The problem was how they were booked. They should've been the most dominate female tag team we've ever seen, but dumbass HHH had them lose the belts for no reason other sympathy for Alba's mom passing and a cheap hometown pop. Once they got the belts back it was never the same and the way they ended was worse. I also don't believe the story about Jade & Shayna being the reason Jade was taken off tv. Naomi being the lone assailant feels like a give up and cowards way out, and I hope there's more to this story. I feel this is going to lead to a very sloppy match at Mania that'll stain both women, when it should've been Bianca vs Jade. We now have an unnecessary triple threat and confusing Naomi/Jade feud that was completely avoidable.
Lets not forget Dawkins mother died and the street profits went to his hometown and jobbed... but let me not turn this into a triple K post lmao.
There are so many varying reports. I read that Jade asked for time off and was given it which in turn has caused jealously. Jade being taken off tv for shayna bazler legit choking her out makes no sense. Idk why people are trying to spin that situation.
I never subcribed to this Bianca vs Jade thing though. I've been saying since Jade debuted that Binaca already had shyt on her plate she needed to get through first. She needs to face Rhea first. Bianca and Jade will cross paths organically when its time to. This whole attack angle makes absolutely no sense to me