“A black job is the president and vice president of the United States”- Joe Biden

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
Receipts for being Black Baptist: Her dad is a Black Baptist, her parents met at Berkeley's Afro-American Society where her father was giving a speech, she was raised until 12 in a Black neighborhood where she attended a Black church and spent her free time at the local African-American cultural center, she was one of the Black students in a busing program, her best friend in high school was a Black classmate who was being abused at home so Kamala's family took her in and her and Kamala shared a room together, she went to Howard an HBCU, pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha which is a Black sorority, became president of the UC Hastings chapter of the Black Law Students Association, won the Thurgood Marshall Award from the National Black Prosecutors Association, dated multiple Black men, swore into office on the family Bible, continues to be a member of a Black Baptist church and attend regularly, and has always identified as Black from childhood until now.

“I am black and I am proud of it," she said bluntly. "I was born black and I’ll die black and I am proud of it. And I am not gonna make any excuses for it, for anybody, because they don't understand.”


Receipts for being Hindu Indian: Her mom is a Hindu Indian immigrant, she brought her to Hindu temples occasionally as a child, she's visited India a few times but never lived there, and she sometimes identifies as "Black and Indian".

You can say she's "also Indian" if you want, but claiming "she's not Black she's Indian" is just ignorance.

Kamala Harris mother put Caucasian on her birth certificate.


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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Kamala Harris mother put Caucasian on her birth certificate.


Not sure if you can read, but "Caucasian" is under the mother's race, not Kamala's race. Back in 1964 that is what Indians were told to put.

"The obsession with Harris’ birth record didn’t stop there when reality court TV judge Joe Brown posted on social media incorrectly that Harris was listed as Caucasian on her birth certificate. There is no listing for the baby’s race. Her late mother, cancer researcher Shyamala Gopalan was listed as Caucasian, a common classification in the U.S. for people from India at the time."

Supreme Court had declared in 1923 that Indians were Caucasian, but not White.

"In its decision in the case of U.S. v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923), the Supreme Court deemed Asian Indians ineligible for citizenship because U.S. law allowed only free whites to become naturalized citizens. The court conceded that Indians were “Caucasians” and that anthropologists considered them to be of the same race as white Americans, but argued that “the average man knows perfectly well that there are unmistakable and profound differences.” "

And an official government panel to align racial categories in 1975 declared that Indians should remain Caucasian as they were already considered, even though they weren't actually White. Indian-Americans appealed that decision in 1976, and after their appeal they were successful in getting themselves moved into the "Asian" category.

"The question at issue was whether to include them in the minority category "Asian…" because they come from Asia and some are victims of discrimination in this country, or to include them in this category because they are Caucasians, though frequently of darker skin than other Caucasians. The final decision favored the latter."

So in the USA, Indian-Americans have only been considered "Asian" and not "Caucasian" since 1976. Obviously, this is all complete bullshyt biologically as nothing genetically objective falls along those racial lines anyway and Indians aren't "White" or "Asian" or the made-up "Caucasian", it's all debunked race science. But in terms of legal definitions, that's what it was at the time.

In terms of Kamala's race, though, none of this matters because by the law at the time she was legally considered Black no matter what her mother's race was.

"Prior to 1989, if parents were not of the same race, a child's race was tabulated as the race of the non-white parent. If neither parent was white, the child’s race was assigned as the race of the father"

So no matter what her mother puts down as her race, Kamala's race would be officially tabulated as Black, because her father is Black.
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All Star
May 13, 2012
I fought on behalf of this country. I gotta say, this is one of the greatest countries in the history of the world. But I would be lying if I didn't say it feels like it's greatest days are behind it.

Half the country is MAGA, so many off-code brehs and brehettes, education is looked at as a detriment, etc.
Can it be fixed?

You still plan on staying here, or do you have an "exit plan'?


The Sword of Jesus of Nazareth
May 25, 2022
Not sure if you can read, but "Caucasian" is under the mother's race, not Kamala's race. Back in 1964 that is what Indians were told to put.

"The obsession with Harris’ birth record didn’t stop there when reality court TV judge Joe Brown posted on social media incorrectly that Harris was listed as Caucasian on her birth certificate. There is no listing for the baby’s race. Her late mother, cancer researcher Shyamala Gopalan was listed as Caucasian, a common classification in the U.S. for people from India at the time."

Supreme Court had declared in 1923 that Indians were Caucasian, but not White.

"In its decision in the case of U.S. v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923), the Supreme Court deemed Asian Indians ineligible for citizenship because U.S. law allowed only free whites to become naturalized citizens. The court conceded that Indians were “Caucasians” and that anthropologists considered them to be of the same race as white Americans, but argued that “the average man knows perfectly well that there are unmistakable and profound differences.” "

And an official government panel to align racial categories in 1975 declared that Indians should remain Caucasian as they were already considered, even though they weren't actually White. Indian-Americans appealed that decision in 1976, and after their appeal they were successful in getting themselves moved into the "Asian" category.

"The question at issue was whether to include them in the minority category "Asian…" because they come from Asia and some are victims of discrimination in this country, or to include them in this category because they are Caucasians, though frequently of darker skin than other Caucasians. The final decision favored the latter."

So in the USA, Indian-Americans have only been considered "Asian" and not "Caucasian" since 1976. Obviously, this is all complete bullshyt biologically as nothing genetically objective falls along those racial lines anyway and Indians aren't "White" or "Asian" or the made-up "Caucasian", it's all debunked race science. But in terms of legal definitions, that's what it was at the time.

In terms of Kamala's race, though, none of this matters because by the law at the time she was legally considered Black no matter what her mother's race was.

"Prior to 1989, if parents were not of the same race, a child's race was tabulated as the race of the non-white parent. If neither parent was white, the child’s race was assigned as the race of the father"

So no matter what her mother puts down as her race, Kamala's race would be officially tabulated as Black, because her father is Black.

:dead:this shyt is really the Obama birth certificate all over again

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Not sure if you can read, but "Caucasian" is under the mother's race, not Kamala's race. Back in 1964 that is what Indians were told to put.

"The obsession with Harris’ birth record didn’t stop there when reality court TV judge Joe Brown posted on social media incorrectly that Harris was listed as Caucasian on her birth certificate. There is no listing for the baby’s race. Her late mother, cancer researcher Shyamala Gopalan was listed as Caucasian, a common classification in the U.S. for people from India at the time."

Supreme Court had declared in 1923 that Indians were Caucasian, but not White.

"In its decision in the case of U.S. v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923), the Supreme Court deemed Asian Indians ineligible for citizenship because U.S. law allowed only free whites to become naturalized citizens. The court conceded that Indians were “Caucasians” and that anthropologists considered them to be of the same race as white Americans, but argued that “the average man knows perfectly well that there are unmistakable and profound differences.” "

And an official government panel to align racial categories in 1975 declared that Indians should remain Caucasian as they were already considered, even though they weren't actually White. Indian-Americans appealed that decision in 1976, and after their appeal they were successful in getting themselves moved into the "Asian" category.

"The question at issue was whether to include them in the minority category "Asian…" because they come from Asia and some are victims of discrimination in this country, or to include them in this category because they are Caucasians, though frequently of darker skin than other Caucasians. The final decision favored the latter."

So in the USA, Indian-Americans have only been considered "Asian" and not "Caucasian" since 1976. Obviously, this is all complete bullshyt biologically as nothing genetically objective falls along those racial lines anyway and Indians aren't "White" or "Asian" or the made-up "Caucasian", it's all debunked race science. But in terms of legal definitions, that's what it was at the time.

In terms of Kamala's race, though, none of this matters because by the law at the time she was legally considered Black no matter what her mother's race was.

"Prior to 1989, if parents were not of the same race, a child's race was tabulated as the race of the non-white parent. If neither parent was white, the child’s race was assigned as the race of the father"

So no matter what her mother puts down as her race, Kamala's race would be officially tabulated as Black, because her father is Black.

This is why the Black Brown it so stupid.

People like ViVeck and Nicki Haley can see America is not racist when their “Brown” parents were considered White and never persecuted

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
Not sure if you can read, but "Caucasian" is under the mother's race, not Kamala's race. Back at that time that is what Indians were told to put because there's wasn't enough of them to have their own category yet.

"The obsession with Harris’ birth record didn’t stop there when reality court TV judge Joe Brown posted on social media incorrectly that Harris was listed as Caucasian on her birth certificate. There is no listing for the baby’s race. Her late mother, cancer researcher Shyamala Gopalan was listed as Caucasian, a common classification in the U.S. for people from India at the time."

"Prior to 1989, if parents were not of the same race, a child's race was tabulated as the race of the non-white parent. If neither parent was white, the child’s race was assigned as the race of the father"

So no matter what her mother puts down as her race, Kamala's race would be officially tabulated as Black, because her father is Black.

That's incorrect, for Non-Black or Non-Negros back in the 1960's, you have the option to chose what race or color you wanted to be, that is why Kamala Harris father had the option to put Jamaican as his race/color not Negro, because he had the option to choose.

Kamala Harris mother had the option to put down "Indian" but she chose Caucasian.

Below is census data from the California Government for the 1960's for the City of Berekely during the time Kamala Harris was born:

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Oct 8, 2014
Another thought….

Let’s say Joe Biden is an agent of white supremacy.

He has no interest in the wellbeing of black people…

He served under the first black president…

And is now saying the presidency and vice presidency are “black jobs” when asked about “black jobs”…

Half of you really think the democrat side of white supremacy… where they feel they need to “pander” to blacks for their own interest… even going as far to run a black man for president …

…is just some elaborate deep state scheme to trick us into thinking we would be better with them in power…?

I mean…. Even if it is some weird type of white supremacy that thinks they need to let blacks into position to appease us… that’s some huge fukking progress from the civil rights era where we forced them to appease us by writing protections into law…

Maybe we should continue this appeasement route… until the other side is willing to do something to appease us too


Roger king

May 24, 2022
Tariq is a scumbag and a piece of shyt, no ''lordt'' when trump called haiti a shythole country, or called kap a son of a b..ch but fake outrage because the president is saying black folks can attain any job in the country even the highest levels of power as shown by obama, the man is a republican shill and a full on trump supporter.


May 20, 2015
You nikkas are so stupid. Black jobs refered to jobs for the black community.