America will NEVER be for black people. EVER.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
My family was just denied several mortgages last year because we we're black:stopitslime:
Again you are relying entirely upon anecdotal evidence. Your personal life is not reflective of black America. You don't think it's oppressive that we are denied interviews because of black sounding names ? That having black hairstyles like dreadlocks reduce our chances of being hired? Once again my dude, your worldview is very myopic
Maybe your family broke, credit ain't shyt, etc. how the fukk you know it was because you were black? Did it say it on the denial? Just as you were denied I know black people that just got one. As a matter of fact she about to move into her spot in two weeks so save the bullshyt. I'm not saying it don't happen but every case ain't a case of it happening either. Funny you said "your personal life is not reflective of black America" obviously you not taking your own advice.

Drip Bayless

Jun 1, 2014
Maybe your family broke, credit ain't shyt, etc. how the fukk you know it was because you were black? Did it say it on the denial? Just as you were denied I know black people that just got one. As a matter of fact she about to move into her spot in two weeks so save the bullshyt. I'm not saying it don't happen but every case ain't a case of it happening either. Funny you said "your personal life is not reflective of black America" obviously you not taking your own advice.
No but I don't need a sign pointing out racism to understand when I'm being discriminated against. Besides that's why I offered an example from my life to contradict his, no one said my experience was a reflection of black america either, but the discrepancy itself proves that his isn't
Do you guys pick words to focus on and skim around:francis:
it's either that or your reading comprehension is lacking


Jun 8, 2012
One of the tools of their supremacy system is conditioning us to believe we aren't shyt and are incapable of building up our own brand of greatness without them. I think by undoing that conditioning and waking up as a collective - something many of us are doing in droves - that their oppression will become less impactful because we will utilize their own systems of economics to our advantage in order build our own brand of independent greatness. They will oppose it, and they will try to tear it down, but they will not be successful. It comes down to black creators and black business minds becoming a focus in our communities rather than black entertainers and athletes.

We need blacks who say they are gonna become the next black gucci, not use all of their paycheck to buy gucci. Not to say you can't buy nice white things, but some of that moeny needs to go towards black business - creating it or or supporting it.

We need black filmmakers who are gonna hire black actors to be in a black sci fi movie, not a stereotypical tyler perry film. We need blacks who will support those films, even if it's in their down time when they're not working on cac-produced blockbusters.

We need blacks who are gonna create the next black superhero, not ones who are gonna complain when the white vision that is the black panther movie features him with a white wife and a weak backbone. I said it before and Ill say it again - I cannot wait for Black Panther, but above that, I can't wait for the young black boy or girl who has dreams of creating a black superhero or superhoerine who'll put Black Panther to shame.

We need our own shyt. We don't have it. When we do, things will start moving. Encourage your loved ones to develop a love for artistry and/or business. Black artists(writers, musicians, fashion designers, actors, directors, painters, architects) will create, black businessmen will fund, and black excellence will result.

This is all doable, but white supremacy will oppose it and it will not be going away. We must move forward in spite of that and focus solely on our own. This is the only way it's gonna work in our favor. At the end of the day, when you summarize and condense all that's tormenting our community and existence as black people, it comes down to one word - dependency. When we become independent, there is no cac on this planet who will stop us. We are recognizing our potential to be great, we are disseminating that to each other through social media and interpersonal relations, and we are waking up. Don't give up.

Or give up and just accept it, I guess? I ain't doing that though. I got greatness to build.
that all sound great and all. but the truth is the truth. you can talk all you want. you can try all you want. What can change a system that you live in except for those running the system? You cant change it by doing well or being educated or group economics. you know how you know this? YOU'VE DONE THAT ALREADY MULTIPLE TIMES AND YOU'VE BEEN SHUT DOWN. There is always a ceiling to what you can do here in WHITE MAN's america. unless HE changes his dirty ways. until then. skies are not the limit. The white man's limits are the limit. You dont want to agree to that but its a FACT. no there is no dreaming in that reality. well there is. you can dream to become one of the elite blacks that make it out with super riches. but they still deal with THE CISM. aside from those ELITE black folks. the average joe black person is not going to earn that kind of money EVER. So regular folks. just realize this. its not your fault, its theirs. its not up to you to fix IT. you cant fix something that they created and you have zero control over. you can be a better you but even that wont necessarily reap the benefits it should in a racist white supremacy system. those are the facts. not opinion. not give up mentality. its the truth. learn the truth. deal with the truth and move from there. no where did i say stop hustling hard. no where did i say dont educate yourself. no where did i say no black businesses. no where did i say lets not try to become a group with an economic plan. i didnt say no to any of that and i say more power to it. But like the other poster said. Racism Depresses us on different levels. dont lie to yourself and say it doesnt. YES IT DOES. and if it hasnt yet. it will in the future. The moment you reach the PEAK they want you to reach and no more is the moment you realize wow this system is EFFd up. I've tried everything and they still got me in the matrix. This can break a person. You see your brothas sistas walking down the street out of their minds? THey aint all ex war vets with ptsd and no meds. they aint all mentally ill folks with other issues and no meds. Sometimes its plan and simple racism that broke their hearts and minds.

They were thinking "i can do great things even within this system. " then we they kept getting shutdown after all that effort some quit on life and had a nervous breakdown. What could break a man quicker then realizing his efforts are almost for not?


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
that all sound great and all. but the truth is the truth. you can talk all you want. you can try all you want. What can change a system that you live in except for those running the system? You cant change it by doing well or being educated or group economics. you know how you know this? YOU'VE DONE THAT ALREADY MULTIPLE TIMES AND YOU'VE BEEN SHUT DOWN. There is always a ceiling to what you can do here in WHITE MAN's america. unless HE changes his dirty ways. until then. skies are not the limit. The white man's limits are the limit. You dont want to agree to that but its a FACT. no there is no dreaming in that reality. well there is. you can dream to become one of the elite blacks that make it out with super riches. but they still deal with THE CISM. aside from those ELITE black folks. the average joe black person is not going to earn that kind of money EVER. So regular folks. just realize this. its not your fault, its theirs. its not up to you to fix IT. you cant fix something that they created and you have zero control over. you can be a better you but even that wont necessarily reap the benefits it should in a racist white supremacy system. those are the facts. not opinion. not give up mentality. its the truth. learn the truth. deal with the truth and move from there. no where did i say stop hustling hard. no where did i say dont educate yourself. no where did i say no black businesses. no where did i say lets not try to become a group with an economic plan. i didnt say no to any of that and i say more power to it. But like the other poster said. Racism Depresses us on different levels. dont lie to yourself and say it doesnt. YES IT DOES. and if it hasnt yet. it will in the future. The moment you reach the PEAK they want you to reach and no more is the moment you realize wow this system is EFFd up. I've tried everything and they still got me in the matrix. This can break a person. You see your brothas sistas walking down the street out of their minds? THey aint all ex war vets with ptsd and no meds. they aint all mentally ill folks with other issues and no meds. Sometimes its plan and simple racism that broke their hearts and minds.

They were thinking "i can do great things even within this system. " then we they kept getting shutdown after all that effort some quit on life and had a nervous breakdown. What could break a man quicker then realizing his efforts are almost for not?

So basically "I give up".

Alright then do you.


All Star
Apr 11, 2015
Capitalism needs someone to be the permanent underclass. Blacks are the permanent underclass. In order for America to become truly equal, and for black people to thrive, that means that on the other end, some white people have to starve. The day this happens is the day all that liberalism flies right out the window and you will see how they came to rule the world despite being the global minority.


Dec 24, 2014
This country was built on the blood of colored people and it's what keeps it going now. The only way to truly have retribution for what America has done to black people is it's destruction, not no fukking reparations, but complete destruction, because it's pretty obvious that the powers that be would rather see this place burn to the ground than let black people have it.

Well, it took bloodshed to built the country, might as well take bloodshed to bring it down :manny:

We don't want you to come back and thrive on what we've achieved.

And what exactly do you think you'll achieve???

Negged bytch.


Exactly breh, you got tons of cities in this wicked country where unemployment for black men are as high as 50%. Unemployment in Baltimore right now is 30%.

You know, when unemployment for white people reached 20% they called it a Great Depression. Well, unemployment for black people hasn't even come down to 20%. Where is the Great Depression?
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Nov 4, 2014
If you notice cacs really begin to get into their feelings when we start to explore options outside of the US, especially Africa...

It's apparent why the cacs hate the idea but what about the c00ns?

We the non-c00n demographic are in essence the capital that fuels the c00n train to deliver c00nish 'goods and services' to the ruler demographic for consumption. I suspect that if we bailed out then that would render the c00n card largely obsolete, the c00ns would effectively become the new 'thugs' on the block, it would quickly expose their ineptitude and complete cowardice. Henceforth, I've come to the realization that c00ns need us a hell of alot more than they lead us on to believe and often times they mask this through a scrupulous act of patriotism.

We're practically honorary citizens in our own damn country so I'm having trouble finding out exactly what we have to fight for and what we're going to fight with. If we've got something worthy enough to cling on to then why isn't it being utilized to stop the overt injustice against us? Furthermore what are we going to fight with? We've fought with economics and they bombed us for that, we tried politics and that got us a bullet through the head so what exactly is the golden plan??

Black america has been treading down a dangerous path of ignorance... no plan no unity zilch, the environment is not exactly conducive to cultivating self sufficiency. Too many thomas hagan nikkas out here ready to undermine black progress at the drop of a hat... it's going to take a miraculous intervention is all I can say... one in three of us are destined for the big house, almost half of our youth are educated in high poverty schools, seems the road to recovery travels through white supremacy..... everybody not ready for it.

It pisses me off that africa doesn't really have its shyt together, if africa had its shyt together cacs and everybody else would be a bit more hesitant about initiating crimes against our community.

At least if brehs do try to link back with Africa there's an opportunity for more beneficial relationships to form, I think it would be crazy for us to try to tackle this racist system in america without collaborating with a couple african nations.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
No but I don't need a sign pointing out racism to understand when I'm being discriminated against. Besides that's why I offered an example from my life to contradict his, no one said my experience was a reflection of black america either, but the discrepancy itself proves that his isn't
Do you guys pick words to focus on and skim around:francis:
it's either that or your reading comprehension is lacking
Yeah I offered an example to contradict yours so I guess we're even. Well actually you did say that but I guess you don't know what your typing and or implying now either. Maybe you like picking words to focus on and skimming around on yourself. If my reading comprehension is lacking I guess yours is also with the ability to see the shyt you wrote and what it means. :francis: