Zo Williams Show with both Tariq Nasheed & Tommy Sotomayor


May 2, 2012
I agree, Can you define black male privilege though? :patrice:
none of them have defined black male privilege or given clear examples of black patriarchy :russ: you'd think it'd be pretty easy considering how much they bytch about it

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
this is black male patriarchy? black men were pushing you to softer degrees? because let y'all tell it, we're not even in the home to persuade anyone of anything.

a black man? is this a joke? we're just about neck in neck when it comes to salary :heh: but who created this system of inequality? black men?

25 forms of birthcontrol black women have but they still get pregnant by bums who abandon them, THAT IS NOT PATRIARCHY. in fact, thats your feminist matriarchy.

black men can't decide when they want you to have children or not. but y'all damn sure can tell us you're pregnant and you're going to abort it, or you're going to keep it and take him to the cleaners. all the choices are yours, that is not patriarchy, nor is it systematic oppression by black men. its systematic oppression by y'all oversexed vaginas.

and women can't do the same shyt to a man? :why: women don't expose nikkas and ruin their lives? once again, NOT PATRIACHY.

men are better leaders because women think with too much emotion. its kinda sad how women in general piggy backed off the hardships of men hunting and gathering for them for thousands of yrs. only for women to hop off when all that stuff isn't necessary to survive anymore. really makes me hope the system collapses, so women can see how much they really need the leadership of men.

not patriarchy, black women have been calling nikkas everything under the sun for being with non black women for generations.

the list goes on and on and yous till havent brought 1 form of black male patriarchy.

:salute: there is no way she could respond logically to that


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
that's two lies back to back. first off, other communities definitely empower their men over the women. in return, the men protect and provide for their women. which is why no other race of woman is happy to be seen as "strong" , which is a masculine trait.

No they don't. White parents do not pour more resources into their boys than their girls. In fact girls are attending college at higher rates. The idea that boys are inherently better or more valuable than girls is heavily combatted in white communities. There aren't even as many Black feminists as white ones. So for all the hatred of feminism that you all have, how has it "destroyed the family structure" of whites? Why hasn't feminism made white men, Asian men, Hispanic men, and the like, abandon their responsibilities to their children? Why hasn't feminism made white women the overwhelming leaders in victims of sexual assault and domestic violence?

On top of all that Black feminism, is thriving in many parts of Africa now, and Africa at this time has more investors and prospectors than at any other point in history. Your idea that women not being under men in the food chain being harmful to the community isn't supported by anything other than your feelings. You don't need that hierarchy to have a successful community. You just want it. Really bad.

wrong, wrong, wrong. that's why males are supposed to be the leaders in the first place, if something goes wrong, we're accountable for it. right now we have it set up where black women lead, fail, then blame the absence of strong men.

You're supposedly a leader but want to be accountable for nothing. Not even your own children. Your idea of how things should be makes no logical sense.

i hold black women responsible for the things they're responsible for. like independently raising a community of boys who think like women. and i'll tell you this much, it'll just get worse as time goes on. real men will continue to die out while the next generation of boys are raised by women who think like you. so like i said, i dont want to hear any of that protection bullshyt from black women. in 10-15 yrs, im certain black boys will expect black women to protect and provide for them, and it'll be normal too.

Black women would not be raising anyone independently if you didn't excuse Black men for abandoning them to raise the children independently. You want Black men to be leaders and hate the sound of equality, but vehemently argue against actual leadership on Black men's part. You want the benefits of being a leader, while having who you want to be your follower do the most work (not even half).

If you don't want to protect Black women around you, don't. Honestly, I'm not asking you too. For the most part feminism isn't asking you to do anything beyond stop taking liberties with women's personal rights and bodies, or telling us that we are inherently inferior because of our sex.

I see you are still lying about all the privileges I laid out for you too.

Any other posts I will address later, I have an event.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
:blessed: fukkery

The show is today at 10am PST on http://rmconair.com/ and click 'live on air'.


Here's the previous show with Tariq

Margo :noah:

Here's the previous show with Tommy, those ladies in the room :salute:. This nikka Tommy said black women are the least desired women of any race, everyone looked at him like :what:

This show keep me :eat:

Heres the full channel for all previous shows http://www.youtube.com/user/TheZoWhatShow?feature=watch

cliff notes!

what did tariq say in his interviews?

what did tommy say in his interviews?


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
:salute: there is no way she could respond logically to that

The majority of white people are not preventing you from getting hired, or harassing you on the street. Does that mean that they do not possess white privilege?

You disappeared and came back cheerleading, but what happened to my response to this question^^? :usure:

In fact why don't all y'all who hate Black feminism do me a favor and answer that.

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
But what many brothas still don't understand is that Black women do not have the ability to choose. Period.

Ability to choose WHAT?

We are women and we are Black.

Only one of these matters to society. But you know that, so why you continue to fight a battle when you haven't even finished a war is asinine.

We are that at the same time at all times, it doesn't matter what you see. Its like y'all think we can put our womanhood in our pocket until you are ready for you (not even us) to address it. No one asks you to do that with your manhood, but Black women get it constantly.

You're rambling and using a lot of smoke and mirrors to appear that you're actually saying something.

Your problem is that your sole interest in this is victimizing your gender and waging war on the opposite, and in doing so, it's almost as if you are completely oblivious or either willfully ignorant to the fact that society doesn't care. Not because you're a woman, but because of your skin color. You have no rebuttal for anything listed in my initial post. WHY are black women disappearances not investigated at the same rate of other women, including other minorities? I'll give you hint; it's not because you have a vagina between your legs.

Why is it that when welfare is discussed, the first perpetrators mentioned are black women and food stamps, despite of the fact that caucasian women are recipients of welfare more than any other group? Why exactly is it a problem for minorities to benefit from affirmative action in professional schools and higher education, yet the system was created for white women?

But you'll ignore that.

Because you know as well as I do, that you aren't considered a woman in this society. You are black. You are advocating a movement that has not and never will be intended for you or women who look like you. You're not a woman on equal footing in this society if they don't even consider you rightfully a citizen.
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Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
You disappeared and came back cheerleading, but what happened to my response to this question^^? :usure:

In fact why don't all y'all who hate Black feminism do me a favor and answer that.

I have another crushing answer to your question. Answer my question first please. I ain't runnin


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
GTFOH. You are a nikka just like me in the eyes the white men. Stop with that I'm a woman bullshyt. Do u think if me u another black dude and another bw, they would actually separate us? No. They would be like those nikkaz over there. U are lost
uh...she's still a woman...


May 2, 2012
You're supposedly a leader but want to be accountable for nothing. Not even your own children. Your idea of how things should be makes no logical sense.

i'll probably respond to all the other stuff later but i want to hit this one right now.

the reason it seems like i'm placing black men @ an unaccountable level is because i can't get most black women to admit how they really feel. as it stands, black women want to put out blanket statements about lack of fathers in the homes. so lets dissect this statement and apply it to reality.

society isn't nearly as forgiving to black women as it is for black men, can we agree on this?example, a girl can be a hoodrat, get tats, fukk the block, get pregnant and have kids, only to still turn out a somewhat decent mother by 35. the majority of black boys who ignore the importance of education, cover themselves in tats, get women pregnant, case a felony, etc, cant turn it around and become barack when he's 35. so if these men were in the homes (probably in your home, mooching off of you) what could they do to better the lives of their children? what about cases when the man has 3+ children by multiple women. where will he get the time and money to take care of his children?

talk about mens responsibility to wrap it up, i understand that. but you place me and others in a weird position since black women are the ones running out having all this sex unprotected with these guys. it's like you want us online friends to try to shame the men y'all continuously choose. also, why not acknowledge the fact we all prefer raw sex in general. 25 options to protect yourself from being a single mother and all we have are condoms, this a no brainer really. black women can still enjoy all the sex they want, just get the damn 4 month shot.

but back to black men, i once had a debate on youtube with a black feminist. i ended it with something along the lines of "i guess black women really do believe the white mans ice is colder", she responded with " the black man has no ice". at first i was like :heh: but after i thought about it, it was more like :dwillhuh: :wtf: because she was absolutely correct. on an individual level, some black men are making moves, but as a collective, not so much. we have literally no concept of community building and our roles and responsibilities as men. we're quicker to join other mens patriarchies as opposed to building up our own. we shyt on black women for attitudes, weave, weight, etc, but we have not provided black women the same medium as other races of men. black women are literally on their own out here. one of the only races of women that can go their entire lives without coming across a man that loves them unconditionally like a father should.

i understand black men are the reason black women are the way that they are. but black women ego stroked black men for so many generations that we max out at p*ssy. fukk owning a business, fukk networking with other black men, fukk passing on a legacy to black children through a black womb.

so all these white men chasing, i fully understand it. black women see this shyt like a sinking ship they want off of and other races are the life raft.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Never said that....but I feel I'm black before I'm a woman anyway. I also don't fight for feminism because, honestly, I don't want to be treated equal (in certain cases) but that's neither here nor there.
Yeah you don't want to be treated equal probably in dating like most women but at least your honest about it even though you didn't say it lol. I'm not for that bullshyt though but I can always respect honesty even if I don't agree with it. Outside of that I don't think it's much you don't want to be treated equally I can think of but I could be wrong.


May 1, 2012
Sexism does not end and begin at jobs in the first place. And lets continue with your train of thought. The majority of white people are not preventing you from getting hired, or harassing you on the street. Does that mean that they do not possess white privilege?
White people have an entire system that is designed to ensure them privileges. There is no such system in place for black men. In fact, the system in place gives black men less privileges than any other demographic. That shouldn't even need to be explained to you.
I can honestly say I am a woman before I am Black. That's how feel.
This sums up the mentality of black feminists in a nutshell. I appreciate the honesty. You unlike that Southernbelle poster, have the courage to come out and admit how you truly feel. The reason that a lot of black feminists sound like white supremacists when you engage them is because they have bought into a lot of their hype. These women don't take much if any pride in being black. How can you see yourself as a woman 1st when oter races of women don't even consider you as their equals? This is why it's so easy for white feminists/supremacists to pimp black women. You self hating women want to be accepted as anything but black so badly that you won't hesitate to sell out your own community just for the illusion of being accepted. You will never be a woman before you're black. The self hate has you all completely delusional.