Zo Williams Show with both Tariq Nasheed & Tommy Sotomayor


Jul 15, 2012
This isn't about you personally. I don't know who you are, you could be a dude for all I know. I don't understand why you qualify yourself here so much. Like anybody really gives a fukk who you claim to be.

This is about black feminism and that's what it seems like you're repping. Black feminists haven't walked in black mens' shoes, but that hasn't stopped them from claiming that they have it "easier" than black men. Have you ran up on black feminists with the bullshyt you're kicking right here? Black feminists love telling us about socalled "black male privilege", but when we call bullshyt on that it's "uh uh you ain't never walked in my shoes" :childplease: Go tell that to all of the bitter broads on the whining about how privileged it is to be a black man.

There's nothing hard to understand about men and women not being the same. That's not the point of contention though. The issue that we're debating is the validity of the black feminist movement. I argue that black feminism is an ideology that divides that black community, pitting black women vs black men. I'm not arguing that men and women are the same, facing the exact same problems and having the same experiences. Obviously there are hurdles unique to black men that black women don't have to deal with(as much) and vice versa. I don't think that anyone denies that. I'm saying that while black women do face hurdles because of their gender, creating a movement separate from black men that often makes black men the scapegoat for those problems is disloyal and counterproductive to uplifting the black community as a whole. Not only do black feminists separate themselves from black men, they seemingly work in cahoots with white supremacists against black people.

This is about me because I talked about my experiences and then you quoted me. I haven't been in here repping anything but myself and my statuses. You quoted me for talking about my experiences yet you are mad because I'm talking about myself personally :what: I don't give a damn about what you think about feminism or it's validity but I do care about people telling me that I don't face gender inequality (which the only reason that I participated in this discussion). The only reason I responded to this thread is because there were people denying the bolded.

I've been the only one in here saying that I'm not going to participate in the pissing contest that yall want to make this into. I've simply stated stop trying to tell me what I don't experience as a woman when you don't freaking know because you aren't one.

Go debate the validity of feminism with someone else. Again, I'm speaking about my experiences.


Sep 14, 2013
What about gender judicial bias in the black community? Black men don't have any priviliges :heh: The purpose of black feminists is to manipulate black women into hating their men. They never go at white daddy. :camby:


Jul 15, 2012
i brought up rap because it seems like rap music and church is considered black patriarchy to feminist. you didn't refute it or offer any other forms of so called black male oppression, which im still waiting on.

Because I'm not here to debate about feminism. I was here to refute your dumb claim that I don't face any inequality because my gender. That was a silly and outrageous claim.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
black feminism has already done a pretty good job of dividing the community. where is this black male superiority over women, because it hasn't existed in my life time

When you can walk around referring to women as bytches and hoes and no one bats and eye lash.

When you aren't pushed towards "softer" degrees because you are thought to be less capable of other because of your sex

When even after obtaining that degree you can have the same degree and experience and exceed a Black woman in position because you are a man

When you can impregnate a woman and blame what may come after on her because she is a woman and she "let you" do it (as if you didn't equally "let her" do the same)

When you can leep with any women with a pulse and then label a woman worthless and try to destroy her social credibility for sleeping with any amount you deem too much

When you can deem yourself a better leader and thinker than an entire half of the community just because of what you have between your legs.

When you aren't accused of being a bed wench or race traitor for pointing out horrific behaviors towards Black women committed by their counterparts

And the list goes on and on. So yeah. I guess if you can pretend none of that exists in the Black community you also may as well say that you never existed period. Because both statements are both just as easily refutable

And Black feminism did nothing to divide a community that was already divided. You think Black men putting their thoughts, wants, and needs before Black women's wasn't divisive behavior? Again, :dead:


May 7, 2012
This is about me because I talked about my experiences and then you quoted me. I haven't been in here repping anything but myself and my statuses. You quoted me for talking about my experiences yet you are mad because I'm talking about myself personally :what: I don't give a damn about what you think about feminism or it's validity but I do care about people telling me that I don't face gender inequality (which the only reason that I participated in this discussion). The only reason I responded to this thread is because there were people denying the bolded.

I've been the only one in here saying that I'm not going to participate in the pissing contest that yall want to make this into. I've simply stated stop trying to tell me what I don't experience as a woman when you don't freaking know because you aren't one.

Go debate the validity of feminism with someone else. Again, I'm speaking about my experiences.
Care to elaborate on your experiences as a black woman in regards to sexism? :lupe:

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I'm not the one in here trying to say who has it worse. Yall are (without knowing OR caring what other people face). Again, yall acting like white people do when minorities bring up issues they face. I do know the unemployment rate, especially during this recession, is the highest. I do know that black women outnumber black men by about 30,000 in the "professional, technical, and scientific services industry). I also know that the men out pace the women in executive positions in the professional, technical, and scientific services (http://www1.eeoc.gov/eeoc/statistics/employment/jobpat-eeo1/2012/index.cfm#centercol). I also know that largest number of those women are in clerical positions (63,000).

Idk if that is what you were talking about. If not, please reference the specific statistic you're referring to for the corporate america thing. Are you talking about all private sector companies, Fortune 500, and etc? Are you only talking about being employed or are you talking about being able more move up the ranks.

Finally, how does that change the fact that I experience racism and sexism? When have I denied that black men have issues? Are economic the only thing that matter? Do you want to equality or do you simply want to have black women beneath you?

where the hell did u get that I want to have black women beneath me? :mindblown: I simply stated facts that you in fact substantiated. Do u support the sentiments and ideolgies of black feminism? It seems like u do? Do black woemen face racism? Yes. Do some black women face sexism? Yes. But does this sexism and racism that black woemen face prevent them from getting hired at 3 times the rate of black men>? NO

What sexism have YOU personally faced? and who subjected it to you? A black man or a white power structure? Please be honest. One of the problems I have with black feminism is this whole "black boogie man myth" that is perpetuated and cast upon black men, like WE are the reason that black women arent succeeding. Like Black men are harrassin black women in the streets, like black men are deniying Black women jobs and shyt. we aint doin none of that. :damn: Black feminists attempt to align themselves with the white power structure against the black men.

Blck men and women need to unite instead of aligning themselves with divisive organizations and groups such as black feminism. I'll ask u just like i have asked other black feminists and black femistst supporters. What problems or issues do black women have that black men dont. what perks or advantages do black men have that black men dont.

You pulled up all those stats and numbers and u actually help prove my point. Thanks :smugbiden:


Jul 15, 2012
why do u go so hard for feminists ideologies then?

First, I go hard for equality. I believe in equality but that belief is not unique to the feminist movement.

What parts besides equality and the fact that I can experience both racism and sexism (which is common sense) do I go so hard for?


May 2, 2012
i wonder if they're going to take it to a "street harassment" argument

When you can walk around referring to women as bytches and hoes and no one bats and eye lash.

jesus christ, they're so predictable :dead: :dead: when they cant come up with a reasonable explanation, they create pure fiction. they want to paint a picture where black women can't walk the streets because these savage negros are just harassing them and catcalling every 10 seconds.

even though, like i pointed out in this LSA thread (actually the OP pointed it out) black women would never pull that shyt on white men. i already see how it is out here in LA. you cant even ask a random BW a question w/o her thinking you're trying to fukk them.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
jesus christ, they're so predictable :dead: :dead: when they cant come up with a reasonable explanation, they create pure fiction. they want to paint a picture where black women can't walk the streets because these savage negros are just harassing them and catcalling every 10 seconds.

even though, like i pointed out in this LSA thread (actually the OP pointed it out) black women would never pull that shyt on white men. i already see how it is out here in LA. you cant even ask a random BW a question w/o her thinking you're trying to fukk them.

Congrats, it only took you 2 posts to entirely recreate a white racist's argument about how racism is fictional and 'not that big of a deal', except you've done it with sexism against Black women. :heh:

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
When you can walk around referring to women as bytches and hoes and no one bats and eye lash.

Black women call eachother bytches and hoes. keep it real
.When you aren't pushed towards "softer" degrees because you are thought to be less capable of other because of your sex
i dont know what the hell u are talkin about. nobody is forcing black women to degrees that they dont wana do

When even after obtaining that degree you can have the same degree and experience and exceed a Black woman in position because you are a man
-There are black women that are executives and more black women in corporate america then there are black women. ask southernbelle. (im not makin this shyt up

When you can impregnate a woman and blame what may come after on her because she is a woman

the man is always responsible. women can terminate the preganacy or give the kid up for adoption with no questions asked

When you can sleep with a million women and then label a woman worthless and destroy her social credibility for sleeping with any amount you deem too much

When you can deem yourself a better leader and thinker than a whole half of the community just because of what you have between your legs.

When you aren't accused of being a bed wench or race traitor for pointing out horrific behaviors towards Black women


And the list goes on and on. So yeah. I guess if you can pretend none of that exists in the Black community you also may as well say that you never existed period. Because both statements are both just as easily refutable

And Black feminism did nothing to divide a community that was already divided. You think Black men putting their thoughts, wants, and needs before Black women's wasn't divisive behavior? Again, :dead:

You are lost Ma, :snoop:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Imagine a Black woman being able to tell a Black man what he faces is fictional or purely a result of his own choices and not only be not be railroaded immediately, but supported.

The Black man's experience in the Black community is universal truth. The Black woman's experience is a lie, no matter how much she says it.

That privilege :blessed:


Thanks to the lawyers uh, I marbled the foyer
Mar 19, 2013
Somewhere tropic...
Imagine a Black woman being able to tell a Black man what he faces is fictional or purely a result of his own choices and not only be not be railroaded immediately, but supported.

The Black man's experience in the Black community is universal truth. The Black woman's experience is a lie, no matter how much she says it.

That privilege :blessed:

I wish black men had the privilege to make up some bullshyt like black female privilege and it being given credence. :ld:


May 2, 2012
When you aren't pushed towards "softer" degrees because you are thought to be less capable of other because of your sex

this is black male patriarchy? black men were pushing you to softer degrees? because let y'all tell it, we're not even in the home to persuade anyone of anything.
When even after obtaining that degree you can have the same degree and experience and exceed a Black woman in position because you are a man
a black man? is this a joke? we're just about neck in neck when it comes to salary :heh: but who created this system of inequality? black men?

When you can impregnate a woman and blame what may come after on her because she is a woman and she "let you" do it (as if you didn't equally "let her" do the same)

25 forms of birthcontrol black women have but they still get pregnant by bums who abandon them, THAT IS NOT PATRIARCHY. in fact, thats your feminist matriarchy.

black men can't decide when they want you to have children or not. but y'all damn sure can tell us you're pregnant and you're going to abort it, or you're going to keep it and take him to the cleaners. all the choices are yours, that is not patriarchy, nor is it systematic oppression by black men. its systematic oppression by y'all oversexed vaginas.

When you can leep with any women with a pulse and then label a woman worthless and try to destroy her social credibility for sleeping with any amount you deem too much

and women can't do the same shyt to a man? :why: women don't expose nikkas and ruin their lives? once again, NOT PATRIACHY.

When you can deem yourself a better leader and thinker than an entire half of the community just because of what you have between your legs.

men are better leaders because women think with too much emotion. its kinda sad how women in general piggy backed off the hardships of men hunting and gathering for them for thousands of yrs. only for women to hop off when all that stuff isn't necessary to survive anymore. really makes me hope the system collapses, so women can see how much they really need the leadership of men.
When you aren't accused of being a bed wench or race traitor for pointing out horrific behaviors towards Black women committed by their counterparts

not patriarchy, black women have been calling nikkas everything under the sun for being with non black women for generations.

And the list goes on and on. So yeah. I guess if you can pretend none of that exists in the Black community you also may as well say that you never existed period. Because both statements are both just as easily refutable

the list goes on and on and yous till havent brought 1 form of black male patriarchy.