“A black job is the president and vice president of the United States”- Joe Biden

May 1, 2012
I didn't expect your counterargument to be this compelling, I'm actually blown away and I'm reversing my position. A role where only a single ~black person has ever been president, is a black job.


This is better than you arguing a point and looking foolish because the entire thing went over your head.... It's a start :manny:


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
This is better than you arguing a point and looking foolish because the entire thing went over your head.... It's a start :manny:

It didn't go over my head, Biden is clearly pandering to people like you who want feel good rhetoric and that's fine. I'm not here to shame you for being sold a bill of goods, I'm just pointing out that it's a bill of goods.


Oct 8, 2014
It didn't go over my head, Biden is clearly pandering to people like you who want feel good rhetoric and that's fine. I'm not here to shame you for being sold a bill of goods, I'm just pointing out that it's a bill of goods.
What is the proper answer to the question of what a black job is?

May 1, 2012
It didn't go over my head, Biden is clearly pandering to people like you who want feel good rhetoric and that's fine. I'm not here to shame you for being sold a bill of goods, I'm just pointing out that it's a bill of goods.

Really? How about you tell me what a "black job" is supposed to be then.... :jbhmm:


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
What is the proper answer to the question of what a black job is?


Really? How about you tell me what a "black job" is supposed to be then.... :jbhmm:

We can just look for data that tells us which jobs, industries and sectors black people are overrepresented in.

If we were talking about white neighborhoods, we'd all be in alignment, no one would suggest that white neighborhoods don't exist because some of them are comprised of a few Black families but for some odd reason, when we're talking about jobs, all logic goes out of the window and the rules change.

funny that.


Jul 25, 2018
Really? How about you tell me what a "black job" is supposed to be then.... :jbhmm:

These hashtag niccas brains been fried by years of listening to black c00nservative astroturf militant grifters.

He probably agrees with conservatives that Kamala Harris is a "DEI" vice president inserted by racist liberals to further undermined "ADOS." You already see this narrative popping up. These niccas is legit crazy. Ready for bloody revolution when it comes to Democrats but become agreeable little puppy dogs to anything Republicans say, and then get upset when you mistake them for straight pro-Trump weirdos and not the militant thought leaders they want to be seen as.

Keep in mind these niccas will attack Kamala Harris for anything she says with regards to black people, because she is a "tether," but they will bend over backwards to argue for Donald Trump, a descendant of German euro trash immigrants, talking about "black jobs." Just like John Lewis was a disgrace but Trump is wished a speedy recovery by Tariq Nadipshyt. These people are straight up overcompensating white worshipping Republic00ns.

You have to see that a lot of these niccas agree with the "black jobs" gaffe because deep down they share the same view of some glorious American past as their white counterparts. They reminisce the days of America where there were no "foreigners" black people coexisted with 90% whites and got by shining shoes and folding towels. He hates immigrants and liberals because he is told to by agents like Tariq Nasheed and Yvette Carnell, and he wants to mislead black people back to the glory days; when positions of affluence and leadership were "white jobs" and low-income labor was reserved for "the blacks." He has no idea how stupid he sounds. He actually believe he is standing up for black people by standing against immigrantion and liberal policies that push black people into greater roles, while agreeing with rich white conservatives about what place in society we are reserved to be in.


God forgives, you are forgiven.
Aug 19, 2014
Bay area
These hashtag niccas brains been fried by years of listening to black c00nservative astroturf militant grifters.

He probably agrees with conservatives that Kamala Harris is a "DEI" vice president inserted by racist liberals to further undermined "ADOS." You already see this narrative popping up. These niccas is legit crazy. Ready for bloody revolution when it comes to Democrats but become agreeable little puppy dogs to anything Republicans say, and then get upset when you mistake them for straight pro-Trump weirdos and not the militant thought leaders they want to be seen as.

Keep in mind these niccas will attack Kamala Harris for anything she says with regards to black people, because she is a "tether," but they will bend over backwards to argue for Donald Trump, a descendant of German euro trash immigrants, talking about "black jobs." Just like John Lewis was a disgrace but Trump is wished a speedy recovery by Tariq Nadipshyt. These people are straight up overcompensating white worshipping Republic00ns.

You have to see that a lot of these niccas agree with the "black jobs" gaffe because deep down they share the same view of some glorious American past as their white counterparts. They reminisce the days of America where there were no "foreigners" black people coexisted with 90% whites and got by shining shoes and folding towels. He hates immigrants and liberals because he is told to by agents like Tariq Nasheed and Yvette Carnell, and he wants to mislead black people back to the glory days; when positions of affluence and leadership were "white jobs" and low-income labor was reserved for "the blacks." He has no idea how stupid he sounds. He actually believe he is standing up for black people by standing against immigrantion and liberal policies that push black people into greater roles, while agreeing with rich white conservatives about what place in society we are reserved to be in.
Posters like this are the true agents. Attacks black posters constantly with extreme vigor while arguing for a specific side. This is the type of behavior agents of chaos have always used, extreme language and rhetoric which turns people off towards the side in which they are arguing for. You’ve all seen it throughout history in this country. None of his post had anything to do with what the poster was arguing, instead he went into a manic rant. If y’all can’t see the obvious :hubie:

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016

Previous McKinsey research has documented geographic mismatches between Black workers and opportunity; underrepresentation in fast-growing, higher-wage industries; lower odds for advancement and higher attrition for Black workers in frontline and entry-level jobs; low representation in executive roles; and a lack of sponsorship and allyship for Black employees. The occupational lens taken in this work is an important complement to those perspectives—and it is inextricably linked to the wage gap, which holds the key to greater economic mobility if addressed.

Today the median annual wage for Black workers is approximately 30 percent, or $10,000, lower than that of white workers—a figure with enormous implications for household economic security, consumption, and the ability to build wealth. Black workers make up 12.9 percent of the US labor force today but earn only 9.6 percent of total US wages.

We estimate a $220 billion annual disparity between Black wages today and what they would be in a scenario of full parity, with Black representation matching the Black share of the population across occupations and the elimination of racial pay gaps within occupational categories. Achieving this scenario would boost total Black wages by 30 percent and draw approximately one million additional Black workers into employment.

The racial wage disparity is a surprisingly concentrated phenomenon. Less than 4 percent of all occupational categories account for more than 60 percent of it (Exhibit 1). They fall into five broad categories: managers of frontline workers, other managers and executives, professions requiring postgraduate training (such as lawyers and physicians), professions requiring undergraduate degrees and accreditation (such as teachers and accountants), and technology specialists (such as software developers and computer and information systems managers). Furthermore, almost 85 percent of the wage disparity is concentrated in just five sectors (professional services, manufacturing, construction, trade/transportation/utilities, and financial services).



Aug 23, 2019
Posters like this are the true agents. Attacks black posters constantly with extreme vigor while arguing for a specific side. This is the type of behavior agents of chaos have always used, extreme language and rhetoric which turns people off towards the side in which they are arguing for. You’ve all seen it throughout history in this country. None of his post had anything to do with what the poster was arguing, instead he went into a manic rant. If y’all can’t see the obvious :hubie:
I mean that's the same dude that said all of black America's problems stems from the fact that we're pathological child abusers

This is why the black community is fukked up. Still practicing and emulating the behaviors of our oppressors, including their selective hypocritical Bible thumping while dehumanizing others, and the "suffer now, your reward is in heaven" miserable living.

White parents raise their kids and their homes with maturity and respect. They learn and practice new and progressive methods of engaging with kids and maintaining a healthy family that work and raises their kids to be the next generation of fearless and respectable leaders in this world that reflects the healthy environment they were given. But black parents wanna take that same Bible that was shoved in our faces as property to white people 600 years ago, pass it down generation after generation and teach our own kids how to be quiet, obedient, battered slaves to a master with mental issues. That, or how to be whacked out "tough" domestic terrorists.

Amd then we wonder why our kids are nuts in the street and falling behind when others are getting ahead. We want to talk about abusive systemic racism holding our youth back. We got to talk about abusive, systemic, shytty, lazy, Bible based parenting plaguing our communities.

Beating does NOT work. And black parents who think just following a Bible verse and calling it a day is "parenting" are the worst. The WORST. Lazy and dumb. Put down the Bible, put down the belt, and ENGAGE with your children.

Yes, I believe "beating" culture is uniquely prevalent in our community, is a product of slavery, and has held us back for generations. Yep, said that, in a topic that was about thoughts on beating. "FBA" are apparently closer in "affinity" with white yee haw southerners than other black people of different backgrounds. You trying pretty hard. I'm sorry your hashtag clique has become such an embarrassing circus of right wing nonsense, useless witch hunting, and massa worship. Try harder.

But folks will let him cook because he panders for Democrats and they'll pretend that this clearly isn't a hateful, mentally unhinged person.

Because if there's one thing I learned about thecoli, if you want to get in the good graces of certain groups of posters, just mindlessly dikkeat Joe Biden and the Democrats. You can say shyt like this and folks will just let you slide.:huhldup:

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
These hashtag niccas brains been fried by years of listening to black c00nservative astroturf militant grifters.

He probably agrees with conservatives that Kamala Harris is a "DEI" vice president inserted by racist liberals to further undermined "ADOS." You already see this narrative popping up. These niccas is legit crazy. Ready for bloody revolution when it comes to Democrats but become agreeable little puppy dogs to anything Republicans say, and then get upset when you mistake them for straight pro-Trump weirdos and not the militant thought leaders they want to be seen as.

Keep in mind these niccas will attack Kamala Harris for anything she says with regards to black people, because she is a "tether," but they will bend over backwards to argue for Donald Trump, a descendant of German euro trash immigrants, talking about "black jobs." Just like John Lewis was a disgrace but Trump is wished a speedy recovery by Tariq Nadipshyt. These people are straight up overcompensating white worshipping Republic00ns.

You have to see that a lot of these niccas agree with the "black jobs" gaffe because deep down they share the same view of some glorious American past as their white counterparts. They reminisce the days of America where there were no "foreigners" black people coexisted with 90% whites and got by shining shoes and folding towels. He hates immigrants and liberals because he is told to by agents like Tariq Nasheed and Yvette Carnell, and he wants to mislead black people back to the glory days; when positions of affluence and leadership were "white jobs" and low-income labor was reserved for "the blacks." He has no idea how stupid he sounds. He actually believe he is standing up for black people by standing against immigrantion and liberal policies that push black people into greater roles, while agreeing with rich white conservatives about what place in society we are reserved to be in.

Black folks like you are not serious. The data bares out exactly what Black jobs are.


By contrast, Black workers are underrepresented in higher-paying professions relative to their 13 percent share of the labor force. Only 5 percent of US physicians are Black, for example, which has implications for the quality of care. Software developers are highly compensated, but only 4.5 percent are Black.

The advancement of Black women into higher-paying positions is critical in light of the role they play in providing economic stability for their families. Women of all races are less represented in leadership roles, but women of color face double hurdles of sexism and racism. A study of 590 US corporations found that only 58 Black women are promoted into manager roles for every 100 men; 64 Black women are hired directly into these roles for every 100 men.

We analyzed the pipelines into several higher-paying professions that have traditionally been important to upward mobility and found multiple obstacles along the way. Looking specifically at the pipeline for lawyers, we see a falloff at every stage that is larger for Black students and practitioners than for their white peers. The drop in representation is particularly steep between law school applicants and law school enrollees. If the attrition rates for Black students and candidates at each stage could be lowered to match those of their white peers, thousands more Black lawyers would enter the profession each year—although it would take decades for these annual flows to alter the current makeup of the profession.