Brehs of the coli, are these men right about white women?

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
The point of this thread that the black dudes complaining about black women ignoring good dudes and only wanting thugs are the black version of these white dudes complaining about white women ignoring good dudes and only wanting bad boys.

At the end of the day, both these groups are just angry that the women that they want are exercising the right to not date them. And instead of fixing themselves and realizing maybe the problem is them, they blame the women for not being intelligent enough to realize how incredible they are in all their mediocrity.

:myman:.....I will say just based off our history there is a higher expecation level when it comes to having swag,bein cool,bein exciting,aggresive personality etc....I don't think white dudes have that same expectation level of them,you probaly do have to be EXTRA lame to not be able to pull white chicks as a white guy,which is why the guy considered lame by black folks standards can go over to the other side and do quite well which is what a lot of them are forced to do:manny:

But this black women only date thugs and criminals shyt is offensive....just becuz you might look at how another man treats his woman and say "I would never treat her like that:why:" don't mean the dude is a criminal or a jerk....maybe your just a simp and he's not....if it wuznt for the pregnancy and out of wedlock shyt that is a problem in the black community this wouldn't even be an issue.....not liking to wear rubbers doesn't make u a jerk thug or like to think of it as perfectly sensible but irresponsible:mjpls:.....but thug,jerk and criminal:whoa:

I know plenty dudes that would fall into the "nice"/square category who still do fine with women,I don't know as many just bcuz that's not my circle....but them dudues got personalitys,confident and not pushover nikkas,my only point bein I know black women don't have sum hatred towards every nice dude.....ssumtiemees the "lame" black dudes is probaly goin after the fine turnt up chick with a big personality:snoop:....what would make u think u could handle a woman like that,its sum black fine socially akward who are corny too out there too....stay in your lane,if u a square and live in the hood you might have to check the suburbs where other square black woman are higher in numbers:pachaha:


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
:ohhh: so you're saying it's not all black women's fault?
Never said it was and never will I say it is all black women's fault that would be stupid. Black men are a huge part of the reason why black women are the way they are and have a huge part of the blame because black men of previous generations dropped the ball when it came to being men of their households plain and simple.

But with that said people need to stop acting like black women have no part in the problem. And that the majority of black women are these angelic creatures with no faults. As a man I know by default more blame is going to fall on us but black women need to stop acting like they're infallible. For every ignorant nikka out here I can point to 3 ignorant bytches that raise them.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
:comeon: there is no convincing you.

So upwardly mobile black men should settle for the first black woman that will let him have sex?

When you dwindle down the numbers you have to take away

1. Location/Lifestyle;e/Social- aka how likely you are to meet women in your daily routine
2. Personal preference- weight, weave, attitude, etc.
3. Compatibility- do your personalities even match?
4. Single Women/Women with other engagements- such as demaning careers or children. Are you a man that can deal with a woman who's dealing with that? Especially a black woman?
5. THEN.... are you attractive to her?

That "THOUSANDS OF WOMEN" becomes hundreds, if not less, real quick.

Hell no they shouldn't, but it also doesn't mean that the chick that chooses not to date him that something is wrong with her. Being upwardly mobile doesn't mean you get your pick of the litter. Not being a bum ass nikka just means you meet the base criteria for being eligible, it doesn't make you eligible.

As to your list
1. You have to go where the women are. If you keep going to the same spots, with broads you don't like, switch it up.
2. Why would you date a broad you're not attracted to. And let's be honest, most nikkas would date a chick with a weave if she's bad. My girl wears her hair natural 99% of the time, and I still wouldn't turn down a bad bytch with a lace front.
3. Agreed. You might be upwardly mobile, but if you're personality doesn't match then shorty might not like you
4. I've dated a chick with kids before. From jump I kept it 100 with her. I wasn't trying to be step dad. She told me she wasn't looking for me to be. Her kids weren't an issue at all in the relationship. I wouldn't do it again then personally. And I personally have never met a woman so invested in her work that she ignores a dude she actually likes. Woman, just like men, use those excuses to get rid of nikkas that don't realize they got thrown in the bushes.
5. Agreed.

Not really breh. I've lived in NYC, Atlanta, and Cincinnati and traveled to most the major US cities. And I've run across plenty of attractive black women. All the fat hoodrats I ignore because I wasn't trying to get with em to begin with. It's one thing if you never run into chicks you're attracted to, so you end up dating white broads. But usually that's not the case. These nikkas try and fail at attracting the woman they want, get bitter, and start to cry about women ignoring them just to date thugs.

Theyr'e the negro version of the cats I posted on page one. They just don't want to admit how unexceptional they really are.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
:ohhh: so you're saying it's not all black women's fault?

One minute you make claims we don't get women then the next minute you make claims we don't take responbilty for our actions and blame everything on black women.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Never said it was and never will I say it is all black women's fault that would be stupid. Black men are a huge part of the reason why black women are the way they are and have a huge part of the blame because black men of previous generations dropped the ball when it came to being men of their households plain and simple.

But with that said people need to stop acting like black women have no part in the problem. And that the majority of black women are these angelic creatures with no faults. As a man I know by default more blame is going to fall on us but black women need to stop acting like they're infallible. For every ignorant nikka out here I can point to 3 ignorant bytches that raise them.

:ehh: I can accept that. Personally I just wanna make fun of these fukk nikkas and laugh at their misery. It's why I have no shame posting real pictures of myself and the broads I'm with. I know I'm that nikka :ohlawd:

But it's all good though, we all just havin fun ouchea.

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
:myman:.....I will say just based off our history there is a higher expecation level when it comes to having swag,bein cool,bein exciting,aggresive personality etc....I don't think white dudes have that same expectation level of them,you probaly do have to be EXTRA lame to not be able to pull white chicks as a white guy,which is why the guy considered lame by black folks standards can go over to the other side and do quite well which is what a lot of them are forced to do:manny:


Based on my own observations, white dude have it much much more easier than us.

If you're a cacasian all you gotta do is be there/anywhere, look decent (No homo) and know how to talk. they don't even have to have fashion sense. Not only do they have white bytches to pick from but pretty much everyother race will fukk with them (even some of our own sistahs:leon:)

For Us though we're forced to step our game up at all times man. Black women just seem to have a higher standard for men. It is what it is though :manny:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
One minute you make claims we don't get women then the next minute you make claims we don't take responbilty for our actions and blame everything on black women.

Let's be honest breh, you're not pulling any decent bytches. White, black, or anything in between. If you did you'd be happily in pawg land enjoying all the dime white broads you can fukk.

In reality, a lot of you nikkas are just straight lame and corny, and the way you say women treat you are a reflection of that.

Ima keep it 100 with you breh. At one point in my life, I couldn't pull a bytch out of a pound. I was 16/17 years old, no real personality, didn't know how to talk to a broad, and honestly nothing outstanding about myself that would make a bytch want me. I was mad shy too and was usually scared to even approach a broad. I used to get low key upset because I couldn't understand why these hoes didn't wanna fukk me. I remember saying to myself "Why do I have to approach them? Why can't they approach me? This shyt ain't fair :to:"

I did however have family and friends who could pull broads very easily. So I studied what they did, worked on my confidence and my convo skills, and fixed myself. Since then, I've done pretty good fukking with chicks :obama:

I never blamed women even though I constantly kept getting turned down. I blamed myself because I was the common thread in all of my fukk ups. Y'all nikkas refuse to look in the mirror and say "the problem is me" though.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012

Based on my own observations, white dude have it much much more easier than us.

If you're a cacasian all you gotta do is be there/anywhere, look decent (No homo) and know how to talk. they don't even have to have fashion sense. Not only do they have white bytches to pick from but pretty much everyother race will fukk with them (even some of our own sistahs:leon:)

For Us though we're forced to step our game up at all times man. Black women just seem to have a higher standard for men. It is what it is though :manny:

That contradicts the argument these nikkas is making though. These dudes is saying black women are ignoring quality men for the dregs of society.

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
That contradicts the argument these nikkas is making though. These dudes is saying black women are ignoring quality men for the dregs of society.


TBH witchu most women (not girls but WOMEN) I see with "no good men" get are either ugly as hell and/or they're hoodrats.:scusthov:

Only high school girls and college bytches are infatuated with " thugs". I never seen a desireable black WOMAN (like 25 and over) who really wanted a thug like that

But thats just what I've seen :manny:

EDIT: And when I meant higher standard I meant as far as how one presents himself. Like I said the regular ole white dude from suburbia can pull a decent white female easily. It's a little more of a challange for a regular ole brotha to get a decent black female though

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012

Based on my own observations, white dude have it much much more easier than us.

If you're a cacasian all you gotta do is be there/anywhere, look decent (No homo) and know how to talk. they don't even have to have fashion sense. Not only do they have white bytches to pick from but pretty much everyother race will fukk with them (even some of our own sistahs:leon:)

For Us though we're forced to step our game up at all times man. Black women just seem to have a higher standard for men. It is what it is though :manny:

Man if knowing what we know about the fact we have to step our game up in just about every category to be considered great whether its by our women,proffesionally,education wise,athletically,imagine if we all decided to actually step our game excellence and evolution like a mufuka:obama:

Instead we quit knowing america ain't gon give a black man a real shot,and of course in this case quit and go to white women:pachaha:....and that could be a bad comparison bcuz I don't know if you can actually "learn" to be cool or not socially akward if that's just not you....its easy for me to say "just learn to talk to bytches and get sum confidence/swag and stop cryin:childplease:"....I don't know if that shyt can be learned or not and if it can't,if takin the easy way out works and you ain't miserable in your decision than go ahead....but u missin out on sum fine black women outchea,and the outrage and bitterness tells me they know it too:russ:...use them white ho's as practice crash test dummys to build your confidence and swag up like they built fortunes off the backs of slaves:why:...then come back stronger and get these black women like u really want my bruthas:salute:

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
There's a gigantic difference between being a "nice" guy and a "good" guy. An authoritative good man should be able to beat out a bad boy pretty easily. If he doesn't, it's not his fault and he shouldn't sweat it. He should probably be really self-assured about the whole situation and let it go easily, confident that a woman worth his time would find him cool. He certainly wouldn't post complaints about it on the internet.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
There's a gigantic difference between being a "nice" guy and a "good" guy. An authoritative good man should be able to beat out a bad boy pretty easily. If he doesn't, it's not his fault and he shouldn't sweat it. He should probably be really self-assured about the whole situation and let it go easily, confident that a woman worth his time would find him cool. He certainly wouldn't post complaints about it on the internet.
@DaygoTaco @DaygoTaco

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May 11, 2012
MOCO awl day
My point is that white women like bad guys, but black women like guys even worse than the type of men white women like. White women just like casual jerks, but black women like men who err on the side of illegality.


You sound dumb yo.

Not sure I got the point of the thread? :why:

The thing is, most of the black men complaining about their dating situation arent nerds or on the far edges of society such as goths, etc. They're fukked in the dating game simply due to the fact they are black... and there is no way around that due to the small upwardly mobile black population to begin with BEFORE you have to weed out personal preference (I.E. weave weight attitude) and personality matches.

STAHHHPPP! So you're tryna say that "upwardly mobile" black men are having trouble finding black women?

:rudy: x A MILLION!!!

Ugh, if anything it's a numbers game for black women... yall are so ridiculous :no:

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Guys that crow about how "nice" they are aren't nice, they just think saying that shyt will get them some drawls, then they get mad when it doesn't work :pachaha:

Yeah maybe, but using this crazy thing called logic, that you may or may not have heard of, suggests that if it's all about getting the p*ssy then they'd most likely use a strategy that works i.e. not being nice which has a 12% success rate.