Roman Brady
Nobody Lives Forever
-zemo was merely a plot devise but the actor was great and he didn't really detract from the story I had a bigger problem with theJust came from viewing the movie, UK EARLY UP IN THIS
*Villains were terrible, Zemo was useless and served no concrete plot to the film, crossbone was HELLA UNDERUSED, he was so dope and they killed him 5 mins after his inveiling smhhhh
* The forced tension between tony and cap in the beginning came out of nowhere, until the end even though he was wrong, all this could've been solved if he just listened
*Vision messing up and sniping rhodey was kinda off plot, didn't get it
*the continuing calling of LAGOS, lahhgawwws, as a Nigerian I was offended smh
*There is NEVER any heavy consequence feeling in a marvel movie, its always lighthearted consequences, you never feel that ''OH MY GOD, THIS IS IT, ITS OVER'' moment, its just ehh he made it
winter soldier/Tony's parents reveal.

-Same here Its like they were mentioning that place in Vietnam, it's lay-gus not la-goes.
-While I don't feel they went far enough there were consequences,
rhodey was paralyzed (if only for a minute). Bucky lost his arm, had a crisis of conscience and decided to go back on ice. Rogers relinquished his position as leader of the avengers e.t.c No one was ever going to die