Zo Williams Show with both Tariq Nasheed & Tommy Sotomayor


Jul 15, 2012
Yea you know the holocaust happened and also what they accomplished.... the extermination of groups of people. The gay rights movement has lead to the legalization of gay marriage in certain places. This response was a weak cop out. You don't want to admit that they didn't do anything for black females, if they did, something would've been common knowledge the minute the term "black feminism" is said... just like the examples you gave.

Dude, I've said many times that I am not arguing for or against feminism. If you don't like my answer then you can honestly kiss my ass. I don't follow the movement so I'm not going to comment. You feeling like I should know everything about black feminism just because I know when it began is so damn silly. Bye dude.


May 7, 2012
I usually don't answer this question because I don't like being told the things that I care about or that bother me do not matter (as I know that will be your response and the response of most of the males on this board). However, some of the problems that I have that are unique to my gender and have been very salient in my life.

Me and the other women in my profession are penalized for marriage and childbearing (even when we are still in graduate school). I have reached a point in my life where I am thinking about marriage and children, and in many cases my professors (males) have made it clear that I need to choose. If I decide to do both it's because I don't take my career seriously (it has literally been discussed). Yet, the married male (regardless of race) graduate students and professor are applauded when they get married and start families. It's not fair because I take my career seriously, so why am I being penalized for doing what's natural for me to do. Statistically speaking, the chances of me getting tenure decreases if I have a child before (that's probably because I will be the primary care giver).

Generally speaking (not all), but when it comes to white men they dismiss what I have to say as unimportant because I am a black woman (both of my identities). When I was younger and used to play poker at casinos, you wouldn't believe the audacity of some older white men who thought that they could talk to me any kind of way and even try to solicit sex from me (because I'm automatically a whore if I'm black woman). Generally speaking (not all), some black men I've encountered have been very misogynist and demeaning. Although the coli is NOT the real world, I've come across the same attitudes in real life (that women aren't worth more than their vaginas; even when they are logical, having my opinions dismissed as emotional woman rant; and generally being made to feel like a second class citizen or some type of alien). To many men, I am simply being a bytch, whore, or piece of p*ssy. Out side of being one of those three, I should sit down and shut up because, as a woman, my opinion does not matter. I don't like it.

I generally don't complain about the gender role thing because I naturally like things that are traditionally associated with being a woman. However, I have come across men who think that's my place or my job just because I am a woman. That is sexist.

That's not all, but those the things that affect me most.
No rebuttals here, i understand. If you were a black feminist somehow this would be directed at black men :pachaha:


May 2, 2012
Condoms are available 24/7 at the easiest of convenience. They do not need a prescription, are dirt cheap unlike birth control, they do not even require and age limit to purchase. But let you tell it, Black women are solely responsible for child prevention. And thus Black women, the ones who stick around to actually raise Black children, are 100% responsible (or mostly responsible) for the decaying family structure.

Funny how Black men become "bums" too, once you want to just focus all your ire on Black women.

And You don't even know what a matriarchy is boy stop.

like i said, 25 versions of birth control, including female condoms, and all you can respond with are male condoms. this is pretty much the dynamic of the black community. unless these women are being raped, it's in their best interest to make sure their protected because they're ultimately going to be the ones left with the burden.

and you clearly don't know what a patriarchy is since you cant accurately describe it in the BC.

You have control over your penis and where your semen goes. You know the way pregnancy works and know that once you give your seed, your choice is rightfully secondary. So this excuse is pathetic and exactly the excuses those "bums" you spoke of use to run out on their children.
i hate the venus fly trap p*ssy argument, you're basically saying black women aren't to be trusted; which is true. but i don't have kids, infact more black women have kids than black men by FAR. and if 98% of BM were responsible, you black women would line up to be with the 2% to get the sperm you're after.

What do women expose men for? You know you are grasping at straws when you are literally lying.

all of the same things men can expose women for, sexual inadequacies, embarrassing stories, etc, it's not gender specific. if a woman sleeps with a man, and she goes around saying he has a lil penis or is a minute man or something; is that MALE patriarchy? :heh: fukk outta here.

No. This isn't divisive at all. Its black women wanting equality that is.


black women already have equality to black men, so why are we the enemy? feminist in general don't even appear to strive for equality, seems like they want full on supremacy. which is why many of the WHITE feminist are starting to back down from their movement. they see the benefits of their patriarchy and don't want to end up like you black women.

You're not even reading these sentences correctly. That had nothing to do with what race your dating, and everything to do with your experience being validated and supported. Your emotion filled brain is clouded your judgement. Please reassess.

:rudy: you brought up being called a bedwench, and nikkas get called sellouts, c00ns and toms for being with white women. is that patriarchy?

Nope I brought up several. And there are hundreds more than that. Its just your privilege, much like whites, allowed you to pretend it isn't there.

you still have not brought up 1 single form of systematic oppression towards black women, especially from black men. go dig in your barrel a bit and come back with a black church, rap music argument.

Ain't it weird how you can cry about something out of one side of your mouth but fight to practice against others out of the other side?

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
All of which irrelevant to the argument. I can do what I want in a area I demean appropriate and where I give my consent. My job which no one is privy to unless I tell them does not give anyone the right to assault or miss treat me in anyway especially when I am not working. That fact that you disagree with that is the reason that feminism is needed.

You are a walkin piece of hipocrisy based on your avi. You have no leg to stand on to discuss sexism. That's like me trying to convice people to not play football :heh:


Jul 15, 2012
where the hell did u get that I want to have black women beneath me? :mindblown: I simply stated facts that you in fact substantiated. Do u support the sentiments and ideolgies of black feminism? It seems like u do? Do black woemen face racism? Yes. Do some black women face sexism? Yes. But does this sexism and racism that black woemen face prevent them from getting hired at 3 times the rate of black men>? NO

What sexism have YOU personally faced? and who subjected it to you? A black man or a white power structure? Please be honest. One of the problems I have with black feminism is this whole "black boogie man myth" that is perpetuated and cast upon black men, like WE are the reason that black women arent succeeding. Like Black men are harrassin black women in the streets, like black men are deniying Black women jobs and shyt. we aint doin none of that. :damn: Black feminists attempt to align themselves with the white power structure against the black men.

Blck men and women need to unite instead of aligning themselves with divisive organizations and groups such as black feminism. I'll ask u just like i have asked other black feminists and black femistst supporters. What problems or issues do black women have that black men dont. what perks or advantages do black men have that black men dont.

You pulled up all those stats and numbers and u actually help prove my point. Thanks :smugbiden:

First and foremost, I ask you a question (Idk if you noticed the question mark). That means I wanted you to answer it.

Also, in my posts before this I didn't talk about any race of man specifically. The only thing I've maintained is that I experience both racism (from different races) and sexism (which can happen from a man of any race). I've experienced sexism from the white power structure and individual sexism from black and white men (I also wrote a whole long post about this). Are you saying that you don't know sexism black men? Are we lying now?

Again, is the economic the only thing that matters? Sexism surely prevents me from moving up the rank like you can, but I guess that doesn't matter to you.

When did I call black men the bogey man? I responded to this thread because someone said I don't experience gender inequality and that is a blatant lie. I didn't say shyt about black men so why do you keep going on and on about that?

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
What about the women that wear that type of clothing to indicate they are sexually available? An individual verbally assaulted for rejecting his advances. Anyway i'm not ignoring sexism, what i want to know is how come black feminists main antagonist seems to be black men?

What are you asking? Are you asking if a woman dresses like she is "sexually available" whether she deserves to be harassed, assaulted or groped? Regardless of how woman is dress she does not deserve any of those things period.

Black feminism/womanism is not about bashing or battling Black men. It's about unification from a Black woman's stand point. Just because a handful of women use it as a platform to bash men does not mean that represents an entire movement.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Glad folks finally just came out and said they think Black issues are more important that women's issue.

What gives people the right to tell what issues are more important to another person?

I can honestly say I am a woman before I am Black. That's how feel. Sexism affects my day to day life. I can't walk down the street without being sexually harassed. If I wear clothing that shows off my body in any way I am automatically labeled as sexually available and men feel they have the right to comment or even touch my body. I have been followed and I have verbally assulted for rejecting a man's advances. But I should pretend like that doesn't affect me because I'm Black? GTFOOHWTBS

GTFOH. You are a nikka just like me in the eyes the white men. Stop with that I'm a woman bullshyt. Do u think if me u another black dude and another bw, they would actually separate us? No. They would be like those nikkaz over there. U are lost


Deadly Jester
Apr 13, 2013
Dude, I've said many times that I am not arguing for or against feminism. If you don't like my answer then you can honestly kiss my ass. I don't follow the movement so I'm not going to comment. You feeling like I should know everything about black feminism just because I know when it began is so damn silly. Bye dude.

Im not saying you need to know everything. If I say "civil rights movement", you know what they did off top. Black feminism didn't do shyt thats why nothing is associated with it off top like that. Im just pointing that out. No need to give me your ass to kiss :what:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Way to totally avoid answering my question

I did answer your question. I don't feel the need to give anecdotal evidence because sexism is not something that can be reduced to a particular person's viewpoint or experience. It is reality. If you want me to tell you about specific times in which a Black man has prevented me from getting a job, I can tell you about a Black male professor who attempted to sleep with me and when I refused did not provide the recommendation I needed for an internship. I can tell you about an Aunt who is an aerospace engineer who was passed over for a promotion for a Black male who has promoted several white men over her since.

Now you go ahead and answer mine. Or are you going to continue to not answer my question because being confronted with the hypocrisy you possess is something you'd rather not examine further?


May 2, 2012
You're not concerned about women's issues PERIOD. And your post did everything to prove it but put it in a frame or wrap it in a gift box.

Just admit you oppose feminism because you are a sexist. Has nothing to do with 'dividing the community', has nothing to do with 'fighting the white power structure', it has everything to do with your belief that you as a Black man should be put before Black women, and you a resistant to a movement that refutes that idea.

i don't think either gender should be put before the other but having a strong male is more important than having a strong female. so if i had to back my support and resources into 1 gender, it would be the men. it would actually benefit the women and race as a whole. empowering selfish women does little for anyone because women dont build.

also please don't tell me what i'm concerned about. i could give a fukk about the black feminist plight, but nobody supports the oppression of women.


May 7, 2012
What are you asking? Are you asking if a woman dresses like she is "sexually available" whether she deserves to be harassed, assaulted or groped? Regardless of how woman is dress she does not deserve any of those things period.
:beli: i'm not saying that, i don't approve being harassed, assaulted or groped.



All Star
Jun 21, 2012
What are you asking? Are you asking if a woman dresses like she is "sexually available" whether she deserves to be harassed, assaulted or groped? Regardless of how woman is dress she does not deserve any of those things period.

Black feminism/womanism is not about bashing or battling Black men. It's about unification from a Black woman's stand point. Just because a handful of women use it as a platform to bash men does not mean that represents an entire movement.

Thank you. I used to really think some Black men's opposition to Black feminism was just because they didn't understand it. But its clear that they do know exactly its purpose, its just that they actually don't agree with the purpose itself (equality for women). They won't say it in so many words, some will even lie and say they agree with it, but talk long enough with them and you'll see the divisive ideology seep out smh


Jul 15, 2012
I wish black men had the privilege to make up some bullshyt like black female privilege and it being given credence. :ld:

There are privileges that we have as women, not necessarily because we are black, that men don't have. Prison sentences being one of them. You see, me being able to acknowledge that my gender gave me an advantage doesn't mean that I don't experience other disadvantages.