Are There Grown Men That Really Think Like This?


May 3, 2012
No there aren't. But much like you, they THINK they are. You don't realize but u prove my point. A lot of these male nerds think they are better than their female counterparts. Even when they look and act the same. Most blk male nerds either a.) doubt blk female nerds exist or b.) act as if they are beneath you or c.) dismiss them as wanting white dudes. A lot are haven't interacted with their own race of women that they don't even realize what's out there. It's just internet tropes and 1990s stereotypes of ur own women b/c u haven't been out with one in a while.
It's the exact same rhetoric coming from both sides.

Also nerdy does NOT equal good. Much like educated does NOT equal good. Much like big ass and titties does NOT equal good. Much like big dyck does NOT equal good.

I'm still trying to figure out why whenever we have this conversation with men OR women, nobody ever talks about personal accountability except to expect it from others.
Do u know how many nerds are repressed a$$holes? Are inconsiderate? Closed off? Socially awkward? Not even visible? Making nerds victims in a drama doesn't help them.

What makes you (not you) an uncomfortable person to be around? I have male and female nerds who complain about this stuff all day long and I know why they are single. And I've told them this: they aren't easy to be around. I PERSONALLY like them because I like people so I seek friends out and I'll dive beyond the emotional shell and give people a chance. But in a general social setting, THEY HATE people. They hate interacting with groups, they can't stand the opposite sex. Every romantic endeavor or failure is a larger world problem and not because they suck at interpersonal relationships. They aren't great conversationalists and it's hard for them to converse with others w/o being aggressively rude or saying shyt that just makes groups uncomfortable. Add to that, they are ALWAYS overshooting their shot (in their head of course because that's the other thing: THEY NEVER APPROACH ANYBODY!).

Why is this NEVER discussed?! Social interaction skills are never the conversation. It's just lame attempts to shame men and women into liking you by bitterly hoping that others will be unhappy in life ("Ha! That's why she's a baby mama! She didn't pick me!" Or "Thats why she took him for everything his sorry ass was worth. He wouldn't have looked at me anyway!") for not liking you.

Black male nerds and blk female nerds are single for a reason. They are being overlooked for a reason. They are being ignored for a reason. And it's mainly b/c they have an exaggerated sense of their greatness that doesn't match their willingness to put effort into finding a mate on their level and I'm not just talking about looks either. (Edit: ...unless that mate is a non-blk person lmao! Because then they will do "whatever it takes" ...cue :Degrassi theme: to get a non-blk mate.)

im not of the "women hate nerds, love thugs" ,mindset but thats a false equivalency. no average chick gets ignored breh . she gettin hollered at every week at school and at work.... every damn day:russ: she has the option to turn down relationships. an average dude might not get more than a few opportunities a year. look at these dating site experiments.

you are devaluing the value of p*ssy


Feb 12, 2015
im not of the "women hate nerds, love thugs" ,mindset but thats a false equivalency. no average chick gets ignored breh . she gettin hollered at every week at school and at work.... every damn day:russ: she has the option to turn down relationships. an average dude might not get more than a few opportunities a year. look at these dating site experiments.

you are devaluing the value of p*ssy
For sex but not relationships. And the ones I'm talking about ain't get hollered at b/c THEY STUCK IN THE HOUSE!

They're virtually invisible. But the same chicks will whine about never getting noticed. And Im tired of hearing about it.
I don't think men realize there is a whole population of women who ain't getting attention like that.
Edit: also if a man wanted to get into a relationship he could easily find a chick. But it's whether it's the woman he wants. Just like with the woman, it's whether that's the attention from the guys she wants.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
So the same thing men do? Chase after the most attractive partners they can get when younger until they settle down with more long term partners? Men don't talk about "I'd fukk but not wife" chicks all the time and then get older?

What's the difference?

The difference is my post didn't say that you fukking fakkit :mindblown:

I said guys DO want the girl next door

No guy is turning down the girl next door that's cute because she's a good girl

Eww....get away from me...I hate good girls....give me an evil bytch....what dude says that? Nobody.

From the Soil

Nov 21, 2016
Facts. I think it's short-sighted to suggest to black male "nerds" that they should pursue similar women. The male/female ratio in that subculture is way too skewed for all of them to have a partner within those circles.

But being a nerd is only a fraction of what a person is. You can be a nerd that likes working out, does community service, listens to hip-hop or jazz or funk, reads books, watches sports, or whatever. You can connect with the opposite sex without having be an exact clone of them. People are multi-faceted and have layers.

I'm not an artsy dude, but I've dated artsy chicks before. I've dated nerd chicks, I've dated hoodrats, I've dated sports enthusiasts, I've dated hip hop junkies. That's the beauty of relationships, two people who are different coming together and building with each other.

Truth. A lot of black nerds and nerds in general are essentially one dimensional human beings and are more tropes than anything else. It's perfectly fine to have obscure interests, but one should also be involved at some level in the mainstream so there is overlap with what the average person is interested in.

With that being said, be honest here bruh. Do you not at times feel the need to hide certain aspects of your interests and self when at least first getting to know said women? Women care a lot about what their friends or other people think about their man. She might be feeling you and would tolerate your quirks if it was just herself, but if her friends think you're an absolute conball then it just won't fly. And its not just black women, but black folk in general. There is an expected threshold of "blackness" one needs to conform to without getting ostracized or shunned by people. Granted, that threshold is much lower with this newer generation and there is more room for a little diversity but its still there. Tell a bunch of people about your recent hiking trip at the Adirondacks and watch how quickly they clown you over it.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
I see this shyt happen in all cultures of women. If its the thug flashy fly dude with money and issues over the safe choice. Safe and calm dudes dont get the vajajay wet so women get it poppin with them until they cant take the bullshyt anymore.

Same thing with dudes. Crazy unstable broads got the best gushy and fukk back while the educated good girls just lay there. Its a race to see who grows up 1st with less baggage

I gave good girls a chance when I was younger. I did like crazy girls when I was younger because the sex was better. So I get it....people like the unpredictable. Problem is these girls go after that from 17 - 29. I stopped at 18. I dated this crazy unstable broad at 18 and she was crazy as fukk! No more after that. That girl put me off them forever :mjlol:And it wasn't like every girl I ever dated in life was a wild chick, it was evenly split. I dated a church girl. Free spirit bohemian types. Girls into (formal) dance and music. Wild party chicks. A bookworm. A sheltered white girl. I wasn't just chasing the female equivalent of a "bad boy" back long as the girl was "cute" and she was cool to be around....I was in there and that's how I am now except I'm a little more discerning about people. My last three relationships were a rich hipster white chick, a Jewish chick in culinary school and a black girl who was on the bookish side. None of these "bad girls" that simps like @Draje keep trying to say we're after.


May 5, 2012
But can these women actually get these dudes above their pay grade, or are they just getting played by these men?

It's like women have to be convinced that the most attractive men that want to have sex with you don't actually want you as a partner. The truly believe they are on these men's level, and try to justify it by saying men in general are dogs and don't want relationships.

What they are doing is the equivalent of a man taking a whole bunch of women out and not getting any sex, and then complaining that women don't want to have sex. That man would considered a fool. But when women do it, they aren't shooting out of their league. Men are just foul.

There's a lack of accountability in our community when it comes to women's selection of men. If a women repeatedly chooses men that play her, she's a victim. If a man does the same, he's a pathetic simp.

The fukk? Since when are women just a victim? What reality do you live in? A women who chooses ain't shyt dudes repeatedly get blasted in most circles, especially as she gets older.

And that same stuff applies the other way. Are you actually capable of getting the women that are above your pay grade (Seeing as they want dudes better than you) while ignoring the women that are actually on your level? Maybe you're doing the same thing as these women and shooting outta your league.


Feb 12, 2015
I see this shyt happen in all cultures of women. If its the thug flashy fly dude with money and issues over the safe choice. Safe and calm dudes dont get the vajajay wet so women get it poppin with them until they cant take the bullshyt anymore.

Same thing with dudes. Crazy unstable broads got the best gushy and fukk back while the educated good girls just lay there. Its a race to see who grows up 1st with less baggage
Exactly! But people act innocent and in denial when both genders are held accountable. Why? Because they feel entitled to what they want no matter what, while whining about the preferences of the opposite sex.


Feb 12, 2015
@Booksnrain , I get what you're saying but it's a matter of perspective and age.

When I was in college, the "nerdier" girls of average to above-average looks were getting ran through by the top tier dudes on campus. On the real, a girl really couldn't be considered a nerd unless she was unattractive. She was just "quiet" or "eclectic". So the "nerdy" guys of average to above average looks were paired with girls less attractive than them if they wanted to have a romantic life.

After college the girls started give more play to the guys on their level lookswise (not just nerds but in general), but that was 15 years ago for me. This tinder generation continues the HS/college dating market where women continue to pursue men above their level only to get played. These female "nerds" may exist but if they are on dating apps they don't have to limit themselves to male "nerds". So the guys don't even encounter these women or if they do, she's the cute girl in the clique that's always "taken".

But on the real this isn't really about nerds, it's about singles life in general. Women are always going to have the guise of more attractive men that are showing them interest. Men are going to settle for Ms. Right now that is 100% cooperative even if she doesn't meet the requirements of wifey, which in turn artificially inflates the market. But that value is fleeting and those inflated stock prices come crashing back down to earth. But as a man you still have to convince the woman (with confidence and presentation) that your value and her value are the same.
So firstly yeah. We need to stop it with the nerd stuff.
I know plenty of actual nerds who are happy in relationships. People are collapsing socially maladjusted into the category of nerd to maximize victimization status. If ur a cute man who is fun to be around, an average chick would LOVE to be in a relationship with these dudes. Being smart or nerdy isn't a deterrent. Being an awkward bitter entitled jerk who can't carry on a conversation or stereotypes you just as much as an average white nationalist b:c they haven't interacted with someone of the opposite sex of their own culture since the

And for every chick that was gettin ran thru, there were about 4 average chicks not putting out getting virtually ignored. The fact that ur unaware of or don't acknowledge these chicks even existing once again proves my point. I'm trying to tell ya'll not every chick has it as easy in dating as ya'll think.


Feb 12, 2015
That's fine. But why get mad at black women who don't get with you because they find you significantly less attractive than they could get?

You're judging their worth based on their looks and they did the same to you. What's the problem?
I'm wondering this too. It's like it's okay for them to find blk women unattractive but if blk women overlook them they are evil thug lovers who deserve to be romantically cursed.

its just more of the same rhetoric. Also a lot of blks aren't successful with non-blks either or exhibit the same patterns or overcompensate to obscure the less desirable characteristics for non-blks.

It's almost like selling out is easier short-term than facing urself. I dunno. I wish anybody luck in the dating world. Dating isn't easy no matter who u are. I want everyone to be happy but u can only run from yourself for so long.

Larry Lambo

Sep 5, 2015
So firstly yeah. We need to stop it with the nerd stuff.
I know plenty of actual nerds who are happy in relationships. People are collapsing socially maladjusted into the category of nerd to maximize victimization status. If ur a cute man who is fun to be around, an average chick would LOVE to be in a relationship with these dudes. Being smart or nerdy isn't a deterrent. Being an awkward bitter entitled jerk who can't carry on a conversation or stereotypes you just as much as an average white nationalist b:c they haven't interacted with someone of the opposite sex of their own culture since the

And for every chick that was gettin ran thru, there were about 4 average chicks not putting out getting virtually ignored. The fact that ur unaware of or don't acknowledge these chicks even existing once again proves my point. I'm trying to tell ya'll not every chick has it as easy in dating as ya'll think.


Ain't no average looking chicks getting ignored in college. None. Some of the more sexually reserved ones may not be seeing any dudes because of the large % that only want to smash, but none are getting ignored. Most of my homegirls were average and always had dudes hollering at them.

I'm starting to think you're one of the people that think the match for the average looking guy is a woman that is 80 lbs overweight.


Feb 12, 2015

Ain't no average looking chicks getting ignored in college. None. Some of the more sexually reserved ones may not be seeing any dudes because of the large % that only want to smash, but none are getting ignored. Most of my homegirls were average and always had dudes hollering at them.

I'm starting to think you're one of the people that think the match for the average looking guy is a woman that is 80 lbs overweight.

I actually know several women in that thread and many more just like them who are virgins well into their late 20s (and don't want to be), have contemplated suicide from loneliness and/or have crippling shyness and social awkwardness.
Sure they could possibly get any blow joe to fukk them (if they were outgoing enuff to not fade into the background) but that's not what they want, any more than the nerdy guy wants to fukk any ole bytch off the streets which he could find too.
It's about getting what you desire and neither group is getting this. Obese or not.

Ya'll really ain't up to date on the secret worlds of women. Everything ain't peaches and cream out here for women in the dating world. Kinda solidifies exactly what I'm saying. There are some chicks that are LITERALLY invisible.

And all the "well if she" or "well why doesn't she" in the world's ain't changing that. Kinda like how my advice is bouncing off most dudes on topics like these as well.

Some are married to the victimization and resent men for not noticing them even as they didn't make themselves noticable....(ya know kinda like the dudes complaining about never getting chicks even tho they barely interact with them or anybody else.)
Same boat. Social maladaptive behaviors which our society cultivates now a days.

And I'm willing to bet a LOT of money that if u put these dudes and girls in the same room with each other they'd slit their wrists b4 giving one another a chance. Why? Because they developed silly exaggerated preferences in the opposite sex of their own race out of resentment for not being chosen. And they use these preferences as a shield that obscures their own social failures and paints them as an issue of the blk community. In order for them to feel like they can get back at those phantom rejecters they need a mate with the highest social currency they can get: cue c00nism.

TBH it's not even true c00nism. It's just an attempt to get the people who overlooked them growing up to see that they are viable mates. That's why you got people online who are allegedly sex gods still coming off as bitter and angry towards the opposite sex of their own race. The actual lure of IR dating isn't whitey's proving something to people who didn't want you. It's trying to exchange the label of strange for special.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
So the same thing men do? Chase after the most attractive partners they can get when younger until they settle down with more long term partners? Men don't talk about "I'd fukk but not wife" chicks all the time and then get older?

What's the difference?
Sep 28, 2013
Basically. These cats act as if they aren't allowed to get passed over for some p*ssy. How entitled is that? Them "thugs" getting passed over by women too cause if they weren't all dudes would be trying to emulate that to get some p*ssy but IRL that's not how it works. Different crews have different standards. I see the "nerds" rolling with, dressing, styling to get other "nerds". Same with hipsters, money getting crew, educated cats, athletic crew, and so on but online if these "nerds" and good guys can't get every girl its a fukking problem. Sad thing is cats can't even see how sad they sound so I know like you said they even worse if they even open their lips (which I doubt) outside the comfort of the net.

End of the day let he/she who has not rejected anyone that wanted to be with them cast the first stone and everybody else shut the fukk up about people not picking them lol.

/\ All that needs 2 be said right here.