Then why do white Men have such an issue with white women being shown with Non white men?
I never thought i would ever meet in person or online someone like Preach from don't be menace, but here we are. The sad thing is you're not even trolling. So tell me "brotha" how is fukking white wimmez going to fix our problems with crime, inadequate schools, drop out rate, etc?:smugcheeseeyes:
It's racist because the little half white child is awake and aware and inquisitive while her Black daddy is asleep with no lines so it shows the progressive march of the white race as Black people slumber.
Because alot of them are like spoiled children with a sense of entitlement. They feel entitled to other races women, but watch a non-White get with a White woman and all hell breaks loose. Bunch of hypocrites. I once knew a white dude who dated an Asian girl, but would still hate on Asians, Blacks, Arabs who dated White girls.
It's racist because the little half white child is awake and aware and inquisitive while her Black daddy is asleep with no lines so it shows the progressive march of the white race as Black people slumber.
some people have a very tribalistic mindset (so do blacks imagine a latino with a sista), where they see another race dating their women, and right away it feels like infiltration. however, when it comes to the males, its free reign.
you go to the WM/BW YT comments, and white men are boasting with no regard to WM. What's funny is I hardly see WW complaining because due to white-owned media, they have loads of options. whereas black women are furious in the BM/WW videos. Ive actually gone to various videos and done statistics on this years ago. Literally, for my assignment I went to 10 videos of interracial couples and checked off 20 comments on each and did the maths. Asian men do the same thing in WM/AW videos. Calling them hairy pink monkeys, the women traitors and all that, however you do see some white women talking shyt about 'fetishes' in those same videos as they see asian women as a threat. it's quite interesting.
I'm white and some of the comments under the vid are just
I don't fukk with these racist lames on YouTube but this shyt right here got me dying.He probably beat them senseless after having to clean that shyt up...