America will NEVER be for black people. EVER.

Higher Tech

May 25, 2012
Gary, Indiana
getting involved in local politics only works when you have the numbers and also have someone in office to represent you. some of you black cities have this. the rest of us are A.... OUT when it comes to this. i live in L.A. most of L.A. is not black. and we only have a few black folks left in positions of power. If they age out, hispanics/asians will slide in since their numbers have increased. And then...there that goes. so we can do all the voting in the world and your small group wont move the needle.

what we need is for white people to turn off the hate. thats it and thats all. no more. and no less. all that other stuff is side talk. but yall still dont get it.
Sounds like you've already given up.
Jun 8, 2012
I think you need professional help, but this is not really the place to have this discussion.

Well, I admitted I suffer from depression...much of it has had to do with dealing with racism in this country. Which I feel that is an aspect that blacks face that is very understated.

I'm gonna take a break from this site for a little bit. This is honestly not the side of myself I want to project out there. Especially with the racial fukkery going on things are just too tense for me to really enjoy this board ATM.


A genius is the one most like himself
Aug 5, 2013
Well, I admitted I suffer from depression...much of it has had to do with dealing with racism in this country. Which I feel that is an aspect that blacks face that is very understated.

I'm gonna take a break from this site for a little bit. This is honestly not the side of myself I want to project out there. Especially with the racial fukkery going on things are just too tense for me to really enjoy this board ATM.
Good luck to you breh. Read more while your away and come back with knowledge to drop. That will be more than most people are bringin to the table.


Spontaneous Mishaps and Hijinks
Jul 2, 2012
WHo's we? and What are you (personally) entitled to? What exact resources does anyone owe you Jhoon, personally?
For a second I was about to type something. Common sense kicked in and told me to check your rep. Negative 600. Let me correct that. Negative 610.


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
Thriving to a degree is not what the OP is talking about. He's talking about the Oppression STOPPING completely at some point. he's saying that will NEVER happen. sure you can do better. but whats better when you're situation is hell. So fine I'm now in hell on a park bench vs in hell sleeping on a street corner. Thanks..

One of the tools of their supremacy system is conditioning us to believe we aren't shyt and are incapable of building up our own brand of greatness without them. I think by undoing that conditioning and waking up as a collective - something many of us are doing in droves - that their oppression will become less impactful because we will utilize their own systems of economics to our advantage in order build our own brand of independent greatness. They will oppose it, and they will try to tear it down, but they will not be successful. It comes down to black creators and black business minds becoming a focus in our communities rather than black entertainers and athletes.

We need blacks who say they are gonna become the next black gucci, not use all of their paycheck to buy gucci. Not to say you can't buy nice white things, but some of that moeny needs to go towards black business - creating it or or supporting it.

We need black filmmakers who are gonna hire black actors to be in a black sci fi movie, not a stereotypical tyler perry film. We need blacks who will support those films, even if it's in their down time when they're not working on cac-produced blockbusters.

We need blacks who are gonna create the next black superhero, not ones who are gonna complain when the white vision that is the black panther movie features him with a white wife and a weak backbone. I said it before and Ill say it again - I cannot wait for Black Panther, but above that, I can't wait for the young black boy or girl who has dreams of creating a black superhero or superhoerine who'll put Black Panther to shame.

We need our own shyt. We don't have it. When we do, things will start moving. Encourage your loved ones to develop a love for artistry and/or business. Black artists(writers, musicians, fashion designers, actors, directors, painters, architects) will create, black businessmen will fund, and black excellence will result.

This is all doable, but white supremacy will oppose it and it will not be going away. We must move forward in spite of that and focus solely on our own. This is the only way it's gonna work in our favor. At the end of the day, when you summarize and condense all that's tormenting our community and existence as black people, it comes down to one word - dependency. When we become independent, there is no cac on this planet who will stop us. We are recognizing our potential to be great, we are disseminating that to each other through social media and interpersonal relations, and we are waking up. Don't give up.

Or give up and just accept it, I guess? I ain't doing that though. I got greatness to build.


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
These guys like to throw around how much money blacks spend in this country. May I tell you an anology? We throwing hissy fits is like a child not buying their father a tie for fathers day. Our so called money is the white man's allowance. Until we begin to create our own money, our economic might be exaggerated.

The name of the game is economic growth. If we are to follow Pavlovs hierarchy of needs, we as a group haven't even mastered the art of self defense. Until we as a group can defend ourselves, we will always be under attack. The problem is, some of us don't know we are under attack. Some of us are suffering from battered wives syndrome.

Dapped and repped. Good post, king.