African Immigirants Most educated groups in the US.

Sep 14, 2012
7,068, its because the africans which migrate to america typically come over with a strong family education background and money. The elite of the rest of the world migrate to america and skew stats. Americans who move to germany, uk, and japan are PRETTY EDUCATED for example.

Lets compare 2nd and 3rd generation migrants, or even more so, african immigrants vs their korean, chinese and indian counterparts.

Lets compare apples to apples :upsetfavre:

Neither of my parents had money/were 'elite' when they came to America. My dad drove taxis and worked in restaurants to pay for his graduate school education. I understand what you're saying about the comparing apples to apple though. It would be interesting to compare 1st generation Africans to 1st generation Asians and see how the numbers compare. However, I think it's presumptuous of you to assume that wealth is what is driving these high rates of education among Africans. From my experience, the thing that a lot of 1st generation Africans in America have in common with each other is the amount of struggle our parents had to go through when they first came here to give us (their children) the opportunity to take advantage of what this country has to offer, namely a quality education.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Yall dont realize how serious these cats take their education

They dont take a single thing for granted when they come here

Haitians too. My dad snuck into this country with nothing but the clothes on his back now he makes almost 100k a year

The American Dream still exists yall, let's get this money. :salute:
while this is somewhat true a lot of em only go to school because their parents make them. fukk getting a degree, let me see what you do with it.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Toronto, its because the africans which migrate to america typically come over with a strong family education background and money. The elite of the rest of the world migrate to america and skew stats. Americans who move to germany, uk, and japan are PRETTY EDUCATED for example.

Lets compare 2nd and 3rd generation migrants, or even more so, african immigrants vs their korean, chinese and indian counterparts.

Lets compare apples to apples :upsetfavre:

Hit the nail on the head. As an african, with many african friends and and african who has macked on many african women this is the truth. My ex girlfriend is a good example too. She isnt the smartest but her dad (who I suspect of fraud) is rich. She went to the U of Toronto because her african parents make her even though she isnt passionate about Law/Politics. Truthfully she flip flops, wasnt even really sure what she wanted to do and I stopped bothering to steer her.

Now she transferred to a school in the UK so she could be done with school and get her lawyer requirements and then start a cosmetics company. Waste of time and international student tuition. A great deal of us have the right values but if you know any actual africans youll see a lot of em (mainly women) just go to school to get their parents off their backs. For every doctor is a chick thatll get wifed up by a fellow african man (likely older) who is very prosperous and fruitive and then become housewives or run little businesses on the side.


Jul 17, 2012
You could say that of almost all legal immigrants who aren't refugees or assylum seekers. The US has strict quotas on who they allow to immigrate here legally, and that's been a big part of the secret to the American success story. That's also why illegal immigration is such a big problem. There's no way to screen who comes over and even if they are hardworking it's hard to fully integrate if you are someone who operates outside of the law.

Interesting thread.

I just finished graduate school (law) and am excited to actually help out my community and pay it forward but I have also come to understand that, due to my african background, I have a more specific community that I can help build, whereas it's not really fair to expect african americans generally to help other african americans generally. It would be like expecting all native americans to help all other native americans when there is no closer context or relation points

This is true, black people are not ethnically or culturally homogeneous. Personally I would hope that stuff didn't matter but the reality is that you couldn't even say that black people all shared the same language/culture or even the same religion.


May 1, 2012
African Americans lost :pachaha:
Priorities are completely different than those of Africans. While black American kids make fun of the African for his cheap clothing and shoes, he's hittin up that chancellors list every semester and ends up with enough dough to buy and sell a few African Americans


All Star
May 6, 2012
Hit the nail on the head. As an african, with many african friends and and african who has macked on many african women this is the truth. My ex girlfriend is a good example too. She isnt the smartest but her dad (who I suspect of fraud) is rich. She went to the U of Toronto because her african parents make her even though she isnt passionate about Law/Politics. Truthfully she flip flops, wasnt even really sure what she wanted to do and I stopped bothering to steer her.

Now she transferred to a school in the UK so she could be done with school and get her lawyer requirements and then start a cosmetics company. Waste of time and international student tuition. A great deal of us have the right values but if you know any actual africans youll see a lot of em (mainly women) just go to school to get their parents off their backs. For every doctor is a chick thatll get wifed up by a fellow african man (likely older) who is very prosperous and fruitive and then become housewives or run little businesses on the side.

So this whole story just said you know people who parents came to America already well off. Still doesn't mean that is the case for the majority.
Sep 14, 2012
Hit the nail on the head. As an african, with many african friends and and african who has macked on many african women this is the truth. My ex girlfriend is a good example too. She isnt the smartest but her dad (who I suspect of fraud) is rich. She went to the U of Toronto because her african parents make her even though she isnt passionate about Law/Politics. Truthfully she flip flops, wasnt even really sure what she wanted to do and I stopped bothering to steer her.

Now she transferred to a school in the UK so she could be done with school and get her lawyer requirements and then start a cosmetics company. Waste of time and international student tuition. A great deal of us have the right values but if you know any actual africans youll see a lot of em (mainly women) just go to school to get their parents off their backs. For every doctor is a chick thatll get wifed up by a fellow african man (likely older) who is very prosperous and fruitive and then become housewives or run little businesses on the side.

The only thing I agree with in this post is the conflict of interest between the parent and their child regarding their education. African parents pretty much think that the only way to be successful in this country is to be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer.:comeon: So being the obedient children that we are, we try to appease them. If it works out, cool. If not, then there is going to be turmoil in the family until you start making money doing what you love doing.:yeshrug: That's what I'm going through right now. Yea, it ends up being a waste of time/resources, but it is what is it. At least the values we have are there, I suppose.:ld:


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
So this whole story just said you know people who parents came to America already well off. Still doesn't mean that is the case for the majority.

not what I'm saying bro. My parents came to Canada and werent well off AT ALL. And Id say I'm pretty bright but I was born here anyway. Just so happens that my dad has a masters in Engineering, is a PEng and has a Doctorate in Philosophy. :whew:

Not dissing my people, all I'm saying is dont give them so much credit. On average we are defintely harder working and have better values instilled, but at the same time we're human beings. Do you know how much money it takes to move to the Americas though and pay for immigrants to be in school? Unless the parents move and have good backgrounds like Gizzle said theyll be stuck working in meat factories and wont even afford that education. My dad could tell you better than I can though. In fact a lot of them are children of politicians or connected people that steal money from the gov't/country.

It's like how when some people on this forum say that if they get rich theyre gonna go to africa or developing countries when it comes to finding a wife because theyll be easier to trust. Smmfh. Ya'll dont realize that African women try their best to emulate western culture? :deadrose:

Like I said earlier, I could care less that theyre getting diplomas, let me see what these diplomas are. Guarantee that at least from the women youll see a good share of sociology and liberal arts jawns because they are only going to school to make their parents happy. Even the doctors, a lot of em only do it cause their parents forced them. A chick i met a while back is doing Life Sciences because her dad is making her become a doctor pretty much. What she actually wanted to do was Biomed Engineering which is a lot cheaper less stressful, just as prosperous and has much better exit opportunities. To each his own though. My parents new from early they couldnt tell me nothing.
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
Neither of my parents had money/were 'elite' when they came to America. My dad drove taxis and worked in restaurants to pay for his graduate school education

Why do immigrants think this is unique? My grandfathers worked double shifts for like 30 years in dirty ass US my parents got great grand parents were sharecroppers

This thread and the celebratory cosigns underscore the fact that many africans have a true disdain for black americans that built this land and fought :ufdup: for THEIR rights, and you all claim our culture and people, and sell it out when convenient.

Middle passage material >>>>>>>>


You're minor, we're major
May 1, 2012
Priorities are completely different than those of Africans. While black American kids make fun of the African for his cheap clothing and shoes, he's hittin up that chancellors list every semester and ends up with enough dough to buy and sell a few African Americans
