BREAKING NEWS: Kamala Harris to outline Tangibles for Black Men next week


All Star
Aug 3, 2017
I'm actually voting for Trump, and much of it has to do with what the Democratic party has become and Trump being an outsider. But that is a discussion I'd never have on this forum because its pointless.

Trump isn't a racist. I know a few black people that met him at events back in the day or actually worked with him. All of them say the dude is definitely not racist. I tend to believe it knowing how he was adored by the Democrats and this entire city before he switched to the Republican party. Even when he created the Reform party, he was not demonized. He even denounced the platform because of the Grand Wizard of the KKK trying to endorse him. All of these Black celebrities were Team Trump until he switched parties. Doubt he was racist all of this time and now everyone just suddenly realized it.

this is an insane take


All Star
Jun 16, 2015
So how do you supposed these reparations are going to get accomplished? It will be immediately be taken to court and struck down if it only singles out one more realistic. What's something realistically that could be accomplished in this day and age? The black farmers could only get their checks when other races were included in the wording. Even then they're still trying to take it back to the courts.

Yeah that’s why any reparations has to be lineage based to avoid getting struck down by the courts.

God Of Art

TheColi's Favorite Artist
Mar 11, 2022
Port City Louisiana Cooper Road
Ok if you're down to die for a check which is backed by he ability and belief that america would pay it's debts i.e. that the money is actually worth anything That's on you.

I'd be willing to die to defend Land that I own and given the ability to defend but not money/

I have 2 million Colombian pesos on me now do you want them?
DM so we can get it poppin


Mar 11, 2022
'Cuse, New York
The truth is that there's likely no presidential candidate currently or in the future that'll be able to satisfy the wants and needs in regards to specifically the growing base of disgruntled Black men in particular because what's being demanded isn't politically possible at this point and time in the country and possibly for the foreseeable future with the growing political unrest and tension surrounding race-based politics and policies.

Part of this is due to not having a clear sense of politics, basically not being mindful and politically intelligent in terms of realistic proposals and, while understandable versus emotionally charged wishes, below is an example of what I'm alluding to...
There's nothing wrong with asking for reasonable things like most people, but one problem is that you have a segment of Black people expecting the Malcolm X/Huey P. Newton (respect to both of them) package special, and as beneficial as something like that could be, it's just not going to happen, nor is it realistic in 2024 in this modern day era in this current political/social climate.

I'm not against it but I'm also aware of the reality in what's more probable vs wishful thinking. Asking for things (low taxes, funding for public recreation, education, employment, etc) that can be beneficial for Black communities/people while being universal is more realistic than the aforementioned.

I've been reading some threads that have similar tones such as this, and unfortunately, while some posters on here believe that they're serious people, the truth is they're not serious and that's because of how they go about such demands that aren't realistic and being mindful of the political situation precedence surrounding these wants and needs.

What Black men want, as stated above in my quoted post, first paragraph, just isn't feasible due to numerous factors. If this was 50-60 years ago, it might be a different story, but in 2024, soon to 2025, it just isn't and is more wishful thinking than reality.


Certified Babble Detector Badge Number #281713
May 1, 2012
44 bricks...acre shaker
Then she ain't gonna do shyt like she said in 2019
both sides



All Star
Aug 3, 2017

The truth is that there's likely no presidential candidate currently or in the future that'll be able to satisfy the wants and needs in regards to specifically the growing base of disgruntled Black men in particular because what's being demanded isn't politically possible at this point and time in the country and possibly for the foreseeable future with the growing political unrest and tension surrounding race-based politics and policies.

Part of this is due to not having a clear sense of politics, basically not being mindful and politically intelligent in terms of realistic proposals and, while understandable versus emotionally charged wishes, below is an example of what I'm alluding to...

I've been reading some threads that have similar tones such as this, and unfortunately, while some posters on here believe that they're serious people, the truth is they're not serious and that's because of how they go about such demands that aren't realistic and being mindful of the political situation precedence surrounding these wants and needs.

What Black men want, as stated above in my quoted post, first paragraph, just isn't feasible due to numerous factors. If this was 50-60 years ago, it might be a different story, but in 2024, soon to 2025, it just isn't and is more wishful thinking than reality.

The problem I have with this thinking it has been used throughout history to temper black peoples political demands. Fifty sixty years ago when the country was I would argue far more racist than it is today who would of said the civil rights act of 64 or the voting rights act of 65 or the fair housing act or affirmative action was a realistic political expectation or ask? Why settle for less or nothing? Why work for everyone else, when everyone else is working for themselves? Why does everyone get to benefit from our work expect us?
Sep 5, 2015
The truth is that there's likely no presidential candidate currently or in the future that'll be able to satisfy the wants and needs in regards to specifically the growing base of disgruntled Black men in particular because what's being demanded isn't politically possible at this point and time in the country and possibly for the foreseeable future with the growing political unrest and tension surrounding race-based politics and policies.

Part of this is due to not having a clear sense of politics, basically not being mindful and politically intelligent in terms of realistic proposals and, while understandable versus emotionally charged wishes, below is an example of what I'm alluding to...

I've been reading some threads that have similar tones such as this, and unfortunately, while some posters on here believe that they're serious people, the truth is they're not serious and that's because of how they go about such demands that aren't realistic and being mindful of the political situation precedence surrounding these wants and needs.

What Black men want, as stated above in my quoted post, first paragraph, just isn't feasible due to numerous factors. If this was 50-60 years ago, it might be a different story, but in 2024, soon to 2025, it just isn't and is more wishful thinking than reality.

This is ultimately where the discussion always devolves to.

This type of thinking will only lead to more disaffected black democrats.


May 28, 2012
I was going to make this long elaborate post but then I realized something.

I would ask. If reparations is the ultimate goal for the 'bothsiders'

How does Donald Trump winning the election further this goal?

In fact I would ask why not hold Donald Trumps feet to the same fire?

Also are you ok with fighting for reparations knowing that you won't see the money in your lifetime or maybe even in your children's lifetime?
Punishment mechanism for the DNC abusing and taking the Black vote for granted for 60 years. This is what the "holding them accountable" people always lie about actually looks like. Letting them crash and burn.
Trump isn't shaming, pandering and lying as if he's our friend to con the Black vote for the millionth time. He's just the lucky beneficiary of the repercussions.

Doesn't matter how long it takes.
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Mar 11, 2022
'Cuse, New York

The problem I have with this thinking is that has been used throughout history to temper black people's political demands. Fifty-sixty years ago, when the country was, I would argue, far more racist than it is today, who would have said the Civil Rights Act of 64 or the Voting Rights Act of 65 or the Fair Housing Act Affirmative Action was a realistic political expectation or ask? Why settle for less or nothing? Why work for everyone else, when everyone else is working for themselves? Why does everyone get to benefit from our work expect us?
The difference is that Black people back then despite all the hardships and being shut out politically, were better negotiators with the patience to understand what was reasonable in asking for policies and things that could be beneficial in Black communities and overall Black people's lives.

The Civil Rights Act of 64, the Voting Rights Act of 65, the Fair Housing Act, Affirmative Action, etc were all reasonable accommodations, and let the truth be told, there were many things among those bills that didn't make the final cut, but Black people back then were willing to make compromises and sacrifices to get those proposals passed or else it would be shelved. The problem nowadays is that some of you have an ego, a rather bigger-than-thou perspective, where you don't know how to reasonably negotiate and make the proper compromises to get things done or at least be heard and taken seriously.

See it's like that person who meets with a hiring manager for a position or an employee who meets with their bosses to discuss their needs, and that person arrives with a list of unrealistic or unreasonable demands thinking that it's going to be one way cause they think there's no way they'd be turned down believing the hiring manager/bosses need them badly. Come to find out, you didn't see it coming, and it went another way; they shook your hand and told you they'd keep in touch or were straightforward with a smirk, thanked you for the time, and made it clear they were going a different direction or laid you off.

If these disgruntled and unsatisfied Black men approached the Democrats with reasonable and realistic wants and needs then I guarantee they'd be more inclined to give these wants some consideration or at least take your voice seriously rather than approaching politicians demanding the biggest and most grandiose package with an unreasonable and unrealistic “all or nothing” approach is just going leave you in the dark while not being taken seriously. Black women aren't getting everything they want from Dems either, but politicians are more inclined to hear them out because most of them understand what type of needs and wants are reasonable, realistic, and likely to be implemented with minor sacrifices; they know how to negotiate at the table.

I'm not saying Black men don't know how to negotiate, politically speaking. However, too many seem to want it to be one way, but in reality, it's the other way.
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Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
I'm actually voting for Trump, and much of it has to do with what the Democratic party has become and Trump being an outsider. But that is a discussion I'd never have on this forum because its pointless.

Trump isn't a racist. I know a few black people that met him at events back in the day or actually worked with him. All of them say the dude is definitely not racist. I tend to believe it knowing how he was adored by the Democrats and this entire city before he switched to the Republican party. Even when he created the Reform party, he was not demonized. He even denounced the platform because of the Grand Wizard of the KKK trying to endorse him. All of these Black celebrities were Team Trump until he switched parties. Doubt he was racist all of this time and now everyone just suddenly realized it.
Trump isn't a racist? What do you call someone who claims "laziness is a trait in Black people"?

Matter of time? :dahell:



Notice the theme - Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, Oakland, and Ferguson. Many of them mentioned over and over. What do those places even have in common other than being associated with Black people?

He said even more racist things before he started thinking about running for president, I've only included the statements he made publicly once his asperations for president were well known.


All Star
Aug 3, 2017
The difference is that Black people back then despite all the hardships and being shut out politically, were better negotiators with the patience to understand what was reasonable in asking for policies and things that could be beneficial in Black communities and overall Black people's lives.

The Civil Rights Act of 64, the Voting Rights Act of 65, the Fair Housing Act, Affirmative Action, etc were all reasonable accommodations, and let the truth be told, there were many things among those bills that didn't make the final cut, but Black people back then were willing to make compromises and sacrifices to get those proposals passed or else it would be shelved. The problem nowadays is that some of you have an ego, a rather bigger-than-thou perspective, where you don't know how to reasonably negotiate and make the proper compromises to get things done or at least be heard and taken seriously.

See it's like that person who meets with a hiring manager for a position or an employee who meets with their bosses to discuss their needs, and that person arrives with a list of unrealistic or unreasonable demands thinking that it's going to be one way cause they think there's no way they'd be turned down believing the hiring manager/bosses need them badly. Come to find out, you didn't see it coming, and it went another way; they shook your hand and told you they'd keep in touch or were straightforward with a smirk, thanked you for the time, and made it clear they were going a different direction.

If these disgruntled and unsatisfied Black men approached the Democrats with reasonable and realistic wants and needs then I guarantee they'd be more inclined to give these wants some consideration or at least take your voice seriously rather than approaching politicians demanding the biggest and most grandiose package with an unreasonable and unrealistic “all or nothing” approach is just going leave you in the dark while not being taken seriously. Black women aren't getting everything they want from Dems either, but politicians are more inclined to hear them out because most of them understand what type of needs and wants are reasonable, realistic, and likely to be implemented with minor sacrifices; they know how to negotiate at the table.

I'm not saying Black men don't know how to negotiate, politically speaking. However, too many seem to want it to be one way, but in reality, it's the other way.

I’m sorry but I disagree. Negotiations is all about leverage and the things I mentioned were not seen as reasonable asks at the time until black people made them reasonable when they forced the democrats to give them what they wanted. Where there things left out of those bills yes, but the main spirit and demand of those bills remained intact. The democrats can not win without us. That is why Obama is out here lecturing black men, we are the second most loyal voters of the democrats we are absolutely crucial for them to win so unrealistic and unreasonable is not a word that should be in their repertoire especially when we have been asking for the same things for forty plus years.

Look at the Arabs/muslim/palestenian community in Michigan. One demand arms embargo and stop funding Israel’s genocide in Gaza or we won’t vote for you. Is that an unreasonable or unrealistic demand? They are now voting for Jill stein in numbers that are making Michigan closer than it would be if she would have done what they have asked. Can Kamala win Michigan yes but she can also lose it and that is the point. Give us what we want or we will burn together.

That was the message black people had, you can’t ignore the rebellions that take place in the late sixties starting with Watts.

Black women are not being listened too their being pandered to and receiving nothing. Black women are in dire straights too when you study the stats they are not doing significantly better than black men in many areas outside of achieving higher degrees like masters and PhD a but they are doing better than everyone there.


May 1, 2012
Da Burgh
If they can give migrants 10k in food stamps and 5k cash who just got here

How much should black folks get who been here since day 1?

200k cash 500k food stamps
I keep hearing people say this but have never once saw a legitimate article or anything else posted about it so I decided to look it up. I should have know The Coli was talking out their ass, as usual:

"No, migrants were not given $10,000 in food stamps or $5,000 in cash. There have been false claims circulating about this. For example, a pilot program in New York City provides prepaid debit cards to migrants, but these cards are for buying food and baby supplies, not for unrestricted use (New York debit cards for migrant families provide about $13 per person daily | Fact check "1"(Migrants in New York City will receive prepaid debit cards, not credit cards, for designated goods "2").
Additionally, federal cash assistance is not available to those in the U.S. illegally, with very few exceptions
(US Senate candidate spreads false claims about migrant aid "3").
