Brehs of the coli, are these men right about white women?

Air Nikes N Hats

Poor mans Johnny Football Lifestyle!
May 28, 2012
I can only speak based my life experiences, which will vary compared to everyone elses. Im Puerto Rican/White, grew up on the South Shore of Staten Island (the island has changed a little, but its still mostly stereotypical guidos)....

Throughout HS, and my first several years of college most hispanic and black women didn't connect with me from a personality standpoint. They couldn't relate to me, which is understood. This happened time and time again, but rather then get discouraged or hateful towards them I accepted. After all my upbringing was a little different from them.

Aside from one Arab I dated for a few years in my 20s, all of my significant others have been white. Its never intentional but thats how it was and still is to this day.

As for women who dig the so called "bad boy" type.....more power to you, and like others have stated in this thread...its their right/choice to do so.

IMO, race is irrelevant when it comes to choosing who I want to date. If you have x amount of kids, your life is shyt, no ambition, and your a headcase....I cant be bothered with that. Granted, those issues are more prevalent in the hispanic & african american community, but if your a white chick with the above issues, I aint interested in you either.


Jun 15, 2012
Detroit/Los Angeles
:ehh: I can accept that. Personally I just wanna make fun of these fukk nikkas and laugh at their misery. It's why I have no shame posting real pictures of myself and the broads I'm with. I know I'm that nikka :ohlawd:

But it's all good though, we all just havin fun ouchea.

I couldn't help but notice that you referenced your women "that you're with" in plural form. :notsure:

If I may ask, are you with any of these "broads" exclusively? Were these ex-girlfriends or were they straight jump-off status?

Are you with ANY woman exclusively or did none of the women in your pictures work out for you, breh? :ohhh:


Jul 19, 2012
There is a clear difference between ugly men who can't get women and men who can get women but choose to avoid them. Once you figure out this difference, things will make more sense.


Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
White women also like terrorists, murderers, serial killers and bombers. The young Boston bomber already got fan fics and a groupie tumblr page and I bet it wasn't a black chick that made them.

But you can bet he has a few black groupies, too :leon:

I don't get it really, I've dealt with quite a few women of different races and besides the few cultural differences, they seem to all be pretty much the same.

With that said, there's a hell of a lot of words in this thread and I sure as hell didn't read all of them.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I couldn't help but notice that you referenced your women "that you're with" in plural form. :notsure:

If I may ask, are you with any of these "broads" exclusively? Were these ex-girlfriends or were they straight jump-off status?

Are you with ANY woman exclusively or did none of the women in your pictures work out for you, breh? :ohhh:

Some were jumpoffs, some were relationships. Right now I'm monogamous though, but there's still a bunch of :demonic: women out there tempting me.

I gotta good broad right now though, and to be honest it's sometimes conflicting being the President and founding member of Hard on Hoes™ International and trying not to do your broad dirty.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012

TBH witchu most women (not girls but WOMEN) I see with "no good men" get are either ugly as hell and/or they're hoodrats.:scusthov:

Only high school girls and college bytches are infatuated with " thugs". I never seen a desireable black WOMAN (like 25 and over) who really wanted a thug like that

But thats just what I've seen :manny:

EDIT: And when I meant higher standard I meant as far as how one presents himself. Like I said the regular ole white dude from suburbia can pull a decent white female easily. It's a little more of a challange for a regular ole brotha to get a decent black female though

I'm pretty sure if you were to ask all of them pasty cacs if they think they're lames and corny they'd all tell they're incredible people too.

These black dudes that are upset are just the black version of corny and lame white dudes. They might not be in their basement playing yugioh 24/7, but they're extraordinarily uninteresting and average and pretty much have nothing to offer an attractive women.

A lot of these dudes really feel they deserve a dime chick because they went to college, don't gotta gang of b*stard kids, and don't never been to prison. It's no different them these bum ass bytches mad they don't have their pick of the ballers because they don't have a bunch of kids, gotta college degree, and not on welfare.

They're meeting the minimum requirements to be accepted into the dating pool, and are upset they're not getting the best of the best.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Too Bad Theres A Thread In The Front Page Bout An Inmate fukkking CO 'S While He In Jail That Proves Those nikkas Point.

There's not any pictures of these broads, but do you think any of these chicks are even remotely good looking :usure:

Or do you believe these prison guards are dimes ignoring the "upwardly mobile" good black dudes just to fukk a felon doing time on an attempted murder charge.

EDIT: supposedly this is one of the broads


She bad breh :ohlawd:


May 11, 2012
MOCO awl day
There's not any pictures of these broads, but do you think any of these chicks are even remotely good looking :usure:

Or do you believe these prison guards are dimes ignoring the "upwardly mobile" good black dudes just to fukk a felon doing time on an attempted murder charge.

EDIT: supposedly this is one of the broads


She bad breh :ohlawd:

Obviously that's what's happening here.



SOHH 2001
May 8, 2012
Back in MIA
There's not any pictures of these broads, but do you think any of these chicks are even remotely good looking :usure:

Or do you believe these prison guards are dimes ignoring the "upwardly mobile" good black dudes just to fukk a felon doing time on an attempted murder charge.

EDIT: supposedly this is one of the broads


She bad breh :ohlawd:

In prison she's a dime piece. :pachaha: On some supermodel shyt.
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
There's not any pictures of these broads, but do you think any of these chicks are even remotely good looking :usure:

Or do you believe these prison guards are dimes ignoring the "upwardly mobile" good black dudes just to fukk a felon doing time on an attempted murder charge.

nikka You Aint Post No Dimes.:skip:
I Expect Them To Be Rebular Looking Chic Just Like The Ones you posted.

And One Of Those CO CHics Is Supposedly Married. guess She Found That Inmate dikk More Desirable Than That Upwardly Mobile dikk :pachaha:

Emperor Sol

Knowledge and Wisdom
May 6, 2012
The disease known as black women has infected our beautiful white queens. Black women like you need to just hurry up and you die. You're a cancer on this planet :pacspit:

I negged you for this post without realizing the context..

I was skimming through the thread, saw it and was like "No, I don't think so :childplease:"

Sorry breh, I'll give you that rep I took from you right back soon :to:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
nikka You Aint Post No Dimes.:skip:
I Expect Them To Be Rebular Looking Chic Just Like The Ones you posted.

And One Of Those CO CHics Is Supposedly Married. guess She Found That Inmate dikk More Desirable Than That Upwardly Mobile dikk :pachaha:

He married a hood rat though, obviously the breh doesn't have the best decision making skills.

And who's to say her husband is upwardly mobile. He doesn't post on the coli so obviously he's not a 6 foot, 6 figure, 6 cert IT consultant.

I negged you for this post without realizing the context..

I was skimming through the thread, saw it and was like "No, I don't think so :childplease:"

Sorry breh, I'll give you that rep I took from you right back soon :to:

It's all good breh, I'm bout dat neg life :birdman:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
while a nice guy cac will lament on the internet how women are only going after losers and how hes a nice guy bla bla bla


Women running back to the thug, the gangsta the nikka who cheated and put hands on her

Not surprising

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk breh!

"You're really nice, but..."

"You're really sweet, but..."

"I just want to be friends..."

"I don't know what I want right now..."

"I just need to be alone for awhile..."

"I see you as my spiritual brother... "(often
used by church women)

All of the above terms and others like it
are simply code for "I don't find you
suitable for my demonic agenda.". That's it.

When a bwoman determines a man is not
appealing, he goes into the "friends" pile
and becomes one of her "male friends". "Male
friends" are simply unappealing associates
of a woman.

The dilemma is that the behaviors that give
a man "thug appeal" and make a man appealing
to women often lead to unfavorable
consequences such as federal indictments,
search warrants, getting arrested, getting fired, trials, incarcerations, felony
criminal records, unemployment, murder.
homicide, and such. (This is one reason that
so many black children are raised by single
women. These women fukked men with thug
appeal and he experienced some of the above
consequences and so they are left raising
the child alone.)

women who are In messed up
situations are In these situations
because of their choices . It is their
fault, and their fault alone, that they
are in these situations. Don't fall for
that "he did me wrong", "he tricked me",
"he pulled me in" bullshyt. Women will attempt to blame some
miscreant for the fact that her life is
fukked up, but the truth is that she did
this shyt to herself.

. If she big enough to lay
down with dogs, she big enough to wash
off the fleas. If she big enough to have
a baby by some hoodlum that don't give a
shyt about her, then she big enough to
raise the baby without whining about it.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

shocking most girls arent wifeable
and will squirt out a kid for any thug or hoodlum

Technically it's the mothers fault for choosing that man, there is no deadbeat problem there is a women fukking deadbeats problem.

These women chose the bad boy thug, the guy who just viewed them as a cum depository and decided to pro create, they had the fantasy of taming the wild cheating, liar stallion with no positive attributes, they dug their own hole so yes you b*stards thank your mommy for being a whore and pumping our your b*stard self.

Thank your mommy for not choosing a good man, Because if she did you would have had a daddy instead you had rotating no good nikkas in and out of your Mommys room hearing her moans nightly as you clutched little tickle me Elmo

how many 30 plus men do you see complaining about finding a good woman? compared to the array of 30 plus women everywhere hoping to find a good man

women follow the rules of hypergamy, has always been that way and will continue to be.

A man should rarely/never listen to dating advice from women

1. They are not qualified "hunters" - unless they are lesbians, women never chase after other women, with the sole intention of "hooking up", or developing a relationship. They are not exposed to the brutality of the hunt, and the embarrassments a man has to go through, and as such, cannot provide ways to circumvent possible obstacles during the hunt. They simply lack the experience, and can only provide advice out of theoretical reasoning, to your detriment. I often like to compare this to a hypothetical gazelle, who gleefully tells the lion that; "well, we can usually be found hanging around the tall elephant grass by the river bank, and a quick bite to our necks, often renders us quite weak..." It just doesn't work.

2. They harbor biased intentions - No woman in her right mind, would give advice to a man, that conflicts with her evolutionary goals and notions of how a successful relationship is. So for example, if a guy wants to sample a whole array of women, so that he may get the best of the best, and he approaches a woman for advice with that regard, he is bound to be disappointed. The woman's evolutionary goal is to get the best husband possible - one with the best genes. So, a man whose main intention is to go with many different women, is an obstacle to the woman's goals(although highly attractive to some).

3. Women often talk about things which their subconscious mind often disagrees with. This is true to an extent, when you listen to the conversations of the younger women(twenty somethings). She may say things like; "i like a nice man", "a good husband", "a gentleman", "a sensitive guy" etc. But definition of what women consider "nice", "sensitive", "gentleman-like", and "good" are things that boggles(and confuses) the minds of most men, because the practical application of those words in a woman's world is often not logical. Why? A sensitive guy may find himself consoling a woman crying because her current boyfriend is treating her badly, but she will still go back to him anyways. A gentleman opening doors, buying dinners, and carrying sweet scented flowers to his sweetheart, may be shocked to find that she fell for the thug with no job and a lousy apartment, where his flowers were nicely tacked into the dustbin at the corner of the room... So a man following blindly to such advice, will fail.

4. Unless she's a sex expert, she will never give you good advice - This should be a no-brainer to any man aiming to driver her nuts in the bedroom. Women often shy away from giving explicit sexual details to men, because they are afraid of being misconstrued as sexually overt. Every woman tries to protect her reputation as best she can, so if you think she will give you proper advice about how to leave Jane in a quivering mess of delight, forget it. Leave that advice exclusively to your boys, who will not shy away from the explicit sexual details.

women just don't have experience dating women. They don't understand how the process works. Many times, they don't even understand how it applies to themselves. How many times have you heard a woman say "I dunno, this kind of guy usually isn't my type, but..." Or the classic line to a nice guy "I wish I could find a guy just like you" - where we are left wondering "well then, WHY NOT ME?!" Or how she'll list all the qualities she wants in a guy, but then ends up falling for a guy who is the complete opposite of that.

It's like, if you wanted advice on batting against Roger Clemens, you wouldn't ask his teammates - they usually don't bat against their own pitchers. You would go find the guy who has the highest batting average on some other team and drill him for pointers. Same kind of idea.

Blak women deserve ever thug bad boy they get

And thats just on this board.....


TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
He married a hood rat though, obviously the breh doesn't have the best decision making skills.

And who's to say her husband is upwardly mobile. He doesn't post on the coli so obviously he's not a 6 foot, 6 figure, 6 cert IT consultant.


When a nikka is a dirtbag he is a dirtbag from the jump... women always know what they are getting into, no man has ever tricked or deceived a woman

When a chick is grimy she keeps it secret until the paperwork is signed... she will sneak and deceive him and he will not know until she builds up a case to divorce him and take his assets," says the nikka who advocates immediately utilizing keyloggers on every chick you date
