14 men open up about the devastation of divorce...

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
Picking the "right one" is pretty much irrelevant since people change over time, you could have the right one today but she could simply change and be a different person 10-15 years from now. The divorce rate is ridiculously high and it's not because everyone is just picking the wrong person, it's because divorce is pretty easy to do now and values in this country are all fukked up.


The bottom fukkin' line today is ALL WOMEN GET BORED.

You could have been with the same person since your tweens and after house, white picket fences, the whips and trips and multiple kids... one day you find out that she ain't responding to your texts in the same patterns as she used to.

Turns out, the milk man has actually been serving her with his own milk. You deeg?

Shiit like that can kill a man's soul, but it always hits you outta left field. Total blind side jab to the nads. That ain't rad.

I ain't care if you black, white, oriental, mexican from spain or juggling in the rain... you can GET GOT because a woman's psyche is fickle by nature. You canNOT condition them like yesterdays females
who were more apt to be true matriarchs... because nowadays, these pros are entitled and feel EMPOWERED. And thanks to who?

Western media.

And the media machine is too strong; you got shows like Scandal, movies like Think Like A Man and singers like Kelis....

... what you thank these broads get exposed to? Where they get that influence from?

Men only cheat out of insecurity and opportunity.

Women cheat out of boredom.

And what does that say about YO ASS?!?!

Mothafukkas think this is a game.

Well... the treality (true reality) is...

"Life ain't a game... NO WHOA!!!"


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Its impossible to dig a woman out of the affair fog, no man can compete with that new car smell.

ItS really thr luck of the draw, the broke fat man may hit the jackpot and get a loyal wife who stands by his side till he croaks. While you can be a six figure or 7 figure nukka like Tim Duncan and your wife steps out.

It doesn't matter about status, looks, money there is no price on loyalty and not breaking your vow

This is the problem with a lot of men... investing too much stock in one person. Fukk it is if its your wife. Mothafukkas need to know that bytches can switch it up on your in the snap of a dragon's tongue.


There has to be some kind of method or class/organization to help men traverse their relationships with more assertion and man logic to defeat these Jezebels that want to take the house, cars, crib whips and kids... and not to mention alimony and testimony, cuz its all baloney.

I'm sorry to say it and i know most guys already invest in a lot of stock in their kids and careers... but you also have to be a challenge/mystique to your woman UNTIL THE DAY YOU DIE!!!

Once the bytch gets bored, best beliebs she ain't gonna be royal.


Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
Its impossible to dig a woman out of the affair fog, no man can compete with that new car smell.

ItS really thr luck of the draw, the broke fat man may hit the jackpot and get a loyal wife who stands by his side till he croaks. While you can be a six figure or 7 figure nukka like Tim Duncan and your wife steps out.

It doesn't matter about status, looks, money there is no price on loyalty and not breaking your vow

The issue with most men in contemporary society is that they get blinded by the chemical imbalances of "that new car smell" (i like that analogy, you deed it).

Most "successful" men feel that all they have to do is paper chase and live up the the status quo and have that six/seven figure salary.

What they forget is that they ultimately attract primarily (but not exclusive to) gold diggin' chickens (educated or not, women who seek men by their wallets come in all shapes, colors, sizes and weave types).

But this is not to chastise all women cuz that's not what this is aboot (the majority of us here know great women, our mothers and female relatives, from the old school that knew their roles).

I'm talking strictly about todays mademoiselle. The ones who live off of e-fame and thrive off of instant gratification. And the sad reality of it is that these thots are being wifed up at exponential rates.

I mean, what the fukk... as a matter of fact, you got dude IN THE COLI that are guilty of this. All it would have taken was one click in the GEMS FOR MEN thread and voila.

Unfortunately, these certificate having dolts feel like they are on pinnacle of social existence but little to they know, they only end of getting certified mail by their ex spouses lawyer.

Sign off on that.



Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Honestly it messed me up cuz she was a good solid wife able broad. She would make a good wifey for someone. She was a legit dime piece too. Turned heads any event we went to. :blessed:

I know for a fact the next girl I will get won't be as hot. That fuking hurts. It'll be a hit to my ego when that happens. The thought of her getting piped by someone else is too much to hear :mjcry:

We broke up cuz we was fighting all the damn time over everything. I couldn't see a future with someone with this much conflict.

Also, she had like 150k in student loans. I just finished paying mine off. Even though she was telling me I wouldn't be responsible for em, u know how that goes when babies and marriage comes into the picture.

shyt still hurts so bad bruh. I'm not a very social guy, and I somehow bagged this legit dime piece. Everyone was shocked I did it. Now I'm back single. :sadcam:

Despite what everyone in the coli says bruhs, single life isn't all that great.

U ever to to a club and at 2 am the lights turn on and u see what's out there?

The way I break it down is like this...it is fuking hard to find a wifey. Out of 100 chicks, I'm probably not attracted to 70 of em (only date 7/10 and above). So that leaves me with 30 out of 100 broads I could date.

Now out of that 30, about half of them have personality flaws or baggage (kids, exes, family, etc) that make thrm undateable.

That leaves us with 15. Now out of that 15, at least half of those broads are gonna be in relationships already.

I mean at the end of the day that leaves only a handful out of those original 100 broads that are real quality. And u got 1000 thirsty mofos fighting for those same handful of broads.

I live in la, and I'm out here competing against god damn doctors, investment bankers, and self made millionaires for these quality broads.:mjcry: I have my own condo, have a job paying about six figures, and I'm in shape and good looking. And single life ain't all it's cracked up to be bruhs.


Sorry for long post, just a diff perspective on things.

Bro, I'm sorry for your loss. But have you ever heard of the age-old statement "if you believe you can or you can't, you're right"? Well, this fits your perfectly right about now.

First, you "know" that the next girl you date won't be as "hot" as this chick was? Well, then you're right, she won't be. Because if you truly believe that having an attractive woman was somehow a happenstance that you didn't really deserve, then you'll be pushing every attractive chick away from you.

If you believe above average women are something that you probably can't get on a regular basis, then they'll believe the same thing. What you believe about yourself is 90 PERCENT of the dating game. Literally, the biggest part of the game.

Second, you have a condo, a 100K job, in shape AND good looking, but dating life is hard? Breh, that's like saying I'm 7'3" and dunking a basketball is hard. :mjlol:

And you in LA? Yea, yea, yea.....every b#tch in LA wants an actor or singer or rapper or somebody famous. Same how every chick in every city wants one of those. But somehow dudes with tangibles, like those you have, tend to have women on deck. Somehow, the dating game isn't so rough on them.

Bro, your mind is what's holding you back. As a man thinketh, breh. Yea, it may sound corny but that's real life.

Get ya mind right, bro :comeon:



Jul 19, 2014
I sit there sometimes at the club wondering how I went from a dime piece to getting hit on by overweight broads with bad skin, flat ass, and no titties looking like:flabbynsick:

The circle of life breh :mjcry:

Im 20, and I fear that so much :mjcry:

If Im gonna be 40. I gotta be made :mjcry:

I got 20 years to figure it out :to:


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
the next guy said:
That is still way way too high breh. Notice all these problem kids come from single homes or more recently mixed families.

Yeah, and the dudes on this site's solution is: don't get married AT ALL.

That just shows a lack of pride in being a man.

Look for someone that is truly compatible with you (which may take some time), make sure you are comfortable by yourself (emotionally/financially) and you can avoid most of the issues that cause divorce.

I'm not saying that shyt won't happen, because it will, but the better prepared you are, the less fallout you'll have to deal with.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Just because she's hot doesn't mean she's a quality broad.

Doctors lawyers etc get raked through the coals still.

Stop comparing yourself to others or be envious.

I always say when I was with my ex dudes would be damn how did you get her, damn your lucky.

Even though my ex was horrible, plotted to destroy my life, stressed me out at every turn and cutting her out of my life was the best decision I ever met.

No I wasn't lucky, I was cursed and would have switched positions with a nukka doing life in rikers at certain points.

Don't base a woman's quality on her outward appearance, the beautiful frogs are the most poisonous.

Not saying beautiful women are poisonous


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Yes true, but have you noticed that when most men talk about divorce on this site, they only really talk about potentially losing money and not about their emotions. Maybe men should change the dialogue to reflect that they are emotional beings too.

Maybe for men, money is tied to their emotions. :ld:

Men are socialized to be providers and "get money", so money is a way of keeping score and a testament to a man's ability to conquer the world. It's not just a means to an end for some....it's the end itself.

Money is also tied to relationship for men in many cases. Every heard "My money isn't right for a relationship/marriage." Because dudes place value of being able to financially take care of their partner if needed. So, if they can't, then they tend to refrain altogether. But if they can, it's a testament to their role as "the man" of the relationship.

Let's not discount money is simply a piece of paper in the pysche of men. Just because it's different doesn't mean it's wrong.



Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
Yes true, but have you noticed that when most men talk about divorce on this site, they only really talk about potentially losing money and not about their emotions. Maybe men should change the dialogue to reflect that they are emotional beings too.

Men talk about the monetary aspect because it can literally destroy someones life and some women have a vengeful approach and want to ruin the man, also we're raised to hide our emotions :yeshrug:

OC's finest

All Star
May 6, 2012
Bro, I'm sorry for your loss. But have you ever heard of the age-old statement "if you believe you can or you can't, you're right"? Well, this fits your perfectly right about now.

First, you "know" that the next girl you date won't be as "hot" as this chick was? Well, then you're right, she won't be. Because if you truly believe that having an attractive woman was somehow a happenstance that you didn't really deserve, then you'll be pushing every attractive chick away from you.

If you believe above average women are something that you probably can't get on a regular basis, then they'll believe the same thing. What you believe about yourself is 90 PERCENT of the dating game. Literally, the biggest part of the game.

Second, you have a condo, a 100K job, in shape AND good looking, but dating life is hard? Breh, that's like saying I'm 7'3" and dunking a basketball is hard. :mjlol:

And you in LA? Yea, yea, yea.....every b#tch in LA wants an actor or singer or rapper or somebody famous. Same how every chick in every city wants one of those. But somehow dudes with tangibles, like those you have, tend to have women on deck. Somehow, the dating game isn't so rough on them.

Bro, your mind is what's holding you back. As a man thinketh, breh. Yea, it may sound corny but that's real life.

Get ya mind right, bro :comeon:


yea, im jus being sad online n shyt. i aint frontin im bummed out, but i'll bounce back. it aint like i aint been in this position b4. im damn 30 years old. i done had my heart broken b4.

time to just use the money to wipe my tears and do what i always do

make more money

hit the gym heavy and get the body right for vegas pool parties (nh)

start networking out and meeting more ppl to kick it wid

and hopefully upgrade my last girl

maybe buy myself a dog


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
yea, im jus being sad online n shyt. i aint frontin im bummed out, but i'll bounce back. it aint like i aint been in this position b4. im damn 30 years old. i done had my heart broken b4.

time to just use the money to wipe my tears and do what i always do

make more money

hit the gym heavy and get the body right for vegas pool parties (nh)

start networking out and meeting more ppl to kick it wid

and hopefully upgrade my last girl

maybe buy myself a dog

Focus on you and living the life you want to live. And always focus on getting more paper.

You do that and start believing you deserve the best life has to offer, and dating women as attractive as your ex will be commonplace for you.

Always remember: The next one will be better than the last one



Im Not American
Aug 9, 2013
In my experience though, both in dating and seeing how my mother would react towards my dad, most women won't say if something is wrong ms wI'll say nothing is wrong if you ask. Half the time it takes an interrogation to find out what's wrong, and it's usually something small and petty. Obviously that's not always the case, but I've seen that far more often than anyone should.
I hear you but a lot of the times, men play the victim. I remember when my brothers ex gf broke up with him because he got another girl pregnant and he went around crying, sniffling, moping around, then when it was clear she wasn't coming back he made lies up and tried to call her a cheating whore. He thought she wasn't loyal because she left and had self esteem.

I'm just saying ..it happens a lot. They'll be in the wrong but throw on them tears like they were the ones done dirty.
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Demonic eyebrows & animal print
Apr 14, 2014
It's like the bytch didn't even read the original post. :heh:

It's just that bytch ass idiots like you can't comprehend...the post I quoted and the post I made. Did you flunk out of high school? Out of the 7-10 guys to respond to my post y'all are the only two idiots who misunderstood and took it as something negative. Clearly you're stupid.

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
It's just that bytch ass idiots like you can't comprehend...the post I quoted and the post I made. Did you flunk out of high school? Out of the 7-10 guys to respond to my post y'all are the only two idiots who misunderstood and took it as something negative. Clearly you're stupid.