and the reasons explained are not sufficient. Y’all just do y’all :yeshrug:

I also fail to see how wearing someone else’s hair should be seen as some hallowed tradition. Just wear the weave
  • Dap
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Apr 6, 2014
Shut the fuk up. Then go fuk a white bytch. I find that men who juelz and complain themselves about the desirability of black women's hair preferences are usually not desired themselves anyway. No love loss on this side. On to the next....
:banderas: the venom that you be unleashing. When you say you coming to the A again. I'm trying to sweat your weave out so you can cuss me out


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
:gucci: The fact that you know NOTHING on this topic explains your tone. Often, when people don't know shyt, they get real indignant about the very shyt they themselves claim not to know. I can't figure it out, it's a mystery of the ages. :francis:

:whoo:Oh, so this is why @Nicole0416 asked if you wanted to be a female. :huhldup:

Sir. Your lane is not beauty. Women compete on that field. Your lane is power, wealth, and influence. That's the field on which men compete. :dahell:

Lol. When women get criticized they start questioning your maculinity. This is to predictable. And Cleopatra was a white Roman during the period of b*stardization during Egypt’s existence. Try again.

You can wear your weave lol. It’s not that deep. You’d think I told y’all I was gonna kill your mamas. It’s just weave sisters. Have a good day.

Also, I’m hardly indignant. I’ve asked questions. That aren’t being answered and y’all are just throwing out insults. I’ve said my piece. Now counter it or dont.


Nov 19, 2016
:jbhmm: Vicious, how? Yall are pathologizing a thing women (and MEN!) been doing thousands of years just bc black women are doing it. That's craziness. :what:
The original post was about blonde hair Weaves/wigs and the issue of self hate and bw applying things to look "more white" In true form y'all came in here, moved the goal posts and muddled the topic. So here we are :manny:

shyt had nothing to do with the general top of wigs and weaves it was very specific.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
These men of thecoli need to admit they are full of it on this topic,this thread had nikkas so uptight I got sent to the bushes:mjlol:

And I wasn't even being offensive,just saying they should realize why they dress the way they do in certain circumstances before they have the audacity to judge black women. Because all in all I don't think 95% of black women would trade being black for being a white woman at all,or would tell you white women are more attractive than black women. Might black women have issues among lighter skinned black women who they are in direct competetion with?and who they can see get preferential treatmeant,attention and oppurtunity?Yes there are real issues there in my opinion.

But as someone who considers myself consicence,I don't like our women being harrassed and bashed for putting a spin on a blonde hair,and for having style and flava:ufdup:. Same way I didn't bash black men who put a black spin on a "european look". But in both cases both need to question why they are doing it. More often the not it will be the black man who is dressing like europeans with cacs in mind,than it would be a black woman wearing a blonde hairstyle with cacs in mind. I can say this with 100% certainty.


What's wrong with Black women coming out and saying "look - I just like experimenting with different looks; it's a fashion thing" instead of trying to drape it in "historically beauty standards" gobbledygook?

And, what's wrong with Black men coming out and saying "look - I don't like the way you look with that mess on, and I'm speaking just from my preference" instead of trying to drape it in some fake psychobabble?

...and vice versa? Because there's gotta be some chit we wear/do they don't like...
....and we don't give a fucc. So what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Oh Sheila.