14 men open up about the devastation of divorce...


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Divorce is tough on women, too.

But the main difference is this:

Women's problems are taken seriously.

A man gets divorced and nobody gives a sh&t about his psychological or emotional well-being. They just look at him as an object who is going to lose money.

Men go into marriage really wanting it to last, women go into it to scratch of things on their bucket list. After they get the ring, wedding dress, wedding. honeymoon, house, kids...things get boring for her and their is no anticipation for the next thing and that is when divorce sounds like an exciting option which sometimes includes the grooming of a side nikka when her boredom stuck. This society entices these weak women that fall into that trap that they can have better and the stigma of being divorced is completely gone over here. A divorced women in other parts of the world is held with much reproach because it means that she must have done something evil and her man didn't want her. Here a divorced women is seen as experienced and wise...as someone who knows what she wants in life. This whole place is upside. The western world in regards to women is a parallel universe.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
I said in the quick gems thread there are 3 things a woman can hold over a man

1. her beauty
2. sex
3. possibility of sex

and ill aother 4. children

Many men will give a dime leeway, ala take her back after cheating, even if she's treating him horribly and disrespecting him at every turn stay, rewire his mind that he should be lucky to even be with her

sex and even just the possiblity of sex will have men doing some of the most ridiculous things ever.

its crazy the things men will do for something they can get on backpage for 50 for a hour

thats why I alwys say you gotta enter a relationship from a position of value whena woman looks up to you she won't wanna f it up and if she does you cut your losses, the one thing aman has is the toss a chick in the bushes and never look back if she acts up.

They don't want to hear you though. My dad was an established working professional and 29/30 and my mom was still in college when they met and they are still together. She definitely looked up to him and followed his lead. Even though she bucked up at him at times, you can tell he has authority over her even til now. One of my uncles stresses to me to marry a young humble woman and so that I can mold her. Key word: humble. And when he says young he is talking about 18-20. A lot of women as they get older and are not locked down are set in their ways and will be tougher to deal with. They usually have more baggage and at certain times that bubbles up in emotional outbursts that cannot be explained because women are irrational...lets be honest. The earlier you are able to mold a woman the better off you will be and she will be more likely to look up to you than a women that is established before she met you. You cannot teach an old dog new tricks nikkas.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
It doesn't even have to be in terms of money or status.

Attraction, the characteristics you offer, your intellect, the respect you command etc.

My role is to be that nukka that even if it doesn't work one day she will kick herself for losing something great

They don't want to hear you though. My dad was an established working professional and 29/30 and my mom was still in college when they met and they are still together. She definitely looked up to him and followed his lead. Even though she bucked up at him at times, you can tell he has authority over her even til now. One of my uncles stresses to me to marry a young humble woman and so that I can mold her. Key word: humble. And when he says young he is talking about 18-20. A lot of women as they get older and are not locked down are set in their ways and will be tougher to deal with. They usually have more baggage and at certain times that bubbles up in emotional outbursts that cannot be explained because women are irrational...lets be honest. The earlier you are able to mold a woman the better off you will be and she will be more likely to look up to you than a women that is established before she met you. You cannot teach an old dog new tricks nikkas.