BREAKING: Music That Makes Killing Black People Seem "Cool"


Feb 2, 2016
Cats can also choose not to make the same type of degenerate c00nery either. They don't have to choose to accept the money to make those types of joints either.

It's also kinda weird that you never hear songs about us killing some cacs or white supremacists and shyt either. Or just black empowerment/pride like we had back in the golden era of the late 80s/early 90s. Can't have us being positive and celebrating our blackness like that. Nah, let's push them to make "reality" rap to influence those who can't decipher reality/entertainment to fill these prisons. :mjpls:

They make the music they feel, it just happens to be trash.....but that's not their fault. They don't push the music the label does.........blame the right people breh...


May 1, 2012
They make the music they feel, it just happens to be trash.....but that's not their fault. They don't push the music the label does.........blame the right people breh...

Oh no doubt, but it's still the cacs/jews at the end of the day really putting that shyt out there.

"Other" cultures don't have anywhere close to the type and amount of trash music being pushed like we do.


Feb 2, 2016
Oh no doubt, but it's still the cacs/jews at the end of the day really putting that shyt out there.

"Other" cultures don't have anywhere close to the type and amount of trash music being pushed like we do.

:comeon: Pop music ain't exactly wholesome music breh......only thing is Rap is now pop music.......and just like 90's where any blond hair blue eyed non talented pos could get a record deal they are milking the young dumb kids for dough. Its the same game with a different face hate, just saying its not exactly a new thing. If its popular the vulture will feast on people ain't above the circus of penny fact we were the first to be exploited.......its just coming back around.


The-Coli Music Critic
Sep 4, 2015
Like I said Visual breh. You don't think all the footage of 9/11, the Sandy Hook shooting, all the live videos of people being killed on Facebook/Twitter desensitized the younger generation? I am not saying music has absolutely no effect on minds. But to make music as a primary scapegoat or pretend that its more powerful then Visual is obtuse in its self. To even go further and make this bogus argument that youth are at risk to being criminals based on music or art in general is obtuse. Like someone else said Crime is down, Drug usage down, Teen Pregnancy down, Youth incarceration down. But guess what it is graduation and admission and in turn degree graduations. So that means that your argument is bogus and only an impression from yourself in regards to what you perceive the music to mean. And you are also not admitting that yes some kids will choose to indulge in crime, violence, drugs....and the music may be the SOUNDTRACK to the life the choose. But it certainly not be the reason for it. Because they will most likely be involved in that lifestyle regardless of the music or not. Just like people did BEFORE hiphop existed. Hence hiphop is an addition to the culture. But IT IS NOT THE CAUSE OF IT......perhaps some people just ain't shyt. Stop looking for scapegoats to blame for the some of the failure in our race............its bogus and the genre has done way more good then bad

I don't think anyway is saying music is the primary factor.

If you stink you have to wash your ass and your armpits right? media stinks, it has to wash it's ass, visuals....and it's

It's a systematic onslaught on your senses

You and I are probably on the same page.... you initially said, music has no conditioning which I felt compelled to respond...Now you're agreeing with me, but you're debating the degree. Which I think is moot. Since no one is going there....I'm not saying it's the end all factor...but it's an important one that shouldn't be easily discounted.

Shouldn't be derailed because some of this toxic music is in the messengers playlist.... the truth will always remain whether people acknowledge it or not.

It's an awareness that needs to happen, that I feel like people are trolling when they ignore this obvious attack on our community that has been going on for decades.

Hip hop is great in the right hands. Music can mold someone that is without can inspire someone, it can do so much... Like can lead you to the light or darkness...


Feb 2, 2016
I don't think anyway is saying music is the primary factor.

If you stink you have to wash your ass and your armpits right? media stinks, it has to wash it's ass, visuals....and it's

It's a systematic onslaught on your senses

You and I are probably on the same page.... you initially said, music has no conditioning which I felt compelled to respond...Now you're agreeing with me, but you're debating the degree. Which I think is moot. Since no one is going there....I'm not saying it's the end all factor...but it's an important one that shouldn't be easily discounted.

Shouldn't be derailed because some of this toxic music is in the messengers playlist.... the truth will always remain whether people acknowledge it or not.

It's an awareness that needs to happen, that I feel like people are trolling when they ignore this obvious attack on our community that has been going on for decades.

Hip hop is great in the right hands. Music can mold someone that is without can inspire someone, it can do so much... Like can lead you to the light or darkness...

I agree we both have good intentions, I just don't agree with the whole light or darkness. Violence in the black community ran rampant in the 50's and 60's. Black on black crime, and people were not blaming blues and jazz singers. I just see it as a cop out. Because some black people just don't want to admit that we have actually have no answers for the violence or condition in our community. And want to look for any and everything to point the finger too. But we never talk about bad parenting(not the single mother household bullshyt) but actual bad parenting where parents are not taking the time to raise kids regardless of who is in the household. Why are we not talking about that aspect? We never talk about the poverty aspect of it. And how when people are broke they will do anything to escape poverty. Which usually will create violence sooner or later. I mean there are so many different things we can address. Music is an escape it is not the culprit of our woes. That is silly and redundant imho.


The-Coli Music Critic
Sep 4, 2015
I agree we both have good intentions, I just don't agree with the whole light or darkness. Violence in the black community ran rampant in the 50's and 60's. Black on black crime, and people were not blaming blues and jazz singers. I just see it as a cop out. Because some black people just don't want to admit that we have actually have no answers for the violence or condition in our community. And want to look for any and everything to point the finger too. But we never talk about bad parenting(not the single mother household bullshyt) but actual bad parenting where parents are not taking the time to raise kids regardless of who is in the household. Why are we not talking about that aspect? We never talk about the poverty aspect of it. And how when people are broke they will do anything to escape poverty. Which usually will create violence sooner or later. I mean there are so many different things we can address. Music is an escape it is not the culprit of our woes. That is silly and redundant imho.

Don't be shocked when I tell you music has effected this very aspect too. Peep.

Look what has happened to R&B.... went from loving, sweet, simp anthems to sexually overt hollar fests... This has conditioned young girls to brush off the simp that wants to write them love letters, and seek the bad boy that wouldn't have time for a family because he's so busy trying to impress cats in the streets... guess who she has a child with...

Younger parents...what's in their playlist? Guess who still trying to run up...guess who values the very trash that is being peddled in some of this music...The loop is vicious breh..

Guess what environment that child grows up in?

I'm just pointing out the pieces of the puzzle...we need them all to get the big picture.

and yes, music is an escape...but some people escape to a strip club too...which will indirectly condition how you see and treat a woman you'd hope to build a family with...

bruh...the more I talk about this, the more this spider web is revealed...


Feb 2, 2016
Don't be shocked when I tell you music has effected this very aspect too. Peep.

Look what has happened to R&B.... went from loving, sweet, simp anthems to sexually overt hollar fests... This has conditioned young girls to brush off the simp that wants to write them love letters, and seek the bad boy that wouldn't have time for a family because he's so busy trying to impress cats in the streets... guess who she has a child with...

Younger parents...what's in their playlist? Guess who still trying to run up...guess who values the very trash that is being peddled in some of this music...The loop is vicious breh..

Guess what environment that child grows up in?

I'm just pointing out the pieces of the puzzle...we need them all to get the big picture.

and yes, music is an escape...but some people escape to a strip club too...which will indirectly condition how you see and treat a woman you'd hope to build a family with...

bruh...the more I talk about this, the more this spider web is revealed...

This has always been the case though breh. Women have always wanted the bad boy vs the good boy that's not music's fault. I mean this is psychology 101. And no Strip clubs don't necessarily affect how you treat women. Most men who go to strip clubs are married in committed relationships. Its just all these generalizations you cats put out that don't add up. That's the main issue. Its always the one size fits all conclusion......and its not even one size fits most.....its usually one size fits a small majority.....we will ignore the bigger majority and just cast the net across the full population based on the small percentage of those who it does apply to. That's not logic sir. What you're effectively doing is painting a weakened mind of the black race.


Jul 21, 2012
was gonna talk bad about this song but at 1:09 they have a Pontiac G8 in the background....they have exquisite taste :banderas:


The-Coli Music Critic
Sep 4, 2015
This has always been the case though breh. Women have always wanted the bad boy vs the good boy that's not music's fault. I mean this is psychology 101. And no Strip clubs don't necessarily affect how you treat women. Most men who go to strip clubs are married in committed relationships. Its just all these generalizations you cats put out that don't add up. That's the main issue. Its always the one size fits all conclusion......and its not even one size fits most.....its usually one size fits a small majority.....we will ignore the bigger majority and just cast the net across the full population based on the small percentage of those who it does apply to. That's not logic sir. What you're effectively doing is painting a weakened mind of the black race.

I see your issue.

You want one reason to fit every person...every scenario. So it's hard for you to lend much credence to a reason if it doesn't apply to everyone. At least that's what I'm gathering from you.... that shyt just won't happen. That pursuit is great fodder for a circuitous conversation that gets no where...I've seen a lot of suspected white supremacist do that.

My approach is...I see a problem... I speak on it. I don't ignore it because it doesn't effect everyone. ...but I connect the dots...the shyt forms like voltron breh... I know not everyone is that weak minded, but I think we underestimate just how weak minded some people are.

I'm able to see the difference between those it won't effect and those that it would effect. ,,,It's possible to hold periphery vision while focusing those that have fell victim to the things I'm talking about.

You say i'm painting a weakened mind for the black race... That's the last thing I'm doing.... I'm pointing the warts out ...Why not address everything until their is nothing to address?....


Feb 2, 2016
I see your issue.

You want one reason to fit every person...every scenario. So it's hard for you to lend much credence to a reason if it doesn't apply to everyone. At least that's what I'm gathering from you.... that shyt just won't happen. That pursuit is great fodder for a circuitous conversation that gets no where...I've seen a lot of suspected white supremacist do that.

My approach is...I see a problem... I speak on it. I don't ignore it because it doesn't effect everyone. ...but I connect the dots...the shyt forms like voltron breh... I know not everyone is that weak minded, but I think we underestimate just how weak minded some people are.

I'm able to see the difference between those it won't effect and those that it would effect. ,,,It's possible to hold periphery vision while focusing those that have fell victim to the things I'm talking about.

You say i'm painting a weakened mind for the black race... That's the last thing I'm doing.... I'm pointing the warts out ...Why not address everything until their is nothing to address?....

No IT DOESN'T"T APPLY TO EVERYONE......that is not an opinion that is fact. And your addressing a strawman argument, but have not touched on the main issue in regards to your concerns. Poor education, poor neighborhoods, poor upward mobility. With the common denominator being Poverty. I would like for people like you and Phonzi to touch on these issues with as much passion as you have when you talk about hiphop. Its like that comes secondary to hiphop. Well yeah people are poor, but this music is destroying our race.....which is just asinine(but we've touched on that). Basically nobody really wants address the real issues. Rich people can listen to lil uzi vert and no one feels like they are going to go shoot a nikka or rock the faq swag movement.

But a poor people can do the same and be subject to every single stereotype out there. What's the difference in this situation? What makes poor people so subjective to having their wills and wants imposed upon by impression? Because they are broke they are dumber? More inclined to want to be like the rappers? No, 1 has neither to do with the other.........