America will NEVER be for black people. EVER.


Jun 8, 2012
When we focus on us and build our own things ie: communities, franchises, products, etc and become less dependent we will thrive even when we are opposed.

The problem is we are dependent and continuing to beg the oppressor for sympathy and love. We don't need to do that. We need to love ourselves and build ourselves back up in spite of the evils they've done to us.

I believe it's coming slowly but surely and I will not take a defeatist stance. Blacks are slowly starting to realize that our progression will only come from within our community/race.
Thriving to a degree is not what the OP is talking about. He's talking about the Oppression STOPPING completely at some point. he's saying that will NEVER happen. sure you can do better. but whats better when you're situation is hell. So fine I'm now in hell on a park bench vs in hell sleeping on a street corner. Thanks..


Jun 21, 2012
HAAAA HAAA organizing? L O L

Black wall street my friend.


It doesnt get any more ORGANIZED then that ^^^^. and what did our cousins(the white man) do?

a small percentage of the population thats black organizes. its still a very small percentage. could things get a little better? SURE. but it will never be GOOD as long as the power lies within the hands of the majority and the majority is okay with oppressing the minority(especially blacks). Until THEY change. our situation here wont change much. Thats a FACT. that Black organizing cant change. They wont tell you that because that will make you feel helpless. Well my friend. minus the power of God. you are helpless when you are not an owner of a powerful army to protect you from this kind of nonsense. nor are you the majority type of people i see in congress. or any other law makers on any level. most of them are not BLACK. so why would you expect such a change from non blacks?
I dunno know about that...Asians and Indians are smaller and they seem to be able to do it.


Jun 8, 2012
Of course it's not. We're too interested in conspiracies about why the system doesn't work. We love to advocate not voting and get mad when things don't change in our communities. You want change?
Become involved in your local politics and start letting your voices be heard. We can change our communities.
getting involved in local politics only works when you have the numbers and also have someone in office to represent you. some of you black cities have this. the rest of us are A.... OUT when it comes to this. i live in L.A. most of L.A. is not black. and we only have a few black folks left in positions of power. If they age out, hispanics/asians will slide in since their numbers have increased. And then...there that goes. so we can do all the voting in the world and your small group wont move the needle.

what we need is for white people to turn off the hate. thats it and thats all. no more. and no less. all that other stuff is side talk. but yall still dont get it.


Jun 21, 2012
Nah, I'm realistic.

Racist whites hate us and will not stop until we are put down.

If you can't tell that they are your enemies then something is wrong with you mentally.
lol it's not your place for you to tell me who my enemies are and for what reason

If you have a racial hang up...then speak for yourself bruh.


Spontaneous Mishaps and Hijinks
Jul 2, 2012
When we focus on us and build our own things ie: communities, franchises, products, etc and become less dependent we will thrive even when we are opposed.

The problem is we are dependent and continuing to beg the oppressor for sympathy and love. We don't need to do that. We need to love ourselves and build ourselves back up in spite of the evils they've done to us.

I believe it's coming slowly but surely and I will not take a defeatist stance. Blacks are slowly starting to realize that our progression will only come from within our community/race.
These guys like to throw around how much money blacks spend in this country. May I tell you an anology? We throwing hissy fits is like a child not buying their father a tie for fathers day. Our so called money is the white man's allowance. Until we begin to create our own money, our economic might be exaggerated.

The name of the game is economic growth. If we are to follow Pavlovs hierarchy of needs, we as a group haven't even mastered the art of self defense. Until we as a group can defend ourselves, we will always be under attack. The problem is, some of us don't know we are under attack. Some of us are suffering from battered wives syndrome.


Jun 8, 2012
I feel ya.

I have my moments...then I realize it doesn't like us.

It's weird...The black man and woman is more entitled to America...As much as native Americans...but it's like the powers that be want to make it so we're a nonfactor.

I would never discredit the gains blacks made pisses me off to see blacks never get the credit they deserve in this bytch saddens me seeing us begging for change out in the street man....sleeping on the sidewalk...trapped in the hood. Living in terrible situations not just here but abroad man.Like I could never give up on my people I just want to see us succeed. This country legit makes me angry as hell sometimes because of it.

But I know what it is...we got to our lives...take care of our the cause and build each other up. My relationship with this country is bittersweet. Sometimes more bitter than sweet.

Even in this thread you have black people going at black people as if white America don't consider us all n!ggers. Like who are we fighting? Why are we fighting each other? I don't want to beef or have any misunderstanding with any black man or woman at all...

It's like that willie lynch bullshyt...The self proclaimed strong hate on the weak. The smart ones are killed off. The dumb ones that don't question anything and play their position prosper man...The darker ones are held in a lower regard than the weak...I wish it wasn't like this man....but I don't turn away from reality otherwise I'd be a coward and I refuse to live my life on my knees cause I'd rather die on my feet.
we fight each other because we have been brainwashed into believing an american dream that was not made for uS. we were not considered americans when the dream was first stated. we were considered PROPERTY. . NUCCAS the dream aint for you. some of us super elite talented, super elite brains/minds, super elite hustle. have slipped thru the cracks. but even then. the cism still comes after them(how many times has chris rock been stopped recently"? / thread) .

The dream was not for us at all. In addition that middle class dream is dying with the global economy. basically where jobs go else where for dirt cheap. it gives those people in those countries a shot at a slightly better life. which is cool. but it kills our middle class. which is where the dream comes from. again that dream still wasnt for US black people.

This is why you have to work twice/thrice or four times as hard as your white counter part to receive less then what he gets.

this is not a Something is better then nothing thread. this is a we cant ever have it all with equality until the white man changes. no one else can stop it except for the man who keeps it going and who is the majority in the US, holding all of the cards( most of the money, all of the weapons, most of the positions of authority, senators, governors, congress, usually the president, every major company is owned by a white person. even when black people owe large companies. a white person is owning the companies that cut them a check. so anytime they feel like it they can cut ya check off.