I ran @USAID health programs for the last 3 years. Trump’s 90 day Stop Work Order on foreign assistance does serious damage to the world and the US. Examples:
1. Stops work battling a deadly Marburg outbreak in Tanzania and a wide outbreak of a mpox variant killing children in west Africa before it spreads further.
2. Stops monitoring of bird flu in 49 countries, a disease which already killed an American on home soil.
3. Stops critical work to eradicate polio.
4. Stops >$1B in corporate drug donations and coordination eradicating tropical diseases like river blindness, elephantiasis, and others on the verge of elimination in whole regions.
Results and Impact - Neglected Tropical Disease Program
5. Stops medicines, supplies, systems building, staff support aiding >90 million women and children to get low cost vaccinations, prenatal care, safe childbirth, contraception, and other basic lifesaving health needs.
Preventing Child and Maternal Deaths, 2024 | Reports to Congress | U.S. Agency for International Development
6. Stops direct services for 6.5 million orphans, vulnerable children, and their caregivers affected by HIV in 23 countries.
7. Stops donated drug supplies keeping 20 million people living with HIV alive.
8. Would furlough all USAID contract staff — which includes half of its global health bureau—unless exempted.
This Administration is trashing US standing, alliances with scores of countries built over half a century, world-leading capacity and expertise, and American security.
Make no mistake — these essential, lifesaving activities are being halted right now. Consequences aren’t in some distant future. They are immediate.
90 days. If we don't reign this spending in, it will be forever. The other problem is not all spending is this critical. Zoom out. It's time to be fiscally responsible for a change and there are going to be inconvenient and unconventional side effects.
I didn’t see any countries coming to our aid for NC or California. We are hurting right now and need to pause. We are 36 trillion in debt. Time to take care of home first.
I don’t approve of any of my taxes paying for anyone but American citizens. We are not the saviors of the world. ITS UNFAIR. I’m glad he stopped the funds and I hope they never ever restart. If a time comes that we fix our broken infrastructure, secure Medicare and social security for a looonnnggg time, help the homeless and mentally ill, help the drug addicted, free citizens living in the grip of crime, help every cop, veteran and fire fighter in need, then AND ONLY THEN will I approve of foreign aid. AMERICANS FIRST WITH OUR OWN MONEY!!
Great post @Atul_Gawande Can you also post this on blue sky? I think that community would appreciate your comments and insights. Thanks for your service to the nation and the world.
Thank you for your very real service.
Why would it stop CORPORATE donations? Shouldn’t the corporations still be donating? In fact, the pharma companies can definitely fund all USAID workers and still have billions in profits.
The United States is not the world’s ATM machine. We owe other countries nothing.
We don’t care.
What part of America First has you confused?
@Godwinnz @HamisiMsagama
Well other countries will have to pick up the slack.
If they can't handle it for 90 days then then neither can we.
Were you involved in the operations at these biolabs?
[Quoted tweet]
1) Hey Twitter,
It's me, the biolabs guy. Aka "Clandestine".
I was banned on 2/25/22, 11 months ago, for writing the viral thread about the US funded biolabs in Ukraine (attached).
In this thread, I am going to administer the biggest "I told you so" in history.
Whining already? It's just a short pause while the new administration prepares for their messaging. Foreign aid going forward will be judged on a case by case basis, so get your books in order. Good organization that do good work, can prove they do good work, and have overhead of 20% or less will likely be refunded. Dead weight will be cut, of course.
I hope this gets restored soon !!
Cry harder. Then realize you need to just deal with it.
You have Bill Gates funding quite a bit of this already.
It is Trump’s job to get this country running efficiently and effectively. A pause is the perfect way to evaluate existing programs.
American but Southern by the grace of God. Yes and not all are raised like I was but, I had a very political minded dad who wasn't afraid to do things, try things and speak. I am a chip off the old block.
What exactly does WHO doing that THEY can't pick up the slack?

To post tweets in this format, more info here: https://www.thecoli.com/threads/tips-and-tricks-for-posting-the-coli-megathread.984734/post-52211196