Those bursts, usually, are enough to keep the opponent thinking and cautious.
smith was a punching bag. a boxer with a good step back can step back from his counters and step back out of range so he cant punch in bursts. demetrius andrade is one such a boxer.
but every good defensive boxer has a good step back. to have a good step back you want to maintain some good front foot pressure. whenever you press down on your front foot you create a pivot foot. press down. create your pivot foot. push off.
you want to maintain some good front foot pressure so you are always ready to step back from his counters
and when you step back you move out of range so he cant throw a burst of punches at you and just turn you into a punching bag.
I don't quite understand why his stamina is like that.
he throws every punch very hard. you cant maintain a steady workrate when you throw every punch very hard.
but his body shot ko was very nice. coming around on a squared up guy is always so pretty. they are my favorite body shots.
heres michael dokes coming around on bobby crabtree.