Zo Williams Show with both Tariq Nasheed & Tommy Sotomayor


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
You are using instagram to paint Black women's relationship desires? Your argument already falls on its face.

If you want to know how I came to my conclusions, first of all from real life, secondly you can look at surveys that have been done on Black women's desire to date interracially and you will see the pool you are claiming really wants non-Black men and is being rejected by them is actually not there. That is why specials on Black women's "singleness" (which have been debunked) often focused on trying to get Black women to consider other race options. And many of the women who do date interracially will actively tell you that they run into men who were afraid to approach them because they already had a preconceived notion that they only date Black men. Non-Black men who do prefer Black women also say this regularly.

Keep in mind, while you are trying to paint it as a preference thing, I'm not. I'm not saying non-Black men prefer Black women and Black women turn them down, or that any group doesn't prefer their own. Its merely about the fact that Black women don't even considering the option to date/marry out seriously. Most Black women don't even consider the option of non-black men, and have only very recently even started to open up to it with all the shows and statistics aimed at our lack of 'marriage-ability' (and not to mention vitriol aimed at Black women from Black men online and from public figures). I'm sure you'll keep denying it and saying its the other way around, and do whatever makes you feel good I guess. But I don't know any Black woman who hasn't had the opportunity to date our several times and passed. Not one.

So, are you saying that what the women publicly espouse to find attractive on a social media site should just be thrown to the side? Do you, or any women that you know, (do/would) intentionally and misleadingly post men on social media sites and say they're a "crush" but in reality don't find them attractive? So, please stop with that trail before you take a step. I'm simply using that as an example...an example that I have more than enough.

Having a FEW non-black men afraid to approach does not mean that they were a BUNCH non-black men waiting to approach. And to support your claim of black women being able to easily date out more than black men if they so chose, you would need more than a few.

Have you considered that black women not considering the date/marry out option may NOT be based in loyalty but moreso on the idea(confirmed or not) that non-black men don't want them in that way? Just because a black woman may not believe she can get one doesn't mean she wouldn't take one...if she had the chance. This whole "black women have to be convinced to date out" is silly in my opinion because the black women that can get quality non-black men very seldom turn these men down for not being black. Are there examples? Yes, but there are examples that prove both of us right.

But I want to get to the crux of what you're statement is saying. Your statement intimated that IF black women chose to, they would have MORE non-black men to date than black men would have non-black women to date. This says that black women have more options to date interracially than black men. This also implies that there is a sizeable group of non-black men who want to date black women and black women are turning them down.

What I am saying is, I don't see that. Not because black women are inferior, but because I don't see a plethora of non-black men approaching and/or trying to get with black women. Mind you, I went to private school my whole life surrounded by non-black men, went to a private college surrounded by non-black men and now work in the corporate world where I am one of a handful of black men amongst hundreds of non-black men.

I want you to explain how you KNOW FOR A FACT that black women are more desired by non-black counterparts than black men are desired by non-black counterparts. Because the "walking down the street" test doesn't bare this out.



Jun 24, 2013

They talk about Richard Sherman issue
Why there are no Alpha Males

Corey Holcomb, Brandy, The Doc, Geoff, and Zo show up.


Jun 24, 2013
