Affirmative action amendment has some Asian-Americans furious


May 4, 2012
a waste of effort for black people

? when defending affirmative action requires using your mental energy and your political capital, so at some point you should evaluate whether the mental energy and poltical capital you are exerting is worth the results

im saying the results arent worth it

first black people do not need it, the notion that te only way black people can get ahead is through AA is itself premised on black inferiority and white supremacy

second AA is not free there is a price you pay in mental energy and political capital

so its matter if vaulting wheher its worth it

what does this even mean, first of all the story was about college admissions, not about hiring

but as far as hiring there is no law that requires hiring black people

yeah, so whats your point?

like i said the level of racism is not an argument for AA, you have to show that AA is working and it has results
Mental energy and political capital. I dont think black people are spending much of either.

Political capital? :mjlol: What capital? Capital that would be better spent on what?

Black people just dont need any kind of assitance huh? Do you spend any time in black neighborhoods?

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Mental energy and political capital. I dont think black people are spending much of either.

Political capital? :mjlol: What capital? Capital that would be better spent on what?

Black people just dont need any kind of assitance huh? Do you spend any time in black neighborhoods?
He's a cac.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Mental energy and political capital. I dont think black people are spending much of either.

Political capital? :mjlol: What capital? Capital that would be better spent on what?

i actually think we are spending political capital and mental energy defending AA, instead the mental energy and poltical capital should be spent in changing african american culture to be more academically oriented and to replacing the public education system with charters and vouchers
Black people just dont need any kind of assitance huh?

no not really, black people are perfectly able to fix our situation, the notion that we arent comes from a belief in black inferiority and white superiority
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May 4, 2012
i actually think we are spending political capital and mental energy defending AA, instead the mental energy and poltical capital shold be spent in changing african american culture to be more academically oriented and to replacing the public education sytem with charters and vouchers

no not really, black people are perfectly able to fix our situation, the notion that we arent comes from a belief in black inferiority and white superiority
And in your opinion, you cant defend affirmative action and push for education. You dont think black people are very intelligent do you.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
And in your opinion, you cant defend affirmative action and push for education.

of course you can defend affirmative action and push for education, im just saying defending affirmative action is a waste of time and effort

just because you can do something doesnt mean you should do it, imo you have to do things that provide the maximum results, AA provides minimal results so therefor its a waste of time

which brings up the other point, black people arent even the main beneficiaries of AA, so why is it so important for black people to defend it?
You dont think black people are very intelligent do you.

my whole point is that black people are perfectly intelligent that is why AA is not really necessary

i think its the people that support AA that are suggesting black people arent intelligent


May 4, 2012
of course you can defend affirmative action and push for education, im just saying defending affirmative action is a waste of time and effort

just because you can do something doesnt mean you can do it, imo you have to do things that provide the maximum results, AA provides minimal results so therefor its a waste of time

which brings up the other point, black people arent even the main beneficiaries of AA, so why is it so important for black people to defend it?

my whole point is that black people are perfectly intelligent that is why AA is not really necessary

i think its the people that support AA that are suggesting black people arent intelligent
I guess my thought of affirmative action is placement in areas where black people otherwise would not get hired because of skin color, not lowering standards to allow black people access. Is that really what it is?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I guess my thought of affirmative action is placement in areas where black people otherwise would not get hired because of skin color, not lowering standards to allow black people access. Is that really what it is?

like i said, there is no law that requires hiring black people so im not sure what you are talking about

the story i posted is about lowering the standards of college admission, supposedly this will help blacks and latinos


Apr 30, 2012
I see TWISM is spewing his usual points in here that are based not on research, but his own opinions. Not based on results, but on his rigid adherence to this notion of black empowerment as a goal that much be achieved through the singular vehicle of the black community becoming it's own "master race." Anything that he sees that makes any excuse, or that purportedly prevents or delays this black awakening, is a farce in his eyes and is detrimental to the black community as a whole. Instead of recognizing that the improvement of black Americans is not a zero sum game between "pulling yourselves up by your boot straps" and using methods proven to provide better life outcomes for the African-Americans that go through it, he relies on the same talking points he's repeated ad nauseum since I was a teenager. He's remarkably consistent, and so is the data shows him to be redundantly wrong.

With that said, here is an excerpt from Lee Bollinger's Slate article last (you'll know that name if you know anything about affirmative action) about the usage of race in college admissions that answers a lot of what Bigdee or whatever was saying.

To start, there is widespread discomfort in this country with government or institutional policies that factor race into decision-making. One concern, a legitimate one, is that this door swings both ways: By opening it in order to use racial identity for benign purposes, such as overcoming past discrimination or promoting diversity, we also make ourselves vulnerable to institutionalized prejudice and bias.

The real challenges intrinsic to gaining diversity’s many benefits must not be conflated, however, with the very different and erroneous idea that the United States in 2013 has become a post-racial society, for that surely is not the case. According to the Civil Rights Project at UCLA, the nation’s population of African American and Latino K–12 students is more segregated than at any time since the 1960s. One-third of black students and almost one-half of white students attend a primary or secondary school where 90 percent of their classmates are of their race, a trend that shows no signs of abating. Particularly for these students, a college experience of immersion in a diverse student body will be essential if they are to thrive in the multi-racial society they will inhabit as adults.

Another familiar argument for ending affirmative action in higher education, cloaked in new data and rhetoric, is that such efforts put African American and Hispanic students in educational environments where they are over their heads and bound to fail. However well intended, this “mismatch theory” has been widely criticized by scholars for employing flawed methodology. Indeed, if there is one thing thatrespected studies have shown, it is that both minority and low-income students who went to top-tier colleges do better later in life than equally smart students who did not.

Finally, it is understandable that public concern about high tuition costs and growing student debt has focused attention on maintaining socioeconomic diversity. But let’s be candid. The source of increased tuition is not too much racial and cultural diversity; nor will the problem be solved by ending affirmative action in admissions. The real culprit here is the foolish decision of too many state governments to slash investment in public universities, like the one I graduated from, where the vast majority of students in the U.S. receive their college education and find a ladder of opportunity.percentage of admitted undergraduate students who are African American is still 40 percent below what it was 17 years ago when the state adopted a referendum banning any consideration of race in the admissions process. The figures for admission of Latino applicants are better only because of the huge increase in the proportion of California’s high school graduates who are Latino. Make no mistake: This outcome hurts all students on campus by robbing them of the skills learned through exposure to diverse people and perspectives, the very skills needed to succeed in today’s global marketplace.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I see TWISM is spewing his usual point sin here that are based not on research, but his own opinions. Not based on results, but on his rigid adherence to this notion of black empowerment as a goal that much be achieved through the singular vehicle of the black community becoming it's own "master race." Anything that he sees that makes any excuse, or that purportedly prevents or delays this black awakening, is a face in his eyes and is detrimental to the black community as a whole. Instead of recognizing that the improvement of black Americans is not a zero sum game between "pulling yourselves up by your boot straps" and using methods proven to provide better life outcomes for the African-Americans that go through it, he relies on the same talking points he's repeated ad nauseum since I was a teenager. He's remarkably consistent, and so is the data shows him to be redundantly wrong.

With that said, here is an excerpt from Lee Bollinger's Slate article last (you'll know that name if you know anything about affirmative action) about the usage of race in college admissions that answers a lot of what Bigdee or whatever was saying.

hold up, what is wrong with a "rigid adherence to this notion of black empowerment as a goal that much be achieved through the singular vehicle of the black community becoming it's own "master race."

i never said its a zero sum game, but as far as AA is concerned its highly inefficient and ineffective, AA can only be seen as a good thing when you use a pathetic measuring stick, where basically any piddling amount of black students is seen as a great success

there is no data showing anything ive said is wrong

as far as the bollinger article, its just white liberal mumbo jumbo, that uses premises and goals based on white liberalism, and then basically assuming that black people need to go along with it because the great white liberal knows whats best for black people

prime example being, why exactly is diversity a goal? black people's goal should not be "diversity", IMO black people's goal is to dominate the process and be overrepresented

so if your goal is "diversity" i totally agree that AA helps "diversity", i totally disagree that diversity is our goal tho

i can go on and on, but suffice it to say that you and your corny article is a perfect example of black people letting liberalism be the "black agenda"
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Feb 13, 2014
In California whites would benefit from affirmative action. They are actually under represented in the UC system.