Zo Williams Show with both Tariq Nasheed & Tommy Sotomayor


May 1, 2012
I don't see it that way.

Are you immune to the notion that MAYBE some black WOMEN feel a certain way about males (black OR white) and how they act in society?

You know sexism isn't limited to race or community or culture, right?
Take the bytchyness out of your tone. You don't even understand what I said. I said that black feminism is counter productive to the community as a whole because it divides us. I didn't deny that women have issues regarding sexism. Black men have issues and problems with black women too, but it wouldn't do the community any good for men to form their own movement separate from black women. The key is unity not division.

and it also divides the genders, but I don't see you talking about that either.

Prove it.

Something you have to learn when it comes to people who feel they're oppressed: YOU CAN NEVER VALIDATE THEIR POSITION FOR THEM. They have a right to feel how they want to feel
You prove that black women are more discriminated against than black men. You're the one who's defending their position. The rhetoric is that black women are outpacing black men to the point that they don't even have suitable mates. Black women consigned that when ABC put that propaganda out here, so not they need to own to why that's so. The system is set up to oppress black men more than black women and for proof all you have to do is open your eyes. The judicial system alone is a bigger form of discrimination to black men than any form of discrimination that black women face. I'm not saying that black women aren't oppressed, I'm saying that they aren't oppressed any more than black men. You nor any other black feminist that I've seen can prove what I said wrong.

you're combining racism and sexism as if they're all the same thing.
No, I didn't. In this system, black women don't have as many hurdles as black men.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Take the bytchyness out of your tone.
You don't even understand what I said.
is that before or after the contradictions? :banderas:

I said that black feminism is counter productive to the community as a whole because it divides us
AND some black women have a problem with sexism...so...Whats your poitn?
I didn't deny that women have issues regarding sexism.
so why are you bytching? :rudy:
Black men have issues and problems with black women too, but it wouldn't do the community any good for men to form their own movement separate from black women.
You scared your club is gonna lose members?

There are black women...who are black...and are women...who have issues that relate to both.

if you can't see that, then just end the convo.

The key is unity not division.
...except when black women feel their needs AS WOMEN aren't being met. What does "Black solidarity" have to say for that?


You prove that black women are more discriminated against than black men.
until very recently there were fewer black women in just about every aspect of the business world.

Theres nothing I've ever seen to suggest that because you were Pro-black you were THEREFORE pro-womens rights and equality.

Theres tons of pro-black people who really dont give a fukk about womens rights like that...and you know this is true. I'm looking at a lot of church leaders as I'm typing this. :usure:

You're the one who's defending their position.
I'm not defending it. I'm explaining why its pointless to try and downplay their motives or ideas.
The rhetoric is that black women are outpacing black men to the point that they don't even have suitable mates.
Sounds like black feminism worked then. Because, again, until recently this was surely not the case.

In fact, women all over are slowly gaining ground socially and politically.

...which was the point of feminism.

They wanted the shot/choice/chance at equality.

it wasn't to make them men, it was to give them the options to do what men did. Being Pro-black or Pro-jew doesn't mean you give women those options.

Black women consigned that when ABC put that propaganda out here, so not they need to own to why that's so.
I don't understand what you're saying and how this relates to that ABC article.

The system is set up to oppress black men more than black women and for proof all you have to do is open your eyes.
Currently? You sure about that? i'd argue that it was in the past, but I think its more about money than about race. But keep going. I'd love to see you continually misrepresent data.
The judicial system alone is a bigger form of discrimination to black men than any form of discrimination that black women face.
sure. But men in general get harsher penalties than women and black people get harsher sentences get other races. So whats your point? Black women supporting black causes AND women causes doesn't delegitimize their efforts.

I'm not saying that black women aren't oppressed,
...but you're just gonna bytch about it.
I'm saying that they aren't oppressed any more than black men.
so its a pissing contest now? You can't validate their plight for equality and access because of how you feel? As if that has any bearing on their thoughts? :heh: This is like black people getting upset at gays wanting rights or people supporting
You nor any other black feminist that I've seen can prove what I said wrong.
This is what happens when you live in a bubble. You say dumb shyt like this without realizing how little you've actually said to support your stance. :pachaha:

No, I didn't. In this system, black women don't have as many hurdles as black men.

The problem is that you can't validate anyone elses concerns without throwing yours in the fray.

if its not YOUR concerns, then no one else matters...or even EXISTS. :aicmon:


May 1, 2012
:umad: is that before or after the contradictions? :banderas:

AND some black women have a problem with sexism...so...Whats your poitn? so why are you bytching? :rudy: You scared your club is gonna lose members?

There are black women...who are black...and are women...who have issues that relate to both.

if you can't see that, then just end the convo.

...except when black women feel their needs AS WOMEN aren't being met. What does "Black solidarity" have to say for that?

until very recently there were fewer black women in just about every aspect of the business world.

Theres nothing I've ever seen to suggest that because you were Pro-black you were THEREFORE pro-womens rights and equality.

Theres tons of pro-black people who really dont give a fukk about womens rights like that...and you know this is true. I'm looking at a lot of church leaders as I'm typing this. :usure:

I'm not defending it. I'm explaining why its pointless to try and downplay their motives or ideas. Sounds like black feminism worked then. Because, again, until recently this was surely not the case.

In fact, women all over are slowly gaining ground socially and politically.

...which was the point of feminism.

They wanted the shot/choice/chance at equality.

it wasn't to make them men, it was to give them the options to do what men did. Being Pro-black or Pro-jew doesn't mean you give women those options.

I don't understand what you're saying and how this relates to that ABC article.

Currently? You sure about that? i'd argue that it was in the past, but I think its more about money than about race. But keep going. I'd love to see you continually misrepresent data. sure. But men in general get harsher penalties than women and black people get harsher sentences get other races. So whats your point? Black women supporting black causes AND women causes doesn't delegitimize their efforts.

...but you're just gonna bytch about it. so its a pissing contest now? You can't validate their plight for equality and access because of how you feel? As if that has any bearing on their thoughts? :heh: This is like black people getting upset at gays wanting rights or people supporting This is what happens when you live in a bubble. You say dumb shyt like this without realizing how little you've actually said to support your stance. :pachaha:

The problem is that you can't validate anyone elses concerns without throwing yours in the fray.

if its not YOUR concerns, then no one else matters...or even EXISTS. :aicmon:
:pachaha:Take your sassy neck rolling teeth sucking ass on. I'm not homophobic, but I don't argue with queens.


May 1, 2012
...so you're not gonna address this shyt?

Just drop a few "gay jokes" and keep it moving, huh? :mjpls:
No I'm not addressing your finger snapping and all that. I couldn't even read that. If you want me to address something then respond like you've got some sense. Otherwise you can sashay your little ass on.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
No I'm not addressing your finger snapping and all that. I couldn't even read that. If you want me to address something then respond like you've got some sense. Otherwise you can sashay your little ass on.

Finger snapping? LOL.


Sounds like you just weren't ready to address the flaws in your argument :ufdup:
Equate men speaking on womens issues to mean that they must be gay, brehs :blessed: :mjpls:


May 1, 2012
Finger snapping? LOL.


Sounds like you just weren't ready to address the flaws in your argument :ufdup:
Equate men speaking on womens issues to mean that they must be gay, brehs :blessed: :mjpls:
There are aren't any flaws in my argument.

I didn't equate you speaking on women's issues with being gay, I equated your feminine histrionics and arguing tactics with being a queen.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
There are aren't any flaws in my argument.
We're talking about social policy. Not objective fact.

There are flaws in your argument. :pachaha:

I didn't equate you speaking on women's issues with being gay, I equated your feminine histrionics and arguing tactics with being a queen.
Funny how you inferred that simply from READING. :heh: :beli:

But lets move on to the fact that again, you haven't challenged anything I've said.

Your first response was to go straight for the "gay" quotes as if thats supposed to shut my argument down :rudy:


May 1, 2012
We're talking about social policy. Not objective fact.

There are flaws in your argument. :pachaha:
If there are flaws in my argument you haven't pointed any out. Let's talk social policy, which social policies benefit black men over black women?

Funny how you inferred that simply from READING. :heh: :beli:

But lets move on to the fact that again, you haven't challenged anything I've said.

Your first response was to go straight for the "gay" quotes as if thats supposed to shut my argument down :rudy:
You don't have an argument as far as I can tell. You haven't said anything. Not anything that refutes what I've said anyway. The main hurdle for both black men and women is white supremacy, not sexism. Even taking sexism into account, the perpetuators of the systematic sexism that black women face is white men, not black men. It's counter productive for black women to separate themselves from black men in the struggle against white supremacy. There's no hope against white supremacy unless we're all on the same page. I'm all for equal rights for black women, but I don't see any rights that they lack in comparison to black men so let's not pretend that black femism is needed to counteract some mind of systematic black male oppression. A huge part of black femism is about hating on black men. It's completely dishonest not to acknowledge the black man bashing that's associated with black feminism.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
If there are flaws in my argument you haven't pointed any out. Let's talk social policy, which social policies benefit black men over black women?
MALES have historically had more privilege over females.

If you're not willing to grant that, I've got nothing to talk to you about. Hell, there are still articles on work place dynamics TO THIS DAY.

...well whatever you can conveniently ignore :duck:

You don't have an argument as far as I can tell. You haven't said anything.
Classic deflection :umad:

Not anything that refutes anything that I've said anyway.
you can SAY that, but that'd just untrue. Go back and read what I wrote.

The main hurdle for both black men and women is white supremacy, not sexism.

Talking about "main" burden just cheapens what black women amongst you think about their own autonomy.

Sexism isn't limited to a particular race, you know...:usure:

Even taking sexism into account, the perpetuators of the systematic sexism that black women face is white men, not black men.
Sexism is color blind.

It's counter productive for black women to separate themselves from black men in the struggle against white supremacy.
You only say that because you're not a woman looking out for what women deal with.

There's no hope against white supremacy unless we're all on the same page. I'm all for equal rights for black women, but I don't see any rights that they lack in comparison to black men so let's not pretend that black femism is needed to counteract some mind of systematic black male oppression.
No one said it was "black" male oppression. They're just black women who are feminists. Its really not that complicated.
A huge part of black femism is about hating on black men.
I completely disagree...and even if some do, thats not feminism.
It's completely dishonest not to acknowledge the black man bashing that's associated with black feminism.
If a few black feminists take their anger out on black men, does that mean all black feminists hate black men? :leostare:

Keep playing dumb if you want to.