America will NEVER be for black people. EVER.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
By 2050 the Hispanic population (mexican) is projected to be around 30% up from 17%, our population is expected to be 14% it's currently 13% :francis:

shyt is not going to get much better in this country, not with the Mexicans having such a large portion of the population in the future, they have almost as much disdain for us as white people.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
Accounts and evidence say otherwise...

When it comes to civilians who were unjustifiably killed...according to the facts...I'll go with Amadou Diallo and Walter Scott


We have video of the Crawford killing, Ohio is an open carry state and the "witness" you're talking about admitted to lying. You're a fukking clown man.


Jun 21, 2012

We have video of the Crawford killing, Ohio is an open carry state and the "witness" you're talking about admitted to lying. You're a fukking clown man.
The Grand Jury listened to up to something like 18 witnesses and determined that the cops acted in accordance with their training given the circumstances at that moment.

I don't really care how militant you claim to be...nor am I saying that he "deserved" to be killed, but the evidence and testimony is murky to call him 'innocent"

That being said, I know you want to ignore anything outside of your hardheaded interpretation, but I'l say it again...IMO Diallo and Scott are two that I would say were completely "innocent" where police brutality was clearly evident.

Now...moving along...


Dec 4, 2014
Truth and logic
This is prophecy that most refuse to acknowledge.

Though no one is chasing you, you will stumble over each other as though fleeing from a sword. You will have no power to stand up against your enemies. Leviticus 26:37

I will set my face against you so that you will be defeated by your enemies; those who hate you will rule over you, and you will flee even when no one is pursuing you. Leviticus 26:17

They stumble and fall over each other and say among themselves, 'Come, let's go back to our people, to the land of our birth. Let's get away from the sword of the enemy!' Jeremiah 46:16


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
You're a clown breh and one of the main reasons "militancy" is considered a joke. If you're about this pro black lifestyle you won't contradict yourself at any time, nor any place. That's why it's a lifestyle, not a convenience. You need focus my dude.

All that mod shyt you're talking you're just beating your chest for the crowd. What does my position here have to do with anything? A lot of people here take it easy on you because you're the special kid. But I see through your shtick and it's offensive and disgusting.

:deadrose: @ "the special kid"


Jun 8, 2012
So basically "I give up".

Alright then do you.
thats how you see my post because you dont like what i'm saying. no where did i say give up. what i'm telling is striving to change something YOU CANT CHANGE is foolish and a waste of your time/energy/resources. You cant change a majority system that helps them in every way. because they wont want to let it go since if they did it will hurt most of them. most white people are average in every since the of the word. most black people are average. most asians are average, etc, etc. most people are of average intelligence and of average hustle.

Right now white people has a setup where even their average people can look ELITE and gain things that only ELITE people would normally have. Look at it like a video game. ELite status is a higher Rank. you get extra shileds, more Loot, bigger castle etc. Average status aint horrible but it sure as hell aint elite class.
Average white people are sitting in a class they dont belong in. Below average white people are sitting at average status even though they dont belong their either.

we're speaking in a general sense so dont go bringing up anomalies and one offs.

Why on earth would white people play fair? they wont. Because that will bring them down a notch unless they are truly ELITE(which most of them are not).

So what you could do black person is focus on you and yours and nothing else. try to keep your areas clean. do what you can to counsel your young brothas and sisters in the reality of this racist white supremacy. stop telling them about an american dream that 99.9% of them will never attain no matter how hard they try. dont have people dreaming about something thats virtually a fantasy for 99.9% of people. you should dream big. but dont dream fantasies. thats a waste of time and mental capacity. you do that too much and you wind up mad at the world that your fantasy didnt come true. tell the youngins the truth. then hit them with that PTSD counseling. because thats what it is. its trauma and stress all day in the hood is it not? and its due to white supremacy most times. yes even the black on black crime is do to white supremacy. so in other words worry about you and yours and your areas. tighten those up to your best ability and call it a day. stop trying to make white racist people give you something they aint going to give you which is the ability to be equal to them. aint happenin bruhs. now they can give us dem reparations. and we never have to speak again to them if they did that part right. let me get mine and do my own thing.


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
that all sound great and all. but the truth is the truth. you can talk all you want. you can try all you want. What can change a system that you live in except for those running the system? You cant change it by doing well or being educated or group economics. you know how you know this? YOU'VE DONE THAT ALREADY MULTIPLE TIMES AND YOU'VE BEEN SHUT DOWN. There is always a ceiling to what you can do here in WHITE MAN's america. unless HE changes his dirty ways. until then. skies are not the limit. The white man's limits are the limit. You dont want to agree to that but its a FACT. no there is no dreaming in that reality. well there is. you can dream to become one of the elite blacks that make it out with super riches. but they still deal with THE CISM. aside from those ELITE black folks. the average joe black person is not going to earn that kind of money EVER. So regular folks. just realize this. its not your fault, its theirs. its not up to you to fix IT. you cant fix something that they created and you have zero control over. you can be a better you but even that wont necessarily reap the benefits it should in a racist white supremacy system. those are the facts. not opinion. not give up mentality. its the truth. learn the truth. deal with the truth and move from there. no where did i say stop hustling hard. no where did i say dont educate yourself. no where did i say no black businesses. no where did i say lets not try to become a group with an economic plan. i didnt say no to any of that and i say more power to it. But like the other poster said. Racism Depresses us on different levels. dont lie to yourself and say it doesnt. YES IT DOES. and if it hasnt yet. it will in the future. The moment you reach the PEAK they want you to reach and no more is the moment you realize wow this system is EFFd up. I've tried everything and they still got me in the matrix. This can break a person. You see your brothas sistas walking down the street out of their minds? THey aint all ex war vets with ptsd and no meds. they aint all mentally ill folks with other issues and no meds. Sometimes its plan and simple racism that broke their hearts and minds.

They were thinking "i can do great things even within this system. " then we they kept getting shutdown after all that effort some quit on life and had a nervous breakdown. What could break a man quicker then realizing his efforts are almost for not?

That's that quitter mentality. I know I could do better out the U.S. I'm smart and could at least make myself $10 mill euros in my lifetime to pass to my kids. Get outta here with the quitter mentality. Just don't get into debt or legal trouble. Save up enough money from working a good job and turn in your citizenship and move to another country. Then, you set up shop and go from there.

Oh yeah, be as frugal with your monetary assets as possible. Don't live an outlandish/extravagant lifestyle. Be smart with your money and pay ya taxes on time :sas2:
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Jun 8, 2012

That's that quitter mentality. I know I could do better out the U.S. I'm smart and could at least make myself $10 mill euros in my lifetime to pass to my kids. Get outta here with the quitter mentality. Just don't get into debt or legal trouble. Save up enough money from working a good job and turn in your citizenship and move to another country. Then, you set up shop and go from there.

Oh yeah, be as frugal with your monetary assets as possible. Don't live an outlandish lifestyle. Be smart with your money and pay ya taxes on time :sas2:
call it what you want. its a REALIST mentality. not some fake fantasy land nonsense that yall like to play in half of your life then when you realize its true. you lose your mind and go for the nearest crack den, liquor store, etc. and i end up seeing yall wondering around on the streets.

dont ever enjoy living in fantasy land. its not real. and that issh will dry up and break your heart. broken hearts are not always mended. but they wont tell you that.

and by the way its not just about money.

No amount of money can stop a random white person from yelling "N...G...R" to your kid.

Do you know what rich black folks worry about ? Their children. how are my kids being treated when they have to grow up in a WHITE SUPREMACIST society. Because no amounts of money can stop that. THEY(white people ) have to shut it down.

so since you think its me being a quitter. i'll show you exhibit A my friend.

^^^just if you were wondering and dont know where that is. THats a very balleristic part of the Los Angeles right next to the beach(mostly whites live there, but its a very very nice area to lie in. If you had the cash you would love to live there. You see how they treating us?

Exhibit B


Exhibit C.

A respected African American faculty surgeon filed a racial discrimination suit against the UCLA Medical Center and UC Regents. Dr. Christian Head has been intentionally degraded based on his race and UCLA officials have ignored blatant acts of racial discrimination, including an edited photo depicting Dr. Head as a gorilla being sodomized by his supervisor. That alone is offensive. But the fact that the photo was publicly presented for laughs during an annual medical school sponsored event attended by more than 200 physicians, faculty, residents and guests is both shocking and indefensible. Hear what Dr. Head has endured and what UCLA officials continue ignore.

and remember ... this aint the south.. these people are not broke/poor/doing crimes.

Last but not least.

and we've seen how they have been treated since they've been in the white house



The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
call it what you want. its a REALIST mentality. not some fake fantasy land nonsense that yall like to play in half of your life then when you realize its true. you lose your mind and go for the nearest crack den, liquor store, etc. and i end up seeing yall wondering around on the streets.

dont ever enjoy living in fantasy land. its not real. and that issh will dry up and break your heart. broken hearts are not always mended. but they wont tell you that.

and by the way its not just about money.

No amount of money can stop a random white person from yelling "N...G...R" to your kid.

Do you know what rich black folks worry about ? Their children. how are my kids being treated when they have to grow up in a WHITE SUPREMACIST society. Because no amounts of money can stop that. THEY(white people ) have to shut it down.

so since you think its me being a quitter. i'll show you exhibit A my friend.

^^^just if you were wondering and dont know where that is. THats a very balleristic part of the Los Angeles right next to the beach(mostly whites live there, but its a very very nice area to lie in. If you had the cash you would love to live there. You see how they treating us?

Exhibit B


Exhibit C.

A respected African American faculty surgeon filed a racial discrimination suit against the UCLA Medical Center and UC Regents. Dr. Christian Head has been intentionally degraded based on his race and UCLA officials have ignored blatant acts of racial discrimination, including an edited photo depicting Dr. Head as a gorilla being sodomized by his supervisor. That alone is offensive. But the fact that the photo was publicly presented for laughs during an annual medical school sponsored event attended by more than 200 physicians, faculty, residents and guests is both shocking and indefensible. Hear what Dr. Head has endured and what UCLA officials continue ignore.

and remember ... this aint the south.. these people are not broke/poor/doing crimes.

Last but not least.

and we've seen how they have been treated since they've been in the white house


Brotha, I will never raise my family in the States. Matter of fact, I would tell my kids never to go there. Don't be hard on yourself man.
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Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
i am sorry, are the jews wanted in that area? When I read your post, I instantly thought of the afrikans. You can't go to other people's home and set up shop. This is your home. Don't every forget that.

Sure you can as long as you're willing to do some killing. :manny: