Nah that'd be terrible. Plus, it's quite obvious that this Punk/Rollins thing been cooking for a minute and Reigns is involved as well
Yeah but a triple threat doesn’t settle any of those rivalries. Think about every memorable triple threat match. There’s a title up for grabs or a shot at one as the prize.
Jericho vs Benoit vs Angle: IC & European titles on the line in both falls
HHH vs HBK vs Benoit: world heavyweight title
Angle vs HHH vs Rock: WWF title
Rock vs Angle vs Taker: undisputed title
Edge vs Benoit vs HHH 2004: world heavyweight title and its finish set up the elimination chamber at new years revolution which set Batista’s main event push and face turn in motion
Angle vs Randy vs Rey: world heavyweight title
Seth vs Cena vs Brock: undisputed title
Roman vs

vs Edge: universal title
Gunther vs Drew vs Sheamus: IC title
I'm starting to wonder if the favor has been either scrapped or something they are kicking down the road. It seemed like it definitely had something to do with Roman or the title but now I don't know.
This is on my mind too. It seems like an obvious thing that cashing in said favor should set up the eventual Roman vs Punk match and they shouldn’t be opponents in a proper match besides the rumble before that happens.