BREAKING NEWS: Kamala Harris to outline Tangibles for Black Men next week

Oct 22, 2017
I'm actually voting for Trump, and much of it has to do with what the Democratic party has become and Trump being an outsider. But that is a discussion I'd never have on this forum because its pointless.

Trump isn't a racist. I know a few black people that met him at events back in the day or actually worked with him. All of them say the dude is definitely not racist. I tend to believe it knowing how he was adored by the Democrats and this entire city before he switched to the Republican party. Even when he created the Reform party, he was not demonized. He even denounced the platform because of the Grand Wizard of the KKK trying to endorse him. All of these Black celebrities were Team Trump until he switched parties. Doubt he was racist all of this time and now everyone just suddenly realized it.
what the fukk is this dumb shyt?


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
To your first point I’m not conflating or distorting her points.

Yes, you are, because she made two separate points, introducing the second one with, "The reality also is this:". You are conflating her two seperate points and pretending they're the same point.

Any time politicians start saying this will disproportionately help black people that means it is a high tide lifts all boats argument.

This is FALSE.

The "rising tide lifts all boats" phrase was used to support the claim that general improvement of the economy helps everyone, and was especially used by free-market economists. It was NOT used to describe measures that target people who are disproportionately in need, that's literally the opposite kind of help.

She is not endorsing targeted legislation, go back up a history book and learn why targeted legislation with specific groups in mind is important for real societal gains.

She can't endorse any race-specific legislation right now because:

A) The Supreme Court has declared that race-specific help is unconstitutional
B) The majority of centrists/undecided votes are against it and it would hurt her chances of election

But what she HAS done is say more than once in the past that Black people deserve reparations and that she'll look into it as president. She does not want to focus her words on anything remotely like that right now because you can't do jack shyt if you take an L in the election.

Why are you so insistent that she virtue-signal with promises that would be impossible to fulfill and that would cause her to lose?

There has been multiple studies down on reparations. Saying you’re going to do a study is kicking the can down the road so you don’t have to deal with it but still saying you did something.

Then why is there no agreement among reparations supporters as to how much should be given, or how it should be given? Someone in this thread said $30 trillion, do you agree with that as the figure or not?

The government has never done a study on reparations, and if it were as meaningless a thing as you claim, then it would have happened already, but conservatives and centrists oppose it vehemently.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
No one is saying Trump is a good person, he’s a piece of shyt. What the fukk are you even trying to prove, you’re talking to yourself having this meltdown :mjlol:

You're a clown. I'm responding to @LV Koopa. You're going to pretend he didn't say this and that multiple #bothsides posters in the thread like @Max Power, @RAX 010, and @JT-Money didn't have his back?

I'm actually voting for Trump, and much of it has to do with what the Democratic party has become and Trump being an outsider. But that is a discussion I'd never have on this forum because its pointless.

Trump isn't a racist. I know a few black people that met him at events back in the day or actually worked with him. All of them say the dude is definitely not racist.

Accusations of racism are similar to every other ism now - means nothing. Words just thrown around to shut people up from getting into the nuance of things. Joe Biden has said far worse

There are people in this thread literally saying "Trump isn't a racist" and other people are dapping them up.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I would advise you not to listen to anyone about what to do with YOUR vote.


This is why I call you such a fake #bothsider. You CONSTANTLY shyt on Biden voters, but a poster says that Trump isn't racist and he's voting for him and you're all like, "You go girl! Don't let anyone tell you what to do!"


May 1, 2012

This is why I call you such a fake #bothsider. You CONSTANTLY shyt on Biden voters, but a poster says that Trump isn't racist and he's voting for him and you're all like, "You go girl! Don't let anyone tell you what to do!"

Next week I'll talk shyt about Trump and praise Copmala.
I promise.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
@Da King is a white Trump supporter who likes calling Black people c00ns.

So demic00ns are innocent for having Meg the prostitute twerking on stage but say free Thug is the line crossed in pandering :dead:

fukk it, I'm voting for Trump :wow:

Trump swaggin on these nikkas :whew:

Trump swag on another level right now :wow:

The way he tossed that bottle at the end :heh: :whew:

Trump swag right now doe :whew:


Feb 16, 2017
I’m sorry but I disagree. Negotiations is all about leverage and the things I mentioned were not seen as reasonable asks at the time until black people made them reasonable when they forced the democrats to give them what they wanted. Where there things left out of those bills yes, but the main spirit and demand of those bills remained intact. The democrats can not win without us. That is why Obama is out here lecturing black men, we are the second most loyal voters of the democrats we are absolutely crucial for them to win so unrealistic and unreasonable is not a word that should be in their repertoire especially when we have been asking for the same things for forty plus years.

Look at the Arabs/muslim/palestenian community in Michigan. One demand arms embargo and stop funding Israel’s genocide in Gaza or we won’t vote for you. Is that an unreasonable or unrealistic demand? They are now voting for Jill stein in numbers that are making Michigan closer than it would be if she would have done what they have asked. Can Kamala win Michigan yes but she can also lose it and that is the point. Give us what we want or we will burn together.

That was the message black people had, you can’t ignore the rebellions that take place in the late sixties starting with Watts.

Black women are not being listened too their being pandered to and receiving nothing. Black women are in dire straights too when you study the stats they are not doing significantly better than black men in many areas outside of achieving higher degrees like masters and PhD a but they are doing better than everyone there.
I'm sorry breh but when have Black people conspired to crash as a collective.

What you're saying sounds good and I wish it would happen.

How about we run Arab businesses out of the Black community by not supporting non Black liquor stores?

Just the liquor stores not Chinese carryout or Korean owned beauty supply shops

That's not hard to do. But even if Kamala loses Michigan because Black Men don't support her that's not really a flex telling Black Men to do something that Black Men are likely to do anyway.

I mean same thing was said about the LA mayor's race that Tariq didn't bother to mention Lotta ink spilled about Black Men not voting or voting republican Snoop endorsed the republican

Bass still won. Nights almost never move as unit.


Nov 29, 2019
Punishment mechanism for the DNC abusing and taking the Black vote for granted for 60 years. This is what the "holding them accountable" people always lie about actually looks like. Letting them crash and burn.
Trump isn't shaming, pandering and lying as if he's our friend to con the Black vote for the millionth time. He's just the lucky beneficiary of the repercussions.

Doesn't matter how long it takes.

"I have done more for the Black Community than any President since Abraham Lincoln." - Donald Trump

That wasn't a lie?
