Are There Grown Men That Really Think Like This?


Feb 12, 2015
You didn't refute a single thing I said in this entire thread. You called it white supremacy and c00ning and then started calling everybody bitter and lames. How can I have an argument with you if you refuse to address anything I say in a LOGICAL manner :comeon:

I said black women lead all races of women in single motherhood. What is there to argue here? This is FACT! FACT in big bolded letters. What is there to debate?

I said black children are born to single mothers 70% of the time. Again. This is FACT. FACT in big bolded letters. What is there to debate?

You addressed nothing. There's nothing to address. Everything I stated has been published ad-nauseum throughout the media, yet you somehow are right and a 1,000 outlets are wrong. You posted nothing to the contrary to prove me wrong and I'm always willing to admit I'm wrong. You just took statistics you didn't like and said it was a white supremacist talking point :russ:

I wish I would sit here arguing for two days about black men being more likely to be incarcerated than other races of men. It's an ugly truth but, its FACT. You have a problem facing them, that's why it was a major waste of my time bothering to talk with you. You been personally attacking me for weeks. FOH. I could've been went in on you but, I didn't. Even now, I'm keeping it mostly respectful. If you was a dude, I wouldn't care. Get your last word in, since you obviously HAVE to have it (since you're here quoting me AGAIN :comeon:), so we can stop talking. Get your last word in :hubie:
You still never answered the question. I asked u how many blk women are single mothers in our community. You skated around the issue. Got mad when I asked and posted everything else except an answer to that.

I answered the question for u in another thread I linked. The answer is 2 million out of almost 13 million blk women ages 18-35. Not most. Not majority. 2 million, and 3 million out of ALL 22 million blk women. Or 1 in 7.

Single Mother Grants — Single Mother Guide

Consider also that some of those single mothers with two or more children have multiple baby fathers which implies that there may be more blk men with illegitimate children than blk women.

But u didn't have this answer to give because ur ignorant and hurt by ur own inability to attract blk women so you will use any propaganda about ur own race of women to justify the worship of other races. Ur transparent.

Simple concept. Most blk women aren't single mothers. We were never talking about the amount of blk children born to single homes. That's the trap most fall into. We were talking about the amount of single blk mothers because u and others suggest that the majority of blk women are single mothers and thus not viable dating options when this is false. Most of our births in our community are to a small amount of blk women. Most blk women are single AND childless until age 35 when their marriage rates become similar to women of other races or they marry at higher rates than other races of women in some states.
Black Marriage: Four Myths Busted by the Facts

We can't even get to real discourse on our community if people keep being bamboozled by racist media lies and using them as excuses for romantic failures. U failed to see this and u fell for it and disseminated the same lies to other brethren in the bitter nikka coalition. It's not even about having the last word, it's about the truth. You don't know ur own race of women and you don't deserve them.


Feb 12, 2015
@MalikX I think you got the fat bytch in her feelings yo. Earlier today, she was posting about running 2 miles on Nike ID. Then she logged off for good.

She literally looks like a pig in makeup.
U been keeping up with me hanging on to every word I post. Ya'll don't even realize ur telling on urself at this point.

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
U been keeping up with me hanging on to every word I post. Ya'll don't even realize ur telling on urself at this point.

But you're the one.who can't admit that there is a single mother epidemic among black women. You cannot admit that there are more single black mothers than married mothers.

Keep distorting reality, boo.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
You still never answered the question. I asked u how many blk women are single mothers in our community. You skated around the issue. Got mad when I asked and posted everything else except an answer to that.

I answered the question for u in another thread I linked. The answer is 2 million out of almost 13 million blk women ages 18-35. Not most. Not majority. 2 million, and 3 million out of ALL 22 million blk women. Or 1 in 7.

Single Mother Grants — Single Mother Guide

Consider also that some of those single mothers with two or more children have multiple baby fathers which implies that there may be more blk men with illegitimate children than blk women.

But u didn't have this answer to give because ur ignorant and hurt by ur own inability to attract blk women so you will use any propaganda about ur own race of women to justify the worship of other races. Ur transparent.

Simple concept. Most blk women aren't single mothers. We were never talking about the amount of blk children born to single homes. That's the trap most fall into. We were talking about the amount of single blk mothers because u and others suggest that the majority of blk women are single mothers and thus not viable dating options when this is false. Most of our births in our community are to a small amount of blk women. Most blk women are single AND childless until age 35 when their marriage rates become similar to women of other races or they marry at higher rates than other races of women in some states.
Black Marriage: Four Myths Busted by the Facts

We can't even get to real discourse on our community if people keep being bamboozled by racist media lies and using them as excuses for romantic failures. U failed to see this and u fell for it and disseminated the same lies to other brethren in the bitter nikka coalition. It's not even about having the last word, it's about the truth. You don't know ur own race of women and you don't deserve them.

God, you're retarded.

What you're doing right's called moving the goal posts.

I never asked you out of how many millions of black women are there single mothers. That was never the discussion. The discussion the statistic of black kids being born to black single mothers 70% of the time true or not? Yes. It is. Therefore end of the discussion :stopitslime::stopitslime::stopitslime:This whole thread you've made lame attempts to shift the convo away from that statistic by saying it's only 1 out 7 women or whatever silly logic you came up with to, in your head, minimalize the problem. Also, stop using all 22 million of black women in your count. That number includes little girls, women that never had children, women that can't have children and women who are senior citizens :stopitslime: That's why the statistic is just unwed MOTHERS vs. wed MOTHERS so we can get an accurate glance at the amount of women who are mothers in our community and if they're married or not married. Not statistics including 8th graders, my 79 year old grandma and chicks who possibly can't have kids. But even with your manipulative statistics, it still doesn't explain why black women still far outpace EVERY OTHER RACE OF WOMEN when it comes to single motherhood......REGARDLESS :stopitslime: If its not that big a deal, then why do our women outpace Asian women, White women, Hispanic women and Native American women :comeon:



Are all these charts racist lies and white supremacist talking points. Are all facts you don't like racist talking points? :russ: Girl bye.

You sound dumb.

You keep trying to imply that I'm bitter and lame. And its funny to me because I never dated a chick as wack looking as you. I know for a fact looking at your pics that I look better than a good deal of the nikkas you dated. It's funny hearing a chick I would never look at in real life tell me I"m lame when every chick I ever smashed is three or four levels above you :russ: i mean shyt, my 8th grade girlfriend looked better than you. You wouldn't register to me in real life. And to be frank, I don't really care what black women do. I haven't dated one in years. The girl I'm seeing now is Jewish, the one before that was Polish and Ukrainian. I may date a black woman in the future. Right now I aint fukking with yall like that because my experiences have been poor. We'll see though. I'm still attracted to black women. So I"ll never say never.
Last edited:


Feb 12, 2015
But you're the one.who can't admit that there is a single mother epidemic among black women. You cannot admit that there are more single black mothers than married mothers.

Keep distorting reality, boo.
(Sigh) When ya'll fail to paint the majority of blk women as single mothers, you shift the focus.

The problem isn't "most of them blk women single moms b/c they fukk thugs get impregnated by them and overlook good blk men, then want good Blk guys to take care of their illegitimate babies".

The stats don't show that. If stats are showing that the majority of baby boomers in our community are a fraction of blk women with a 1 in 2 chance of being impoverished what does that tell us? When 3 million blk women have 70% of children by more than one blk male, what does that tell u?
Well for one, mathmatically speaking, it tells us that blk men have more illegitimate children than blk women do which is funny because multiple blk men are going to these single moms and making illegitimate children.

But this actually isn't about blk men either even tho studies indicate that 92% of biracial kids with a blk father are born OOW (so even when ya'll find ur magical non-blk princess, u still can't get right). And btw I don't trust that study.

But I digress. This isn't a blk male or blk female problem because the majority of US aren't engaging in making OOW babies even tho media makes it seem this way. This is alarming because the only people in our race poppin babies out are some of the most impoverished. When poor and uneducated amongst u are the baby boomers and baby makers to the majority of children in ur community, that's a problem.

The fix isn't for blk men marry blk women indiscriminately b/c people often try to shift the blame to blk men as well. But this isn't a blame game. It's an end game. And if we want to survive then more upwardly mobile blks need to find each other sooner, create stable families and get to fukking and multiplying.

But we can't do that if we aren't honest about the disconnect many have due to crippling social issues many in our generation have which keep us from meeting or even interacting with the opposite sex. Issues that ya'll are so utterly afraid to discuss that ur willing to insult me personally at even mentioning this.

We gotta do better. And for the record, pretend I'm a rock on the dark side of Santa's ass if my face bothers u that much. Lmao! It won't change the truth of what I'm saying. 1 + 1 =2 no matter whose mouth it comes out of. So what chafes ur spirit more: the facts themselves, or that they're coming from the source of ur frustrations?

Chess ya'll. Not checkers.


Feb 12, 2015
God, you're retarded.

What you're doing right's called moving the goal posts.

I never asked you out of how many millions of black women are there single mothers.
No I asked u. Dear lord.
You can stop all of what you said. You're even admitting to this shyt now. YOU never asked, because I asked u and u failed to provide an answer.

I asked u how many blk women were single mothers. Never answered. And also stats were adjusted for blk women ages 18-35 in a previous post and numbers were also subtracted from that 3 million single mothers stat. Similar results around 1 in 6.
Like I don't know how else to break this down so I'll leave it there.


All Star
Aug 13, 2012
That's because Nerdy people have superiority complex because they know obscure shyt....

Like these aren't Elon Musk...creating rocket ship people...nerd doesn't equal smart...nerd just means you look into obscure shyt that nobody else can really give a fukk about

These are the nikkas that think because they watcheed Samurai Champloo instead of BET Uncut...that they are somehow of higher value...

Let's be real...nerdy people are pretty worthless....

They are outside mainstream culture...they know a lot of unimportant shyt...they tend to be elitist...can be anti-social...

Like no nikka...nobody cares you like playing retro video games and you can install Mugen...

No nikka...she won't suck your dikk because you like to use your telescope to look at Venus

No nikka...we don't care that you spend your free time learning Korean...

I mean...3 things you need to have to make people like you without little effort...

Sex appeal, money and charisma...

Nerdy people spend their time running away from these their non-mainstream world...then wanna come into the mainstream and demand their values...are installed... doesn't work that way...



Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
No I asked u. Dear lord.
You can stop all of what you said. You're even admitting to this shyt now. YOU never asked, because I asked u and u failed to provide an answer.

I asked u how many blk women were single mothers. Never answered. And also stats were adjusted for blk women ages 18-35 in a previous post and numbers were also subtracted from that 3 million single mothers stat. Similar results around 1 in 6.
Like I don't know how else to break this down so I'll leave it there.

Because it was never the point.

Even then, your point doesn't matter. Even if its still only 1 out of 6 black women......they still lead the race by WIDE MARGIN when compared to all races of women. So....that means, they're still the face of single motherhood. Still most likely to have kids. Still most likely to have kids and not be married. If your point was to prove that black men who choose not to date black women (out of them having kids) have no basis for their opinion, then I don't know what point you think you proved in here. If a man who was indifferent to the race of woman he dated and wanted to date a woman without kids, why would he go after the group of women who lead every single group of women in the world in single motherhood? :beli: especially when non-black women have 5x the population and half the single motherhood rates. Do you think before you talk or nah? :beli: What school do you teach at? You're dense as shyt. You're a whole nother level of smart dumb. I'm done :hubie:


Feb 12, 2015
Because it was never the point.

Even then, your point doesn't matter. Even if its still only 1 out of 6 black women......they still lead the race by WIDE MARGIN when compared to all races of women. So....that means, they're still the face of single motherhood. Still most likely to have kids. Still most likely to have kids and not be married. If your point was to prove that black men who choose not to date black women (out of them having kids) have no basis for their opinion, then I don't know what point you think you proved in here. If a man who was indifferent to the race of woman he dated and wanted to date a woman without kids, why would he go after the group of women who lead every single group of women in the world in single motherhood? :beli: especially when non-black women have 5x the population and half the single motherhood rates. Do you think before you talk or nah? :beli: What school do you teach at? You're dense as shyt. You're a whole nother level of smart dumb. I'm done :hubie:
You've been backpedaling this entire conversation. It's ridiculous.
So now that u admit to never being able to answer the question, now ur not even staying on topic.

The entire point I've consistently made is to combat the stereotype of the majority of blk women being single mothers. Never compared them to other races. Only to blks being misled in thinking that 70% of children being born in our community means 70% of blk women are single mothers.

That's why I asked that question in the first place. And why is this important, because the majority of blk women are being blamed for something only 3 million are guilty of. And also because it changes the narrative from "blk women pick sorry ass men" (b/c most don't) to "why are multiple blk men going to a small number of blk women and making illegitimate children?"

But just to review, a fraction of the women in ur race are the baby boomers of MOST of the children in ur race by an even larger number of males in ur community. Its not a "majority of ur blk women" issue.

Ur posting history paints u as bitter, dense and ignorant among other things but we'll just let the post history speak for itself. This is ridiculous.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
You've been backpedaling this entire conversation. It's ridiculous.
So now that u admit to never being able to answer the question, now ur not even staying on topic.

The entire point I've consistently made is to combat the stereotype of the majority of blk women being single mothers. Never compared them to other races. Only to blks being misled in thinking that 70% of children being born in our community means 70% of blk women are single mothers.

That's why I asked that question in the first place. And why is this important, because the majority of blk women are being blamed for something only 3 million are guilty of. And also because it changes the narrative from "blk women pick sorry ass men" (b/c most don't) to "why are multiple blk men going to a small number of blk women and making illegitimate children?"

But just to review, a fraction of the women in ur race are the baby boomers of MOST of the children in ur race by an even larger number of males in ur community. Its not a "majority of ur blk women" issue.

Ur posting history paints u as bitter, dense and ignorant among other things but we'll just let the post history speak for itself. This is ridiculous.

Uh avoid dating single mothers, lets date the group of women who lead all women in the world in single motherhood rates. Makes sense.

Like I said.....stupid :stopitslime:

I didn't make that argument either. I was explicit about that. I'm done. Putting your ugly fat ass on ignore. And this is not because I can't easily destroy your points. You've proven without a doubt you don't care about facts, charts, statistics, evidence, etc., you just keep talking regardless of being wrong. Try to switch up the argument. Try to put words in people's mouths. No logic behind anything you say. You win. fukk it. Anything to make your fat ass shut up...goddamn :stopitslime:

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
I've never seen anybody misinterpret and project personal opinions/biases unto statistics like @Booksnrain

Men lie. Women lie. Numbers don't.

It's a fact that there are substantially more single mothers in the black community than married mothers. And it's a fact that 70% of black children are born to single mothers.

Why are you being purposefully obtuse? :mindblown:

EDIT: And she's a teacher for kids? :francis: