:CaneloUMAD:little g could be the one fighting canelo at 154 in september but his punk ass refused to come down. so canelo gave him what he wanted....160. he just gonna have to wait til canelo is good and ready to go there:CaneLOL:.....picture erislandy lara telling floyd he wants to fight him. floyd agrees and tells him to come down to 147. lara is like nah....you comin up to my weight and that's final

:FloydWTF::FloydLOL:......little g's small time ass really thought he had pull like that:CaneLMFAO:.......he can keep foolin the casuals, it still don't change the fact his next fight will be on regular hbo, while canelo bout to rake in another 10 milly on ppv:CaneloRejoice:......now sit in the corner and wait til we call your name bytch:CaneLMAO::CaneLMFAO: