African Immigirants Most educated groups in the US.

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
it's only because they don't let blacks into this country unless they are college educated. meanwhile you have cooks, taxi drivers and janitors immigrating by the boatload from brazil, mexico, and the middle east.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Majority of the African responses in this thread remind me why I keep them at an arm's distance, IRL unless they are cool as fukk.. :ehh:

For people who are book smart, most of them damn sure don't have common/social sense. :whew:


dat dere chocolate
Feb 12, 2013
Black Gay Capital
Here we go with the blame the white man arguments again :snoop:

And the cycle of failure of enormous proportions continue....
i hate agreeing with you ugh

Majority of the African responses in this thread remind me why I keep them at an arm's distance, IRL unless they are cool as fukk.. :ehh:

For people who are book smart, most of them damn sure don't have common/social sense. :whew:
:ld: oh ok.


Apr 30, 2012
On the one hand I love reading shyt like this but the bloom comes off pretty quick because the immediate response from Africans is to shyt on AAs. Why? The article was comparing groups of immigrants but you still go out of your way to shyt on native blacks? :rudy:

People seem to understate the fact that it's not cheap nor easy to immigrate to America. So whether rich or poor the average immigrant is going to have a hustler's mentality. Then when they get here they have programs set up to help them adjust. Not only that, there are usually communities of families and like minded individuals already here to ease the transition. Since the average African Hoodrat or bum ass neega can't make the trip you have most of the detrimental elements locked out and the homeland is represented by the best and the brightest.

Of course one only needs to look back towards the homeland and see what a shyt hole it is. The continent is full of corrupt, poverty stricken, disease ravaged, war torn nations. If the detrimental elements of African society had easy access to the American border like Mexicans do those statistics would tell a different story.

This is the best post in this thread and the most accurate. I made these points in Higher Learning months ago when we had these debates.

But none of you post there :sadcam:


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
:salute: to the African brehs... One of my best friends in high school was Nigerian exchange student... Wouldn't have passed Calc without his tutoring :wow:


Jul 15, 2012
If anyone would like to move beyond the stereotypical 'AAs are lazy and etc" discussions and actually look at the issue from a serious and thoughtful perspective, here are some readings. It's not even an AA vs African things (some of the readings will talk about other immigrant groups). Please educate yourselves.

Malicious, Systematic Exclusion of African Americans from the American dream...even when they EARNED by sacrificing life and limb for this country.

Brodkin, Karen. 2002. How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.

- Even as a AA, this book opened my eyes to how f'ed up this country has been in regard to systematically preventing AA from rising even when they earned it (GI programs related to education benefits and home buying) while systematically helping white ethnic groups, who were in the same SES and education bracket as AAs, rise.

Racial Scapegoating and employment

Foner and Frederickson. 2004. “Introduction: Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in the U.S.” from Not Just Black and White: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States, edited by Nancy Foner and George M. Fredrickson. 2004. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Martin, Phillip, and Elizabeth Midgley. 2006. "Immigration: Shaping and Reshaping America." Population Bulletin 61(4).

- Racial scapegoating of AAs as occurred throughout history with just about every ethnic group that has come to the United States (that is how others achieve the assimilation and acceptance that they desire). Panethnic coalitions can be described as “a euphemism for anti-black endeavors” (Gans 1979:4). In addition to negatively impacting intergroup relations (Foner and Frederickson 2004), these distinctions have resulted in negative labor outcomes for Americans who compete with immigrants for lower wage positions (Brodkin 1998; Martin and Midgley 2006).

So you can save the AA won't work low wage positions because there is too much research that shows that employers will choose immigrants over native born black (will even choose black immigrants over native born blacks). I come from a lower income back ground and I know too many people surviving on low wage jobs for someone to say what AAs won't do (especially when you probably don't even talk to low-income AAs). If you don't think AAs are a part of the millions of WORKING poor, then you are completely misinformed.

2nd and 3rd generation immigrants

Gans, Herbert J. 1992. “Second-Generation Decline: Scenarios for the Economic and Ethnic Futures of the Post-1965 American Immigrants.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 15(2):173-92.

Portes, Alejandro and Min Zhou. 1993. “The New Second Generation: Segmented
Assimilation and Its Variants.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 530:74-96

Waters, Mary C. 1999. Black Identities: West Indian Immigrant Dreams and American
Realities. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

There is a second generation and HUGE third generation decline among most ethnic immigrants groups. Third plus generation students have lower achievement outcomes. Their statistics generally begin looking like the statistics of African American (or at least significantly worse than their parents). Additionally, second and third generation ethnic immigrants are way less optimistic about their chances of actually achieving the American dream. That declining optimism has a lot less to do with second and third generation children being less smart or hard working, and has a lot to do with the reality of structural barriers for most minority groups, regardless of immigrant status.

Selective Immigration

Feliciano, Cynthia. 2005. “Does Selective Migration Matter? Explaining Ethnic Disparities in Educational Attainment among Immigrant Children.” International Migration Review 39(4): 841-71.

Selection bias in regard to the types of immigrants who come to the US explains the disparities in achievement between different immigrant groups and between immigrants and natives. Feliciano (2005) found that immigrants are often drawn from higher education classes in their home country, whereas their children are relatively less advantaged in the United States (explaining their second and third generation decline).

Finally, you can read the above stuff or not. They are considered foundational pieces in literature related race, immigration, or ethnicity. All I ask is that you move beyond that simplistic "AAs are lazy" especially when I am sure you know many lazy, good for nothing Africans back home who would be lazy and good for nothing here.


Apr 30, 2012
All these excuses… yet the same reality. Tsk tsk.

I see no need to make any excuses, I have an African (in the context of African vs. African-American) side to my family and I recognize all the things that @Keith Harrow said. You cannot use those who come from exceptional circumstances in one way or another, as a proxy for what the average man would accomplish if he simply weren't so lazy. What goes overlooked in all of this is that Jewish people, Africans. people from the Caribbean, Asians, etc., all these groups achieve their prosperity within the United States, but with an un-American tradition of an extended family network that fosters success. The United States preaches individualism and simply taking care of one's own and uninhibited pursuit of one's own self-interest, yet the most success people in this country academically (immigrants) have achieved those goals by using a system of cultural values that are unique to their own cultures. There are criticisms of black americans to be certain, but the positioning of the two communities is different.
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Jul 15, 2012
Also, with all that said. With all of the "excuses" I just listed, I would like to say that the trait that I admire most in my African friends is their internal locus of control (i.e., they truly believe they are the masters of their destiny). As a result, they are still going to work their hardest to achieve their goals regardless of the hurdles they face.

Research shows that individuals with an internal locus of control typically achieve more than those who with an external locus of control (external locus people typically give up because they feel like their efforts are futile).

I don't want those articles I posted to diminish anything related to that achievement in the OP. Again, race is the reason that African immigrants probably won't receive the model minority title despite their results.

69 others

May 2, 2012
On the one hand I love reading shyt like this but the bloom comes off pretty quick because the immediate response from Africans is to shyt on AAs. Why? The article was comparing groups of immigrants but you still go out of your way to shyt on native blacks? :rudy:

People seem to understate the fact that it's not cheap nor easy to immigrate to America. So whether rich or poor the average immigrant is going to have a hustler's mentality. Then when they get here they have programs set up to help them adjust. Not only that, there are usually communities of families and like minded individuals already here to ease the transition. Since the average African Hoodrat or bum ass neega can't make the trip you have most of the detrimental elements locked out and the homeland is represented by the best and the brightest.

Of course one only needs to look back towards the homeland and see what a shyt hole it is. The continent is full of corrupt, poverty stricken, disease ravaged, war torn nations. If the detrimental elements of African society had easy access to the American border like Mexicans do those statistics would tell a different story.

this and this is coming from someone of west indian heritage cause some of us like doing that shyt too.