Art Barr
She should have gone to the big three and they should have had petitions.
to seripusly lower the rim In at least the wnba.
To create a draw as a professional business for women's professional basketball. Plus it would have created.
an actual stadium gate drawing title and differentiation.
of what an actual women's professional basketball player is. Whether she played with men or women. Plus it would have created a draw. Where if she failed in the big three horrifically. You still have the what if ms Clark who banged with men. Now comes to the professional women game. Where now she dunking on other women. After being forged through fire.
by professional nba grade level players. Then bringing that experience into the women game. Even if she failed horrifically. You still had Ms Clark is coming to the WNBA. Where wnba meant something as a draw. That would especially still bring out.
a separate all together different fanbase.
to the spectacle to get a number from gate receipts.
Now all you get is a jersey sale but no payoff.
When you would have had three paydays with multiple streams of income. You would have had the wnba draft day jersey rights sales fans for Ms Clark. You would have had the gate, tv and also jersey sales of her big three tenure. Then whether she failed in the big three. You would have had. Her draft rights jersey sales. Her big three jersey and gate receipts and tv exposure profits. Plus you had shelf life after the big three. For her actual playing rights jersey as a wnba professional. So you got mileage on her draft rights jersey sales. Plus moving forward you had the potential profitability. Of the gate receipts, her retro draft jersey spike in profits. As well as her playing in the wnba jersey profits. That now every year. You get two styles of jerseys to sell. Even if she failed in the wnba.
So you still profit. Plus you still have a luxury of maybe someone. In the future some esteemed female in the future. Is good enough to go to the big three and do well. Then retire from the big three.
where now!
we get to see the big bad.
who did good in the big three. Now bring this female juggernaut draw to the wnba. Where now we get to see.
If her playing with men. Is going to result in more feral play.
on the professional women basketball level goal.
Just think.
A female breaking the glass backboard on the women basketball level goal.
oh the gate receipts for that.
lower the fukkin rim.
Art Barr