BREAKING: US tells Ukraine we’re broke, HYON

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
The USA could invade Afghanistan again and take over the country in 2 weeks.

What are we talking about?

You can take over Atlanta with enough people. Could you take over the whole country? Its called the unwinnable war because they cannot beat the Taliban. Or if they can they wont,which is another story like @bnew was saying:respect:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
What was the Taliban doing for 20 years?

They were coordinating attacks,killing U.S Soldiers,reclaiming territory. That aint exactly "hiding" where im from.You act like it was just peaceful for 20 years.Or because the Afghanians who got put out there to get killed later instead of U.S troops,that it wasnt our L. Hopefully the Ukranians understand this is their future. Let these Americans put a battery in your back if you want. Soon as you lose,they do not know yall. Sounds like its too late for the heads up:mjlol:


Aka Allhiphopsux
May 30, 2012
#717 --> #215 #PA #ByrdGang
i feel that was russia's plan all along they knew we'd simp and give money so they didnt go all out they just engaged just enough for ukraine can feel like they are making progress and we keep sending money til the money exhausted....

if russia wanted to flex they woulda been took that shyt

Mike Nasty

Nov 19, 2016
i feel that was russia's plan all along they knew we'd simp and give money so they didnt go all out they just engaged just enough for ukraine can feel like they are making progress and we keep sending money til the money exhausted....

if russia wanted to flex they woulda been took that shyt
You realize the actual Russian posters here don't even believe this.

Maybe this is a troll post, but I know it's not

The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
You fools really underestimated the Russians. :pachaha: And overestimated Zelensky's rapper wrestler tough talking azz. :mjlol:

The war really reminds me of the movie Toys (Weird, good flick btw). Throw all of that money, muscle, and economic hardship on a country that has nothing to lose, what is the absolute endgame :why: ?

  • United States gave damn near grip and a half, what more can they do
  • The war is obviously bullshyt from the start, so bullet point 1
  • The key leaders are either silenced or murdered (the old head that tried to pull a sneaky on Russia, only to get that ass in the afterlife)
Its like this, I couldn't give a damn about both countries because at the end of the day, folks need to be making money, raising families, and just enjoying life. Not be on a fukking warpath because dikk energy.

And this is more on ole boy having to realize that this is not a reality show, a movie, or a comedy. You signed up to be a leader and expect it to be one way. This is what leaders have to endure, you either throw the flag or pray for a resolution if the money is that low.

Artfull Dodger

All Star
Jul 20, 2012
What has Russia accomplished? Hundreds of thousands of their youth dead when they are already in demographic decline? United Europe? NATO stronger than ever? Governing a burnt out territory where everyone hates them? What happens after Putin?

Russia been lost clown.
Get a Map
Bigger doesnt mean stronger
U sure bout that
What happens after Biden?

Artfull Dodger

All Star
Jul 20, 2012
The entire Russian Empire collapsed into civil war and a 600 year old dynasty was destroyed after 3 years of warfare in World war 1. The 70 year old Soviet Union collapsed after the war in Afghanistan. What makes you think that the 20 year old Putin regime will survive Ukraine?

A recent Russian opinion poll indicates that the number of Russians who fully support the war in Ukraine has almost halved since February 2023 and that more Russians support a withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine than do not. Independent Russian opposition polling organization Chronicles stated that data from its October 17-22, 2023, telephone survey indicates that respondents who are “consistent” supporters of the war - those who expressed support for the war, do not support a withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine without Russia having achieved its war aims, and think that Russia should prioritize military spending - decreased from 22 percent to 12 percent between February 2023 and October 2023.[1]Chronicles stated that 40 percent of respondents supported a withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine without Russia having achieved its war aims, and that this number has remained consistent at about 39 to 40 percent throughout 2023. Chronicles stated that 33 percent of respondents did not support a Russian withdrawal and favored a continuation of the war and noted that this number has been consistently decreasing from 47 percent in February 2023 and 39 percent in July 2023. Recent polling by the independent Russian polling organization Levada Center published on October 31 indicated that 55 percent of respondents believed that Russia should begin peace negotiations whereas 38 percent favored continuing the war.[2]

The Russian war in Ukraine has created new social tensions and exacerbated existing ones within Russia, which remain highly visible in the Russian information space despite ongoing Kremlin censorship efforts. Relatives of mobilized personnel continue making widespread complaints and appeals for aid for mobilized personnel despite reported Russian efforts to censor such complaints.[3] Russian opposition outlet Vazhnye Istorii reported on November 29 that Russians have sent over 180,000 complaints about issues concerning the Ministry of Defense (MoD) to the Russian Presidential Office for Working with Citizens’ Appeals since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.[4] The majority of these complaints reportedly concern payments to soldiers, mobilization status, missing persons, and poor medical care.[5] The Kremlin has also been capitalizing on recent ethnic tensions in Russia to support ongoing force generation measures and appeal to Russian ultranationalists, establishing a cycle that keeps these tensions at the forefront of ultranationalist dialogue.[6] The Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) reported that protest activity and social tension are increasing in Russia, particularly in western Russia, due to the war in Ukraine and that the top echelons of Russian leadership are discussing these tensions.[7] The GUR noted that increasing crime, alcohol abuse, inflation, and high consumer goods prices also contribute to rising social tensions, and many of these factors are likely exacerbated by the continued Russian war in Ukraine.[8] The Kremlin has consistently failed to place Russian society on a wartime footing to support the Russian war effort, and the shifting poll numbers and exacerbated social tensions indicate that this failure is having a tangible effect on Russian society ahead of the 2024 Russian presidential elections.[9]

The Kremlin is likely concerned about how changing Russian perceptions of the Russian war in Ukraine will affect the outcome of the March 2024 Russian presidential election and is implementing measures to ensure that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s actual electoral support does not rest on Russian battlefield successes. Russian President Vladimir Putin will reportedly center his presidential campaign on Russia’s alleged domestic stability and increased criticism of the West instead of focusing on the war.[10] Putin and other Russian government officials have already signaled their intention to intensify censorship efforts by claiming that some Russian citizens who left Russia and others still in Russia have begun efforts to discredit the upcoming Russian presidential elections and that Russia will do “everything necessary” to prevent election meddling.[11] Russian authorities have also attempted to consolidate control over the Russian information space and have intensified measures encouraging self-censorship.[12] Russian milbloggers suggested that Russian political officials financing Telegram channels ordered milbloggers to cease debates and criticisms about the Russian military prior to the Russian presidential elections.[13] The Kremlin has likely attempted to shore up popular support for Putin throughout Russia by establishing a network of “proxies” to campaign on Putin’s behalf.[14]

:lolbron::russ::pachaha:Polls? Yall think Russia/the rest of the world runs on polls like how the US obsesses over them.
Putin is way more popular in Russia than how the western media try to portray


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
They were coordinating attacks,killing U.S Soldiers,reclaiming territory. That aint exactly "hiding" where im from.You act like it was just peaceful for 20 years.Or because the Afghanians who got put out there to get killed later instead of U.S troops,that it wasnt our L.
reclaiming territory?

On what earth did the Taliban reclaim territory during 20 years?

Hopefully the Ukranians understand this is their future. Let these Americans put a battery in your back if you want. Soon as you lose,they do not know yall. Sounds like its too late for the heads up:mjlol:

Do you think Ukraine should exist as an independent country?