California reparations bill to be signed into law today at 5pm


Retired from TheColi
Nov 21, 2016
Talking about don’t derail the thread but here you are doing JUST that.

I got twenty plus years vested in this can’t teach me anything and I know this because you’re bringing me IUIC bullshyt. These are same people who can’t properly figure out the holy day calendar because they’ve relied on a apocryphal text (Jubilees) to set their dates..nevermind that the book contradicts itself BADLY in regards to dates, times, reigns of certain kings, etc..versus the Biblical canon. I deal with these idiots all the time here in Charlotte..them, GMS, ISUPK, GOCC, etc..

I’ve debated the Hebrew Israelites and Christians on here and they’ve failed to stand up to my dissertations what makes you think you’ll do anything different as your giving me the same bullshyt they did? Again, the hallmark of a wise man is knowing when to choose your will not win a battle against me when your weapons are YouTube videos.

That only tells me you’re not adept at reading scripture and you’re a novice..try to impress someone else with that 1st grade knowledge.

You're BEYOND condescending for someone who is discoursing with a random individual online. Besides me being a Black American, you have absolutely no idea of who I am or what I am capable of. Tone it down. You're emitting a strong "Smart Dumb Nikka" and "Hotep Scholar" aura. That leads us to the assumption that you are trying entirely too hard, and you aren't as bright as you're attempting to portray. I do not like to converse with people of your character, as it is irritating and unproductive. Anyhow...

I'm not some pompous idiot that refuses to accept knowledge. I'm open to the knowledge that you may possess. You present it, and I will interpret it. Then I can determine whether I think it's bullshyt or not. The history and information that I've read have lead me to believe what I currently do. As I receive additional information, my outlooks may or may not change. I still consider myself a student regarding this topic. If you would like to debate someone more suitable, there are plenty of Hebrew Scholars like Deacon Sicarii and Brother Yarashalam etc.

For instance, have you ever read "From Babylon to Timbuktu" by Rudolph R. Windsor? Are you saying that an accomplished and intelligent Black American author/scholar is full of shyt and that all his writings/research is fabricated? If I am not mistaken, didn't you already state that the original Abrahamic people were in fact "Black" people? Unless their entire bloodline was diluted, would their descendants also be "Black"? What are you arguing exactly? That the original Israelites were not "Black"?

Lastly, are you one of those people that actually believe that the current European/White people in the land of "Israel" today are the descendants of Biblical Israelites? Do you really believe that white people could survive wandering the Saharan desert for decades and thrive in one of the brightest and hottest climates on the planet? Are you among those that believe that the ancient Egyptians were not "Black"? Are you one of those who assume that the only history that Black Diaspora has is Chattel Slavery, playing with spears, and living in African mud huts?

You can respond to my DM or in another thread, if you'd like.


Retired from TheColi
Nov 21, 2016
Anyone who uses IUIC propaganda isn’t well versed to compete with me in an theocratic argument and again, if you can’t provide me with a genealogical map of the Hebrews from the post excilic era and the diaspora after Titus then I’m going to consider any info you bring erroneous.

Keep your nose buried in something worthwhile such as this and stop bothering with your ramblings about a subject you have little knowledge of unless you want to be taught.

Again...condescending and arrogant tones from an internet scholar, who for all we know could be residing in his parent's basement with nothing to his name besides a few flea infested felines.

Either you will present the knowledge and build, or you will type "Smart Dumb Nikka" ramblings all day. We can take turns insulting one another. That's up to you.
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The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
You're BEYOND condescending for someone who is discoursing with a random individual online. Besides me being a Black American, you have absolutely no idea of who I am or what I am capable of. Tone it down. You're emitting a strong "Smart Dumb Nikka" and "Hotep Scholar" aura. That leads us to the assumption that you are trying entirely too hard, and you aren't as bright as you're attempting to portray. I do not like to converse with people of your character, as it is irritating and unproductive. Anyhow...

I'm not some pompous idiot that refuses to accept knowledge. I'm open to the knowledge that you may possess. You present it, and I will interpret it. Then I can determine whether I think it's bullshyt or not. The history and information that I've read have lead me to believe what I currently do. As I receive additional information, my outlooks may or may not change. I still consider myself a student regarding this topic. If you would like to debate someone more suitable, there are plenty of Hebrew Scholars like Deacon Sicarii and Brother Yarashalam etc.

For instance, have you ever read "From Babylon to Timbuktu" by Rudolph R. Windsor? Are you saying that an accomplished and intelligent Black American author/scholar is full of shyt and that all his writings/research is fabricated? If I am not mistaken, didn't you already state that the original Abrahamic people were in fact "Black" people? Unless their entire bloodline was diluted, would their descendants also be "Black"?

Lastly, are you one of those people that actually believe that the current European/White people in the land of "Israel" today are the descendants of Biblical Israelites? Do you really believe that white people could survive wandering the Saharan desert for decades and thrive in one of the brightest and hottest climates on the planet? Are you among those that believe that the ancient Egyptians were not "Black"? Are you one of those who assume that the only history that Black Diaspora has is Chattel Slavery, playing with spears, and living in African mud huts?

I parsed most of this response.

If I’m offensive, that’s too bad..I don’t like being fed bullshyt as substantive proof to back up ridiculous claims. You’re the one who kicked this off by being evasive and then being insulting when I asked for proof in regards to your original claim. I wasn’t disrespectful and there was no Ill will, I only throw back what’s given to me.

As far as my and @Sccit have fought over the question of what the ancient Israelites looked like. He can validate that all my arguments centered around the original Hebrews being BLACK but you also have to understand that there’s more to it than a bloodline. People focus on physical lineage rather than focusing on the spiritual ramifications. We have a direct connection to the Father yet we’re focused on terrestrial things..YAH is a spirit and He must be approached spiritually. Stop focusing on this dumb shyt that can’t be substantiated and can make you vulnerable to being misled and focus more on your relationship with Yah..since you already know your His son then you should be apt to do this.

Yah accepts, adopts and grafts into the family “sons of Jacob” tree those who’re obedient to His word and humble themselves before could be Judah, could be Naphtali or Dan or Joseph or Levy, etc..but what good does it do for you if you’re not honoring the covenant of your fathers? You’re no greater than an atheist or a pagan.

The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
Again...condescending and arrogant tones from an internet scholar, who for all we know could be residing in his parent's basement with nothing to his name besides a few flea infested felines.

Either you will present the knowledge and build, or you will type "Smart Dumb Nikka" ramblings all day. We can take turns insulting one another. That's up to you.

I’ve already spoke my peace.

My point - that I was trying to get to - when I asked you about how you know if you’re a descendant of Judah was to remove your focus on a PHYSICAL marker.

You have these dudes with GMS, GOCC, ISUPK, etc..out on the corners, wearing six point stars, calling every white person esau (incorrect) and dressed up like power rangers or fbi secret agents. Yet, and I know a few of them, don’t have a pot to piss in, can’t keep jobs, have addictions, commit adultery, etc..but as long as they can hide behind that screen of holiness in claiming to be sons of Jacob..they can reel victims in with no problems.

Bro, if you believe you’re a son of Jacob then act like one. That’s all there is to it because at the end of the day, there’s judgment to be had and your soul has to account for what you’ve done on this earth before the Throne. Or you can be an actor to impress folks like the Hebrew Israelite groups or other ignorant folks and get temporal glory and spiritual damnation.


Feb 15, 2013
Reading the political threads versus reading this thread is like night and day..

How can you say lets ban all racist and Trump supporters because they impending upon the progress of black people, yet we have people in here talking negative about a step towards reparations?

@Houston911 can you keep notes please of whats really going on here?

i don't read every thread on here, but seems you're conflating one issue with another and also mixing in different groups of people to make a point.

some of the comments i see in here where people bring up agents suggests that cali reps wouldn't even be possible if someone like pres chump had a decision making role, or if cali governor was a republican. that is a fact.

based on that fact i can see how some people would say it's hypocrisy to celebrate this achievement in here, but then turn around in political threads and say dems and repubs are the same, that voting isn't worth it, or we aren't getting anything for our votes. this achievement in cali proves those statements wrong.

that said, i don't group together all posters supporting reps. some of them are pragmatic and acknowledge that this is only possible through voting and voting dem. others are riding the wave of achievement but not acknowledging what other rep supporters are. seems like two distinct groups to me.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
@BigRemy_J @LaBellaNicole0416.NYC
Thanks guys, but just keep it related to the CA reparations bill, ignore those who are trying to start trouble.
Noted. Been ignored. Its at the point where it only takes one shot to body their whole squad. Let the focus stay where it needs to be. The contempt and disdain are counterproductive on their part, which is why they stay stuck not accomplishing shyt. Pardon the interruption. Back to business.


Nov 18, 2016
i don't read every thread on here, but seems you're conflating one issue with another and also mixing in different groups of people to make a point.

some of the comments i see in here where people bring up agents suggests that cali reps wouldn't even be possible if someone like pres chump had a decision making role, or if cali governor was a republican. that is a fact.

based on that fact i can see how some people would say it's hypocrisy to celebrate this achievement in here, but then turn around in political threads and say dems and repubs are the same, that voting isn't worth it, or we aren't getting anything for our votes. this achievement in cali proves those statements wrong.

that said, i don't group together all posters supporting reps. some of them are pragmatic and acknowledge that this is only possible through voting and voting dem. others are riding the wave of achievement but not acknowledging what other rep supporters are. seems like two distinct groups to me.

Im not conflating the groups because its the same people every single time.. Also, i don't deal in "what ifs" when facts are present in front of me..

You got a group of posters here who will question your "blackness" if you dont vote democrat.. Thats a fact..

The same group of posters brow beat the reparations group for not voting if they didn't get tangibles.. Called them Trump supporters, CACs, agents, etc.. Thats also a fact..

All that "both sides" talk is up to the interpretation of that persons POV, depending upon where they live. So thats a side bar conversation..

Right now we got a few states talking about moving towards reparations and the "you aint black if you don't vote democrat" brigade is in here still talking crazy.. One of them just dapped you.

If they were really concerned about the no tangibles no vote crowd not voting because of reparations.. Surely they'll come in here on some positive shyt to get the ball rolling towards getting people to vote.. Regardless of what was said in past discussions..

These people are more concerned about being right versus lets get Trump out of office by any means necessary.. All this arguing just piss people off more.

Captain Crunch

May 9, 2012
Just curious, why are y’all rooting for this but are against HR 40? It’s literally the same damn bill @Captain_Crunch please respond.

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm not crazy about this bill. From what I've heard, it's basically HR 40 but it centers ADOS as the sole recipients.

If that's the case, hopefully other current states reparations proposals follow suit(NY; MI, etc), and it leads to Congress finally adding Dr. Darity's edits(making ADOS the sole recipients; removing paid compensation for commissioners, etc).


Aug 6, 2015
Just curious, why are y’all rooting for this but are against HR 40? It’s literally the same damn bill @Captain_Crunch please respond.

Nice to see you pop up. :smile:

You know we support H.R. 40 and we're the driving force behind getting most of signatures of the co-sponsors.

You know that. See the many threads on this very forum from ADOS with info on reaching out to reps and the progress we made.

Like Maxwell said, "let's not play the game." :smile:

Dr. Darity has requested edits - that does not make us "against it."

Also, I posted the 6 edits that we are requesting in one of my the post in this thread. You can also go to Dr. Darity's Twitter and find his explanation on why they edits are dire.

Also, this bill is quite different than the H.R. 40. But, I am guessing you are saying that cause it doesn't promise "compensation."


But, the results will definitely aid them to go after and demand the solutions it proposes.