Cena would bring the most because he's at that age that Hoegan was (when he turned) and he ain't been a heel since like 2003. Do I think they'll do it, I don't know because seeing as he's retiring they might just want this to be a clean babyface sendoff.
I think Punk makes sense too but because of desperation. Not really because of his character. Cena and Punk can both make a case.
Unfortunately, I don't see '97 Drew being the guy because they probably don't view him right now as a WrestleMania main event level guy. He's likely going to have that singles match with Priest
It only works if Rock fully commits. Mr. McMahon worked because Vince fully committed to being the evil owner. Rock is trying to be a tweener because he doesn't want to be booed for long periods of time. The final boss worked last year because he was a power hungry madman, and that guy bringing Cena or Punk to his side would be must see tv. It also leads to Roman ultimately having to be the one to put him down.wanted to see rock/roman so i was disappointed when rock pretty much squashed that at the netflix show. after the pivot the buildup to WM40 was pretty good so i wanted to see how rock would get back at cody and roman.
as for yesterday, rock rambled but i think i got the gist of what they were going for.
i dont think cody should go heel as fans both hardcore and casual like him so why fukk up a free lunch?
the more interesting plot point for WM41 is if Cody refuses and Cena or Punk take Rock's offer.
Cena's losing streak the last couple of years along with an imminent end date to his career Rock offers one last shot at glory and to be the quarterback one last time by any means necessary. Even echoing the Authority by using their Best for Business slogan after losing the Rumble.
Punk, 10 years older and body potentially giving up on him, is the closest hes ever been to a WM main event and championship. Again by any means necessary even siding with the man who cockblocked him from a WM main event previously and cost him his last WWE title. Whereas Cena has been the quarterback before Punk is arguably our generation's biggest number 2, being the bridesmaid to Cena, Roman, and Cody. Punk with the Rock at his side can become the quarterback he always knew he could be even when no one else believed in him.
I'm not here to make friends I'm here to make money
Cody, unlike everyone else I'll stab you in the front
Of the two I think I rather see Punk take the deal.
If Punk commits completely to a Corporate Man character I think can set the tone for Cody to renew the chase for the title as well as fresh perspectives on Punk/Cena (can Cena win back the 17th on his way out?), Roman (now that Punk's champion again who is Heyman: a Wiseman or an Advocate?), Rollins/Drew/KO can go on an I TOLD YOU SO tour lol, Rock could back up Punk with the new Bloodline (Solo, Jacob, and the Tongas with internal tension since Punk is Rock's chosen one but NOT a Samoan as well as the bubbling beef between Jacob and Solo)
a bit convoluted as to how we got here but there's potential.
i think it’s pretty clear he’d prefer codyCM Punk looks like a piece of garbage and it's not believable that Rock would want him as the face of the company
wanted to see rock/roman so i was disappointed when rock pretty much squashed that at the netflix show. after the pivot the buildup to WM40 was pretty good so i wanted to see how rock would get back at cody and roman.
as for yesterday, rock rambled but i think i got the gist of what they were going for.
i dont think cody should go heel as fans both hardcore and casual like him so why fukk up a free lunch?
the more interesting plot point for WM41 is if Cody refuses and Cena or Punk take Rock's offer.
Cena's losing streak the last couple of years along with an imminent end date to his career Rock offers one last shot at glory and to be the quarterback one last time by any means necessary. Even echoing the Authority by using their Best for Business slogan after losing the Rumble.
Punk, 10 years older and body potentially giving up on him, is the closest hes ever been to a WM main event and championship. Again by any means necessary even siding with the man who cockblocked him from a WM main event previously and cost him his last WWE title. Whereas Cena has been the quarterback before Punk is arguably our generation's biggest number 2, being the bridesmaid to Cena, Roman, and Cody. Punk with the Rock at his side can become the quarterback he always knew he could be even when no one else believed in him.
I'm not here to make friends I'm here to make money
Cody, unlike everyone else I'll stab you in the front
Of the two I think I rather see Punk take the deal.
I think it has to be Cena or Cody that would set the streets on fire. Those two swore they would never turn and I think they have to to make this really interesting. Punk is my third option but that won’t have the same shock valuePunk makes sense because he'd be selling out everything he believes in. The rebel turned Corporate Champ. Plus you could tie in Heyman's favor and say he pulled some strings with the Rock to make that alliance happen. Drew would be a dope moment for him but not really a big enough deal overall. Cena or Punk turning and aligning with Rock would get the puters putin.