No, I am not ignoring that issue. I was focusing on the issue I talked about that affects the entire party. On the issue about her, yes, her being non-White and a woman worked against her too. Still, Obama overcame the non-White animosity to become a two term President, so he showed that is not a wall that can not be climbed over. Now, can being a woman be too high of a wall to climb, I am not sure, but I do think that if they actually ran a woman that can articulate issues important to the people well, is not on pushing some deviant crap, and does not come across as unlikeable, and does not appear to be weak when confronted with issues; then she could surmount that wall too.
All and all, it goes back to my point I have tried to get many of you to see about your own lives. You try to reduce your struggles down to a minimum, while boosting your strengths. She did not do that in her campaign, and so instead of the issues only being her non-white ethnicity and her female sex, it was also laden with also her poor articulation and all of the issues the American people were complaining about Biden's four year presidency. She had the chance to make the push against her only about two things, but instead she left it open to be about a myriad of things. Which showed in just how badly she was beaten by Trump.