Boko Haram...........

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
this is what I keep trying to explain to Black people right here in America, but they don't fukking get it, all of a sudden we're concerned about 200 missing girls on the other side of the planet, meanwhile, 64,000 Black women are missing right here at home and there's not a fukking peep about it let alone a hashtag.


Be prepare for the dudes to come in here and say its not that serious because black men are being shot and killed more.

As if its a contest


Sep 4, 2013
all 23 million miles of useful land
something about this shyt don't sit right... How we know this aint some other Kony type of bullshyt.. get everybody all duped again.
Far as I'm concerned, the West aint never give a fukk about Afrika, why now all of a sudden? Get yall rallied up for an invasion, so there will be no negative feedback, going after some bullshyt that never happened like that Kony shyt.
May 9, 2012
:heh: OK......OK, I think I get what this thread is about now

Every single bad thing that happens anywhere in the world was caused by American government/the CIA. Every single one of them. Because America is the only place capable of doing shady shyt.....and if any other persons in other countries are doing shady shyt, then America is directly behind it.

Close thread. :deadrose:

(meanwhile.....if the U.S. fell back and was like "let them nikkas over there handle their own situation", the coli miliants would've still been bytching about "the cac U.S. government ain't helping because they don't care about little black girls")
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Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
what did we know about before we knew about Jesus then, and how is Jesus better than whatever we practiced prior to being FORCED into Christianity and White Jesus?


Jesus is better because Jesus is the truth


Mar 24, 2014
FACT: The Bible itself was written in Africa by Africans, so Africans have more claim if anything to Christianity than anyone else on this planet. Even the so called Jews would still be praying to Loki , Thor or their cave gods if it wasnt for Ethiopians.

Islam is un African, it is Arabic is origin and nature and Africans/Blacks dabbling in it are fools. And yes, that would include Louis Farrakhoon.


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
:russ: stop it breh, I can't breathe :mjlol:

We gonna sit here and pretend that. Christianity didn't play a huge part of colonizing Africa to be strap for it's resources. We gonna see here and pretend that mercs werent hired my many christian african countries to wipe out other tribes that didnt convert. I mean come on breh, you had africans eating each other so the they can the powers of Christ to convert non believers.

Christianity didn't play apart in anything. A few people raping and murdering in order to gain land and power has nothing to do with Christianity. The goal of the colonization of Africa was money, the land and the resources. You judge a whole religion and the people who follow it based on the actions of a few who 'CLAIM' to be followers and then blame the religion for their actions just like cacs condemn us all for the actions of a few nikkas and conclude our black skin is the reason for it.


Save a thought
May 5, 2012
You got to ask yourself. With all the people missing in the world, the wars in syria, the conflict in the ukraine, the conflict in the Sudan, why does the white man care about missing black girls in Nigeria from a separatist leader who popped up outta nowhere armed to the teeth with weapons and t3rr0r1st training. They're obviously plotting on the oil.



Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Christianity didn't play apart in anything. A few people raping and murdering in order to gain land and power has nothing to do with Christianity. The goal of the colonization of Africa was money, the land and the resources. You judge a whole religion and the people who follow it based on the actions of a few who 'CLAIM' to be followers and then blame the religion for their actions just like cacs condemn us all for the actions of a few nikkas and conclude our black skin is the reason for it.

Guess what Muslims are saying about Boko Haram :sas1:

And "spreading the good word" was approved by the Church breh, they weren't some rogue missionaries out there. :sas2:


Nov 30, 2013
They already have CIA and military bases spread out through Africa. They don't need to invade and occupy Nigeria to have a strategic advantage.

But sending over those advisers and resources is obviously an imperialistic ploy. They should just leave those girls to a life of rape and torture, I'm sure the Nigerian government would work relentlessly to find them themselves. :mjlol:

The whole #BringBackOurGirls campaign is lame though.:rudy:
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Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
Guess what Muslims are saying about Boko Haram :sas1:

And "spreading the good word" was approved by the Church breh, they weren't some rogue missionaries out there. :sas2:

It doesn't matter if it was approved by the Church, who are the church to approve anything? the church is nothing but a group of men, the church is not the ultimate authority in Christianity but rather it has none, all authority belongs to God alone. The Church, pastors, Popes etc. do not run Christianity and have no right to tell any christian what to do or to 'approve' any acts by any Christians or the faith as a whole.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
saw this the other day

Boko Haram: US AFRICOM’S Latest False Flag Franchise

May 11, 2014 By 21wire

Boko Haram: US AFRICOM’S Latest False Flag Franchise

21st Century Wire

Who are ‘Boko Haram’, and what are they up to in Nigeria?

Nigeria’s premier terror circus conveniently grabbed the headlines away from an embattled White House this week (simmering scandals, Behghazi, and IRS), just in the nick of time, pulling off the terror caper of the year. Without booking any coaches, a relatively small group of Boko Harem operatives managed to kidnap up to 300 young girls from a secondary school in Chibok in remote northeastern Nigeria on April 14th.

If this was indeed a real kidnapping even, the response time is pretty pathetic – nearly one month? Barack and Michelle Obama were a bit slow on the uptake of this story, not least of because Washington has been busy ginning-up war with Russia, shipping weapons to Islamic extremists in Syria and pretending to care about the missing airliner Flight MH370. Not worry, the FBI have been sent to Nigeria to take control of the crime scene – which may, or may not be good news for Nigerians. If the FBI were really there to figure out what happened, then they should dig into this: for some unknown reason up until a few months ago, the White House was trying to keep Boko Haram off the State Dept’s Official Designated Terror List, and there’s probably a very good reason for that…

Curiously, the news claims that fifty-three girls managed to escape Boko Haram’s evil clutches but over 200 remain captive after being abducted from on 14 April.

Take all of the complicated Wikipedia text away, and in real Nigerian modern informal language, ‘Boko Haram’ actually translates to, “everything is haram”. According to their colourful Youtube and other sock-puppet videos (early videos had the Pentagon’s own SITE or Intel Center’ logo embossed on them), the “al Qaeda-linked” group(s) wants to impose sharia law in Nigeria, Niger, and even Cameroon. It’s main activity is killing and terrorising Christians, attacking and bombing churches and schools, government buildings, kidnapping western tourists, and has recently decided to try its hand in the child trafficking business.

Nigeria is resource-rich and has the largest population and workforce in Africa, but it is a nation divided along sectarian tribal and religious lines (thank the British for that, par usual), a poor nation ruled by a corrupt super-class in collusion with Oil giants like BP. If Nigeria remains divided, then there will almost certainly be no challenge to Britain, US and the Netherlands oil conquest of the country. To keep it divided, trouble needs to be stirred periodically.

“The US embassy’s subversive activities in Nigeria fits into the long term US government’s well camouflaged policy of containment against Nigeria the ultimate goal of which is to eliminate Nigeria as a potential strategic rival to the US in the African continent”, News Rescue reports.

But that is only the first layer to the new African onion. Here’s the bigger project…

One of the primary foreign policy goals of the US and NATO during the Obama Administration was to gain a greater military footprint in Africa, all of which is outlined in Washington’s AFRICOM policy directives which were set into motion in 2007 during the Bush presidency. This was arguably a much easier sell with African-American president Barrack Obama in the US than it would be with any other leader.

One only needs to read the strategic briefings in U.S. AFRICOM documents to realise the true endgame for Africa: the eviction of China economic and political influence throughout the continent, and when it comes to achieving that goal – anything goes (including a theatric Boko Haram production it seems). One AFRICOM study justifies US interventions on the basis of fears that China will eventually dispatch troops to Africa to defend its interests there:

“Now China has achieved a stage of economic development which requires endless supplies of African raw materials and has started to develop the capacity to exercise influence in most corners of the globe. The extrapolation of history predicts that distrust and uncertainty will inevitably lead the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to Africa in staggering numbers…”

Washington understands better than anyone, that in the 21st century, the simplest way to ramp-up a police or military presence in any region is to create a public enemy. Understanding what the US project for a new American century in Africa is all about, you need to understand the McDonald’s model of business: franchises. As an example, Nigeria’s illusive terror brand called “Boko Haram” has always been hard to pin down, not least of all because there are 4 or 5, or even 6 different ‘Boko Haram’ outfits in Nigeria.

One thing which the Obama Administration has excelled at over the last 6 years in running guns.

Whether it’s within the US and Mexico with Operation Fast and Furious, or guns trafficked in Libya via Egypt during the Muslim Brotherhood’s short reign there, then from Libya to Syria, ore even directly from the CIA to jihadist terror groups in Syria, and also from the new Libya out to “Al Qaeda affiliates” in Algeria, Mali and Nigeria. Boko Harem was certainly hooked into the gun-running market and has benefited from heavy weaponry originally sent to arm Libyan rebels during NATO’s proxy war on the ground, where the CIA manage Libyan fighting groups, as well as carefully manage media reports coming out on a daily basis (Washington was in careful coordination with their ally Qatar’s al Jazeera TV network throughout the process).

Following NATO’s hostile intervention in Libya in 2011, we learned that AQIM had joined forces with the Al Qaeda linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) – all of which are inexorably tied to the CIA and British intelligence agencies since Al Qaeda’s inception after the Soviet war in Afghanistan during the 80′s. Now the baton has been passed to a franchise trading under the Boko Haram brand.

“In addition to support by the Saudis, Boko Haram has received indirect assistance from NATO via Libya’s al-Qaeda mercenaries”, explains Global Research.

“During an interview conducted by Al-Jazeera with Abu Mousab Abdel Wadoud, the AQIM leader states that Algeria-based organizations have provided arms to Nigeria’s Boko Haram movement ‘to defend Muslims in Nigeria and stop the advance of a minority of Crusaders.’ It remains highly documented that members of Al-Qaeda (AQIM) and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) who fought among the Libyan rebels directly received arms and logistical support from NATO bloc countries during the Libyan conflict in 2011,” writes Nile Bowie.

A closer look at all of the so-called terrorist ‘franchises’ which the CIA are steering and managing throughout the continent reveals their true function – destabilisation, sectarian division which, of course, requires a US or NATO presence all over the continent. They are as follows:

Active CIA-MI6-Mossad-linked ‘franchisees’:

Boko Haram in Nigeria, Niger, Mali – see there exploits here and here.
Al Shabab in Somalia and Kenya – see there exploits here and here.
Al Qaeda in Islamic Magreb (AQIM) Algeria and Mali – see there exploits here and here.
Musilm Brotherhood in Egypt – see there exploits here and here.
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group – see there exploits here and here.
Al Qaeda (all singing and dancing, ubiquitous pan-African/global brand name).

Non-existent, but still promoted in Washington:

Joseph Kony in Uganda (last scene in 2006, but that hasn’t stopped Obama from sending US troops into Uganda the hunt the ghost).

Last fall’s Kenyan Mall Massacre was alleged by “western terror experts” to have been carried out by “the al Qaeda affiliate known as al Shabab”, but curiously enough, as is the case with Boko Haram, there seems to be a few different al Shababs, and rather predictable, the most extremist, over-the-top and theatrical franchise has been linked to the CIA-MI5-Mossad intelligence nexus in Africa. African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM), a peace keeping mission operated by the AU in Somalia with approval by the UN, is ‘something for the locals’ – a subset of US AFRICOM, but within that framework, various shadowy elements view “manageable insecurity” as a good business.

Firedog Lake blog has even gone so far as to label Boko Harem as ‘Obama’s African Death Squad’. They explain Boko Haram’s ties to Washington:

“A CIA Death Squad under President Obama’s control Murdered at least 12 Africans in Nigeria with a car bomb Thursday. The group Boko Haram claimed responsibility: Explosion kills 12 in Nigerian capital, Abuja | World news | The Guardian

WikiLeaks revealed that they are part of the US Central Inteligence Agency:
BOKO HARAM Is a CIA Covert Operation – WIKILEAKS | Islamic Movement in Nigeria

Boko Haram is an ODS – an Obama Death Squad. The President has several such groups, carrying out Lynchings in Africa, and Murdering journalists in Honduras and Mexico. Boko Haram stepped up its operations exponentially when Obama became President. According to US officials, Boko Haram has Murdered over 10,000 Africans (Some were ordered by President George W. Bush, before Obama was in office):
Boko Haram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because of its affiliation with the CIA, the US State Department refused to designate Boko Haram a Terrorist group until a few months ago, despite its decade of lynchings: U.S. designates Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram as terrorist organization - Washington Times

They hold molest Fests. Boko Haram’s horrendous abduction of 234 teenage girls — The Tico Times ~&~ ‘Our Ordeal In Hands Of Rapists In Boko Haram Camps’ | Nigerian News from Leadership Newspapers

To manipulate the news, they staged a battle with other CIA members and with Great Britain’s MI5:

Popular and nearly entertaining Boko Haram Sock-Puppet Video


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
:heh: OK......OK, I think I get what this thread is about now

Every single bad thing that happens anywhere in the world was caused by American government/the CIA. Every single one of them. Because America is the only place capable of doing shady shyt.....and if any other persons in other countries are doing shady shyt, then America is directly behind it.

Close thread. :deadrose:

(meanwhile.....if the U.S. fell back and was like "let them nikkas over there handle their own situation", the coli miliants would've still been bytching about "the cac U.S. government ain't helping because they don't care about little black girls")

That's because every single bad thing that happens in the world is caused by American government and intelligence as well as their partners in the British and Israeli Intelligence. Get your head out the sand cause when they are done fukking the rest of the world over they are gonna turn to you.


May 3, 2012
FACT: The Bible itself was written in Africa by Africans, so Africans have more claim if anything to Christianity than anyone else on this planet. Even the so called Jews would still be praying to Loki , Thor or their cave gods if it wasnt for Ethiopians.

Islam is un African, it is Arabic is origin and nature and Africans/Blacks dabbling in it are fools. And yes, that would include Louis Farrakhoon.
stop it,arabs gave ethiopians the bible christianity is just as arab/cac influenced as islam.