its not bad advice, but it seems alot of americans refuse to learn anything outside of english. You speak to a european that is not from the UK, they atleast know english on top of their mother tongues, sometimes even more.
Yeah so is an engineering degree. The point is working class Americans shouldn’t have to learn the language of a growing illegal immigrant population to get hired.I haven't watched the video but speaking another language is a GREAT fukkING SKILL to have
And Spanish is literally a major world language.....
There are more Spanish speaking black people in Central and South America than there are English speaking black people in the US and UK
Why should you be bilingual to work at McDonald’s?
The whole "you need to learn Spanish" is just a way to secure jobs for latinos lol. they been running this game all over Cali. Ana lives in LA so she thinks its normal. You're more likely to get a job as a black man in a red state than a blue state that got lots of latinos.Why should you be bilingual to work at McDonald’s?
She's basically right of center now. Shorty was talking about the homeless like they needed to be wiped off the map a couple weeks ago. On some Hitler shyt.Also that “victim” shyt she keeps talking about is definitely a cue from her man or some in laws. That’s all Latinos say about Black people on YouTube, Twitter and IG
People keep forgeting the right and left areliterally the illusion of choice, at the end of the day they are still WHITE
NYC and Chicago are already like that. latinos passed the black population last year and on top of that Chicago is where the Mexican carte;s drug operations were headquarted. Imagine that, Mexicans literally just walked into Chiraq and took over in 20 years. made money off Chicago black folks, while blaming us for the violence that they brought. How black folks get most of the blame regarding crime in Chicago confuses me, it's the HQ of the mexican cartel,Isn’t it like that in Miami, LA, and Houston?
NYC, Chicago, Atlanta might have next with the influx of migrants