call it what you want. its a REALIST mentality. not some fake fantasy land nonsense that yall like to play in half of your life then when you realize its true. you lose your mind and go for the nearest crack den, liquor store, etc. and i end up seeing yall wondering around on the streets.
dont ever enjoy living in fantasy land. its not real. and that issh will dry up and break your heart. broken hearts are not always mended. but they wont tell you that.
and by the way its not just about money.
No amount of money can stop a random white person from yelling "N...G...R" to your kid.
Do you know what rich black folks worry about ? Their children. how are my kids being treated when they have to grow up in a WHITE SUPREMACIST society. Because no amounts of money can stop that. THEY(white people ) have to shut it down.
so since you think its me being a quitter. i'll show you
exhibit A my friend.
^^^just if you were wondering and dont know where that is. THats a very balleristic part of the Los Angeles right next to the beach(mostly whites live there, but its a very very nice area to lie in. If you had the cash you would love to live there. You see how they treating us?
Exhibit B
Exhibit C.
A respected African American faculty surgeon filed a racial discrimination suit against the UCLA Medical Center and UC Regents. Dr. Christian Head has been intentionally degraded based on his race and UCLA officials have ignored blatant acts of racial discrimination, including an edited photo depicting Dr. Head as a gorilla being sodomized by his supervisor. That alone is offensive. But the fact that the photo was publicly presented for laughs during an annual medical school sponsored event attended by more than 200 physicians, faculty, residents and guests is both shocking and indefensible. Hear what Dr. Head has endured and what UCLA officials continue ignore.
and remember ... this aint the south.. these people are not broke/poor/doing crimes.
Last but not least.
and we've seen how they have been treated since they've been in the white house