Coli Goddis Says BW Wearin Blonde Weave Equal To WW Pretendin To Be Black! HIT DOGS IN THE THREAD!


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
BW are defensive about weave because it's a form of cultural expression. Frequently changing hairstyles and hair colors is like changing an outfit for a BW and a part of AA culture. Weave is easier to change that doing all sorts of processes to your hair when you want a different look.

BW do not view their hair like other women do. So when people saying BW shouldn't wear their hair in any other way or color than it grows out of their head it's saying that BW need to take on the habits and views of none Black women in order to prove them are okay with themselves.

"Becky, Maria, Sun Lee does wear weave" ie those women must love themselves and you must hate your self because you as a BW don't express the same mentality about hair. Basically it's a backhanded way to say be like Becky instead of seeing that we just have different cultural practices.

The funny thing is none BW are starting to imitate the habits of BW when it comes to hair. People from the outside see it for it is but BP will sit around and shyt on their own people while other cultures are dying to imitate the same shyt.

I swear people just say shyt but you can always tell when there is no really thought about it. How do you excuse cacs and shyt on your people in one sentence and then consider it some sort of Black love shyt? :deadmanny:

Never once did I excuse cacs and shyt on black women, so don’t allude to something that didn’t happen. And I’ve thought about this, so don’t assume I haven’t thank you. Again black women can do what they want. They’re free to do so. I’ve always advocated that. Just don’t expect black men to agree with it.

Black hair is dynamic. I know that and most on this board do to. So I get why sisters wear dreads, cornrows, puffs or cut their hair in interesting patterns. But why put someone else hair on your head? That’s what’s eluding me.

And the mental gymnastics are insane. By asking black women not to wear weave, we’re asking black women to be like Becky? So by wearing Asian hair, black women are affirming their blackness?

And how are non-blacks mimicking the practices of black women? I don’t see it anywhere in real life. White girls wearing extensions is a false equivalency. They are putting their own texture of hair onto their head. I actually have more questions, but I can see this thread is going to hell in hand basket real quick. I still don’t get why black women wear weave :yeshrug:

If black men were wearing hairstyles emulating White or Asian people, I don’t believe people would be so understanding[/QUOTE]


Nov 5, 2015
The OP is totally off

Most black women wear weaves due to white supremacy beauty standards. There trying to assimilate to increase opportunities.
How many times have we seen or heard of black women getting suspended from school or sent back home for wearing styles suited to there natural hair, yet, this never happens to white women.

Same with black women feeling they have to perm there hair before a job in interview to look "neat" or "Appropriate"

Any black man that can't see this is the main reason for the euro style wigs and weaves is fuccing moron


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
:patrice: I had a blonde wig. I wore it once for a particular outfit. It looked crazy but that was the point, that I should not be wearing blonde wigs. :pachaha:

One thing that bothers me about the weave conversation on here is that yall have it without any historical context, and then got the nerve to be dismissive. Meanwhile, when it comes to bm and whatever their 'failings' might be, it's all kinda perfectly legit reasons and yes, juelzing. It's a lack of sensitivity to your sisters and the ways in which white supremacy operates based on gender.

White supremacy attempts to negate our sense of individual personhood, our sense of control over our own bodies. For men, it attacks your masculinity, so you end up with bm all over the damn world fukking and breeding anything that moves in an attempt to reassert some sense of manhood. For women, it attacks our femininity, so we over indulge in certain feminine markers.

I'm not gonna get into which is worse bc that's not the point, but Ijs, we all affected out here. Be kind to your sisters (and I exhort the sisters to be kind in return). A community to supposed to be a place that protects you. Not the place who knows you best and therefore knows exactly where to stick the knife for maximum effect.

Oct 22, 2017
Dark skinned girls with blond weave is some of the most atrocious shyt I've seen. It's the equivalent to white ppl with cornrows

Nah, it's worse. Cornrows is a style of wearing one's hair. Is it an example of cultural appropriation? Yes. But, a white woman with her hair styled in cornrows is still using her own hair. A black woman with a blonde weave is wearing dyed horse hair to emulate the hair of white women. :francis:


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Just don’t expect black men to agree with it.

White girls wearing extensions is a false equivalency. They are putting their own texture of hair onto their head. I actually have more questions, but I can see this thread is going to hell in hand basket real quick. I still don’t get why black women wear weave :yeshrug:
White women don't have texture in their hair....fuk are you talking about??! That straight dog haired white people have is not texture..they have to do all types of rollers, curlers, gel, mousse , etc to put texture into that limp shyt, so by your own argument, they are imitating us.

You don't speak for all black men..foh. And you don't need to get the read on why black women wear weaves....Do you want to be a woman? Are you gay...??? Then you're not supposed to "get it" . It's called preference. Just like you can choose not to want a black woman with a weave, we can choose to walk right past you and be with a man who chooses and will accept us for our decisions as to whether we wear a weave or not. It's called having an option, not a necessity. I like men with waves in their you think I'm going to go shyt on a black man with dreads or ask him why he wears his hair like that?? I may not like it for dudes but that's his choice. Black women have a variety of options for hairstyles and we can accommodate our looks as we see fit to do. Stop comparing shyt to white women...get on my nerves with that ignorant intra-racial conflict mentality over a fukkin hairstyle when you know it's not the same mentality. How tf are you telling us what to do with OUR hair, you can't relate!!!
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Nov 19, 2016
The women in here Juelzing are further proof that black women feel they are above reproach in this "self hate" debate. Anything that can be put on bm as self hate is and then magnified 10 times by bw and we're suppose to just shut up and take it but when the conversation is about bw it's a bunch of excuses. shyt is annoying.

Blonde weaves/wigs and blue contacts are self hate PERIOD


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
A black woman with a blonde weave is wearing dyed horse hair to emulate the hair of white women. :francis:
:mjlol: Horse hair??! I don't think wigs have been made with horse hair since the early 1900's.

Do you still think bras and corsets are made from whale bones too? :russ:


May 20, 2015
BW are defensive about weave because it's a form of cultural expression. Frequently changing hairstyles and hair colors is like changing an outfit for a BW and a part of AA culture. Weave is easier to change that doing all sorts of processes to your hair when you want a different look.

BW do not view their hair like other women do. So when people saying BW shouldn't wear their hair in any other way or color than it grows out of their head it's saying that BW need to take on the habits and views of none Black women in order to prove them are okay with themselves.

"Becky, Maria, Sun Lee does wear weave" ie those women must love themselves and you must hate your self because you as a BW don't express the same mentality about hair. Basically it's a backhanded way to say be like Becky instead of seeing that we just have different cultural practices.

The funny thing is none BW are starting to imitate the habits of BW when it comes to hair. People from the outside see it for it is but BP will sit around and shyt on their own people while other cultures are dying to imitate the same shyt.

I swear people just say shyt but you can always tell when there is no really thought about it. How do you excuse cacs and shyt on your people in one sentence and then consider it some sort of Black love shyt? :deadmanny:
The problem is that she's comparing the changing of racial identity to hairstyles. The concept of a white woman changing her appearance for the sake of cultural appropriation is not the same as hairstyle preferences. There's a major difference between representation (actually being part of the race, identity and culture) and perception (how people not part of that race interpret it to be) . White women and others want the benefits to look like us, imitate our style but none of the effort, experiences, work and struggle. The same can't be said of us.

The same reasoning applies to blackface. It is the same racial connotation because of the historical aspects and oppression. Majority of black women are not out here wearing blond weaves and colored contacts. That's 80% is so overly exaggerated ...she's a damn liar bc 8/10 of us are not out here wearing blond weaves. Rarely do I see that. As far as weaves overall, - that's a personal preference not a characterization.