Whoever screws Cody over will be the one chosen to me.
Interesting choice of words.

Whoever screws Cody over will be the one chosen to me.
Punk being desperate for a main event at WM might work tho...![]()
Him and Drew logically makes the most sense out of every option.
I still want it to be Cena for the fukkery.![]()
Cena would bring the most because he's at that age that Hoegan was (when he turned) and he ain't been a heel since like 2003. Do I think they'll do it, I don't know because seeing as he's retiring they might just want this to be a clean babyface sendoff.
I think Punk makes sense too but because of desperation. Not really because of his character. Cena and Punk can both make a case.
Unfortunately, I don't see '97 Drew being the guy because they probably don't view him right now as a WrestleMania main event level guy. He's likely going to have that singles match with Priest
Rock knows what he's doing....it will add up. Just came way more different than what anyone probably dreamed of.Right. He injected something no o e expected and got people interested in seeing what is going on.
I hate to say it but this is the right time to let it play out. People have to get over the PTSD from the Vince era, he is gone and on average HHH has been better, so I’m optimistic that between him and the rock and heyman they can come up with another interesting mania build.
The Rebel taking the Corporate route is such a departure and it's the easy way out for him to get to the main event of WM.Far as his "champion" there's actually multiple choices with reasons to why they'd want it. Cena, CM Punk, and Big Hate all have a major reason why they want another title. Whoever screws Cody over will be the one chosen to me.
Rock and Drew are connected..I was thinking he was gonna make Drew beat Seth last year anyway but they kept Drew away from Rock on camera.I'm going for Drew or Punk
Worst show in Wrestling right now, period.
Last two weeks especially have been rough, the 20 minute Miz and LA Knight segments are disgraceful, it feels like I’m watching a Vince era episode.
Not gonna lie, that shyt was surrealGive me your soul is one of the craziest things I've ever heard![]()
I'm all in for this story immediately. I want corporate Cody to sell out to beat John Cena, he'd be the biggest heel in the biz, the true replacement for bloodline reignsGive me your soul is one of the craziest things I've ever heard![]()
That's some shyt Vince would've said to Austin in 98, but rock is better on the mic than him and said even more evilNot gonna lie, that shyt was surreal
Hearing someone as bombastic as The Rock having this low-energy, ominous, and cryptic godfather-like facet to himself has me hooked![]()
I think he turns at Mania, to beat Cena. Cena wins chamber, Cody vs Cena, and Cody turns to the dark side to beat Cena. The crowd WILL choose Cena over him.so i’m the only one who thinks it’s possible cody could be leaning towards a heel persona for mania season to go against cena?
it’s either that or punk will be rock’s corporate champ if i had to guess at this point. chamber should be interesting.