Again the Russo's with the top notch hand to hand action. My favorite action sequence is actually Bucky escaping his apartment and then getting caught by Black Panther. That's when the movie took off!
Interesting how they started the movie, it looks like Bucky is on some non-descript mission to steal some super soldier serum when it happened I was like, "Uh Ok." When it is later revealed from who and how it ended it really is a

Second, when they revealed a team of super soldiers may be doing so e shyt for Zemo and they had to stop it I was really disappointed. But when they arrive in the bunker and Zemo killed them all I was so happy. It just insured a personal emotional final battle.
Tony talking about, "That's not your shield my Dad made that . . . blah blah blah." His tone of voice was so whiny and kiddie it was just a great way to signal the massive L he just took.
Great movie, after this you knew the MCU was just hitting on all cylinders and wasn't going to stot for the foreseeable future.