Are There Grown Men That Really Think Like This?

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
How come you wasn't this nasty in the single mother's thread :hubie:

Funny how fast you drop the insults, how nice you become and how fast the simp cape :cape:comes out when it involves women vs. men. Sounds like you a part of #SimpSquad :mjpls:
Yep, that's me! The more important question is what you're gonna do about it. Neg me? I'm not your problem breh :umad:

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
@MalikX I think you got the fat bytch in her feelings yo. Earlier today, she was posting about running 2 miles on Nike ID. Then she logged off for good.

She literally looks like a pig in makeup.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
@MalikX I think you got the fat bytch in her feelings yo. Earlier today, she was posting about running 2 miles on Nike ID. Then she logged off for good.

She literally looks like a pig in makeup.

That's why I lightweight felt bad.

I could've said worse. I held back even though she was calling me everything in the dictionary because I didn't feel right cutting her down any more than that. I know she caught feelings off the little bit I did say. Anybody who has their picture on here is looking for attention. We don't know each other. That's what Facebook and Instagram is for. Besides, half the shyt we say on here is wildly inappropriate so why would you want your face connected to your account unless you weren't purposely looking for attention.


Feb 12, 2015
Lmao @ ya'll being mad at the suggestion that ur "nerdiness" or "intelligence" or any other excuse isn't the deciding factor in relationship success.

The saddest part about all of this is the sheer belligerence you guys exude even in a message board on this matter at the mere suggestion that you are responsible for ur successes or failures in the dating scene. Just reading some of the responses reveal some very strange ideas about women, a lurking bitterness and outright rage.

The quote below
Stop spreading racist lies and talking points about blk women to justify ur romantic failures. We covered the myth of the blk single mom in the other thread. Pay attention!
U can be better than this! (Unless ur an agent...)

Got this response
What's false about 70% of black children being born to single mothers. This has been proven ad-nauseum. You can also look around our community and see it in effect. Telling the truth isn't being racist. Most black kids don't have active fathers living in the same households as them. (I.e. Single mother). Besides you a fat ugly bytch anyway. I wouldn't even look your way in real life. I have no clue why you on here talking big shyt acting like your opinion matters. Every chick I ever smashed looks better than you. If I wanted the opinions of a fat ugly bytch I'd go out here and ask one :mjlol:
:russ::comeon: But I'm angry? LMAO! My responses to u afterwards were just me taking off the kiddy gloves b/c I knew I had gotten to you by then.
Socially, ur screwed.

You can't even have a normal discourse about this topic. But the fact that you engaged in THAT strong of a personal attack on this topic shows that it's too emotional for you. You couldn't even understand where u went wrong when another poster pointed it out. The fact that you couldn't even understand why it was inappropriate is very telling of ur social literacy.

And the fact that you jumped bellerigently straight to evaluating my looks when you could not refute or answer my question is crazy.

It's that type of inappropriate degree of response to social situations that lets me know you have some real areas of growth and nothing u say about me will change the pathology you've displayed.

Now u do have a few options. You can always backpedal or play on the fact that this is a more informal forum to excuse ur behavior. But what worries me is that you don't understand what this looks like for you. That inability to analyze consequences of social behavior and what it looks like for others implies a lack of perspective and human empathy.

In the future if ur angry, address the points discussed because attacking the speaker is a clear indication that they have affected you.

If ur receptive, I can give other bits of advice. But ur so angry and bitter that I doubt you'll even understand what I'm saying beyond the idea that a woman (the enemy) is speaking.

Good lord if this is what's in the streets:dame:

Larry Lambo

Sep 5, 2015
That's not true. There are lots of nerdy black women who would love to date nerdy black males.

There's still way more nerdy black men than nerdy black women. The interests, hobbies, and social awkwardness that come with being a nerd, are just more common in men than women.

So there isn't a nerdy black female equivalent to match every nerdy black man. The math doesn't add up that way.


Feb 12, 2015
I hope you go this hard in the paint when the shoe's on the other foot (when it's women complaining about not having a suitable man)
That's another issue that lets me know that what we are saying is hitting and cutting deep. You skipped all over the fact that I literally said these things applied to both men AND women. Everything that comes out my mouth applies to men AND women. Bitter is bitter.

And those complaining about not being able to find mates in our community have to stop hiding behind the excuse of "nerdiness" or "goodness" or "intelligence" for their failures in romance when you have honest to God legit social skills issues, and/or rarely positively interact with others, much less the opposite sex.


Feb 12, 2015
And what about #SadBoyz like yourself? Why shouldn't you shut the fukk up and take whatever woman shows interest in you? It sounds like you and those "fat bytches" need to link up :steviej:
The frequent usage of personal appearance insults in response to my posts actually prove what I've been saying all along.

These dudes with social issues oftentimes place exaggerated emphasis on appearance in mates despite their own appearance. This lack of understanding that a person is more than the physical plays out in how they express themselves when angered or frustrated.
Feeling like someone should not talk about a topic because ur not attracted to them implies a lot of social dysfunction and an ironic hypocrisy at play even as they whine about chicks not choosing them for similar reasons.

This lack of social awareness is :mjlol:


Feb 12, 2015
The irony. @Booksnrain was in here demanding dudes to improve herself but she should look in the mirror and work on herself before dismissing the realities of dudes' dating situations.

And when she gets curved by a 6ft nikka with looks, abs and money, she'll be making herself out to be a victim and cry that there ain't no good men.

She's a sad case.
I must have REALLY hurt u deep with my responses.

If it affects u that badly then take honest inventory of what u may need to change and improve upon it.

Everybody has something they need to work on. Only difference is I'm brutally honest about my flaws. Ya'll are hiding real social issues falsely behind labels of nerdiness when that's not the main factor at play here. Good luck!:manny:


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
Not to be "that guy" but I had a lot of strange, non-productive experiences messing with black women in college. Funny thing, in high school I didnt really get that problem. In college though I had to be very wary of a certain KIND of black woman--the lying ass hoe ass black woman (not all are like this). The biggest problem I had was that SOME black women would either get intimidated by my intelligence or would try to use it for their own selfish aims. For instance, I constantly had women try to cheat off my school work (college). Now not all black women were like this. And i myself fukked up a lot of potential good experiences with fine ass black women bc i was socially awkward. But even after college, I've had a lot of negative experiences with women (some black) being jealous and intimidatrd by my intelligence. But i dont blame all black women for this. A lot of my issues have come from my choice in women, i.e. attracting the same type of women. And i hold all accountability for that. By the way none of my negative experiences turned me off to black women.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
Lmao @ ya'll being mad at the suggestion that ur "nerdiness" or "intelligence" or any other excuse isn't the deciding factor in relationship success.

The saddest part about all of this is the sheer belligerence you guys exude even in a message board on this matter at the mere suggestion that you are responsible for ur successes or failures in the dating scene. Just reading some of the responses reveal some very strange ideas about women, a lurking bitterness and outright rage.

The quote below

Got this response

:russ::comeon: But I'm angry? LMAO! My responses to u afterwards were just me taking off the kiddy gloves b/c I knew I had gotten to you by then.
Socially, ur screwed.

You can't even have a normal discourse about this topic. But the fact that you engaged in THAT strong of a personal attack on this topic shows that it's too emotional for you. You couldn't even understand where u went wrong when another poster pointed it out. The fact that you couldn't even understand why it was inappropriate is very telling of ur social literacy.

And the fact that you jumped bellerigently straight to evaluating my looks when you could not refute or answer my question is crazy.

It's that type of inappropriate degree of response to social situations that lets me know you have some real areas of growth and nothing u say about me will change the pathology you've displayed.

Now u do have a few options. You can always backpedal or play on the fact that this is a more informal forum to excuse ur behavior. But what worries me is that you don't understand what this looks like for you. That inability to analyze consequences of social behavior and what it looks like for others implies a lack of perspective and human empathy.

In the future if ur angry, address the points discussed because attacking the speaker is a clear indication that they have affected you.

If ur receptive, I can give other bits of advice. But ur so angry and bitter that I doubt you'll even understand what I'm saying beyond the idea that a woman (the enemy) is speaking.

Good lord if this is what's in the streets:dame:

You didn't refute a single thing I said in this entire thread. You called it white supremacy and c00ning and then started calling everybody bitter and lames. How can I have an argument with you if you refuse to address anything I say in a LOGICAL manner :comeon:

I said black women lead all races of women in single motherhood. What is there to argue here? This is FACT! FACT in big bolded letters. What is there to debate?

I said black children are born to single mothers 70% of the time. Again. This is FACT. FACT in big bolded letters. What is there to debate?

You addressed nothing. There's nothing to address. Everything I stated has been published ad-nauseum throughout the media, yet you somehow are right and a 1,000 outlets are wrong. You posted nothing to the contrary to prove me wrong and I'm always willing to admit I'm wrong. You just took statistics you didn't like and said it was a white supremacist talking point :russ:

I wish I would sit here arguing for two days about black men being more likely to be incarcerated than other races of men. It's an ugly truth but, its FACT. You have a problem facing them, that's why it was a major waste of my time bothering to talk with you. You been personally attacking me for weeks. FOH. I could've been went in on you but, I didn't. Even now, I'm keeping it mostly respectful. If you was a dude, I wouldn't care. Get your last word in, since you obviously HAVE to have it (since you're here quoting me AGAIN :comeon:), so we can stop talking. Get your last word in :hubie:


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
Like it's down right scary at this point. :mjlol:

I don't care about the cultural differences in the black community or why black men are averse to marriage. Wasn't my argument. Never made that argument. Again. I'm arguing with a 4 year old here. My argument was black kids are born to single moms 70% of the time. That's a fact.

Besides you being disingenuous as fukk trying to act like black fathers are with these mothers in a common law marriage sort of every way except, legal status/recognition. Half of these nikkas are not any capacity and the mother is by herself raising the kids. Half the nikkas I knew growing up didn't have fathers but, it's all lies and white supremacist talking points to you huh? Not reality and facts :mjlol: I'll admit that our generation (80s and 90s) are stepping up to the plate a tiny bit more often to raise their kids, mostly because they had no fathers and know what its like to be fatherless but, the generation from before, the men who fathered 70s, 80s and 90s babies dipped off into the wind :mjlol:

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
:dahell: Going on in here?

A pig wearing makeup thinks she's a know it all in relationship dynamics. She's upset that dudes are pointing out the fact that black women generally make fukked up decisions in dating.