Zo Williams Show with both Tariq Nasheed & Tommy Sotomayor


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
what black men prevented u from doing something or prevented u from getting hired? what black men denied you from getting a job?

Sexism does not end and begin at jobs in the first place. And lets continue with your train of thought. The majority of white people are not preventing you from getting hired, or harassing you on the street. Does that mean that they do not possess white privilege?

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Glad folks finally just came out and said they think Black issues are more important that women's issue.

What gives people the right to tell what issues are more important to another person?

I can honestly say I am a woman before I am Black. That's how feel. Sexism affects my day to day life. I can't walk down the street without being sexually harassed. If I wear clothing that shows off my body in any way I am automatically labeled as sexually available and men feel they have the right to comment or even touch my body. I have been followed and I have verbally assulted for rejecting a man's advances. But I should pretend like that doesn't affect me because I'm Black? GTFOOHWTBS
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May 7, 2012
Imagine a Black woman being able to tell a Black man what he faces is fictional or purely a result of his own choices and not only be not be railroaded immediately, but supported.

That privilege :blessed:

Your examples aren't strengthening your stance. What BLACK MEN are preventing you from doing certain things, when on record Black women are more successful than Black men? Those instances of domestic violence and street harassment exist but that doesn't justify the vitriol that has been directed at Black men by Black feminist.


May 1, 2012
This is about me because I talked about my experiences and then you quoted me. I haven't been in here repping anything but myself and my statuses. You quoted me for talking about my experiences yet you are mad because I'm talking about myself personally :what: I don't give a damn about what you think about feminism or it's validity but I do care about people telling me that I don't face gender inequality (which the only reason that I participated in this discussion). The only reason I responded to this thread is because there were people denying the bolded.
I'm telling you that this isn't about you. I don't give a fukk about you or your personal experiences:heh: I quoted you because you're under this false impression that people are saying that black women don't face sexism. Nobody's making that argument but you. You created that strawman. The point that I made to you in that initial post is that while black women do face discrimination based on gender, that discrimination isn't any greater than what black men face despite what the black feminist movement claims.

I've been the only one in here saying that I'm not going to participate in the pissing contest that yall want to make this into. I've simply stated stop trying to tell me what I don't experience as a woman when you don't freaking know because you aren't one.
Again, nobody gives a fukk about your personal experiences. Nobody has told you personally what you do and don't experience as a socalled woman. Who here knows you? Nobody aimed anything that they've said at you personally. People were speaking in general regarding black women and you've taken it upon yourself to throw your 2 cents in. If you're not here to vouch for black feminism and you're just posting to see your words on the screen then say no more. You're full of shyt in my opinion though. If you're not a black feminist you're clearly a sympathizer. You just don't have the courage are smarts to defend it.


May 1, 2012
Glad folks finally just came out and said they think Black issues are more important that women's issue.

What gives people the right to tell what issues are more important to another person?

I can honestly say I am a woman before I am Black. That's how feel. Sexism affects my day to day life. I can't walk down the street without being sexually harassed. If I wear clothing that shows off my body in any way I am automatically labeled as sexually available and men feel they have the right to comment or even touch my body. I have been followed and I have verbally assulted for rejecting a man's advances. But I should pretend like that doesn't affect me because I'm Black? GTFOOHWTBS
:pachaha: Says the poster that named itself "stripper" and had a pic of an ass as it's avatar:snoop: You see yourself as a sexual object. Shut the fukk up with all that fake whining.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
25 forms of birthcontrol black women have but they still get pregnant by bums who abandon them, THAT IS NOT PATRIARCHY. in fact, thats your feminist matriarchy.

Condoms are available 24/7 at the easiest of convenience. They do not need a prescription, are dirt cheap unlike birth control, they do not even require and age limit to purchase. But let you tell it, Black women are solely responsible for child prevention. And thus Black women, the ones who stick around to actually raise Black children, are 100% responsible (or mostly responsible) for the decaying family structure.

Funny how Black men become "bums" too, once you want to just focus all your ire on Black women.

And you don't even know what a matriarchy is boy stop.

black men can't decide when they want you to have children or not. but y'all damn sure can tell us you're pregnant and you're going to abort it, or you're going to keep it and take him to the cleaners. all the choices are yours, that is not patriarchy, nor is it systematic oppression by black men. its systematic oppression by y'all oversexed vaginas.

You have control over your penis and where your semen goes. You know the way pregnancy works and know that once you give your seed, your choice is rightfully secondary. So this excuse is pathetic and exactly the excuses those "bums" you spoke of use to run out on their children.

and women can't do the same shyt to a man? :why: women don't expose nikkas and ruin their lives?

What do women expose men for? You know you are grasping at straws when you are resorting to literally lying.

men are better leaders because women think with too much emotion. its kinda sad how women in general piggy backed off the hardships of men hunting and gathering for them for thousands of yrs. only for women to hop off when all that stuff isn't necessary to survive anymore. really makes me hope the system collapses, so women can see how much they really need the leadership of men.

No. This isn't divisive at all. Its black women wanting equality that is.


not patriarchy, black women have been calling nikkas everything under the sun for being with non black women for generations.

You're not even reading these sentences correctly. That had nothing to do with what race your dating, and everything to do with your experience being validated and supported. Your emotion filled brain is clouding your judgement. Please reassess. :troll:

the list goes on and on and yous till havent brought 1 form of black male patriarchy.

Nope I brought up several. And there are hundreds more than that. Its just your privilege, much like whites, allowed you to pretend it isn't there.

Ain't it weird how you can cry about something out of one side of your mouth but fight to practice against others out of the other side?


May 2, 2012
Glad folks finally just came out and said they think Black issues are more important that women's issue.

What gives people the right to tell what issues are more important to another person?

I can honestly say I am a woman before I am Black. That's how feel.

of course we (the men) are going to be concerned about black issues first, womens issues second. if black women woke up as white women tomorrow, they wouldn't be feminist. if they woke up as black men, however, they'd have a whole host of NEW problems.

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012

If half of you internet activist and "black feminist" spent as much time and energy politicking in reality and bringing light to the struggles of African Americans as a whole instead of men vs women, progress may actually be made. Instead, you'll continue to attempt to stick it to each other & your kids and your children's kids will be in the same situation fifty years from now that you're in today. :ehh:


May 7, 2012
Glad folks finally just came out and said they think Black issues are more important that women's issue.

Who gives people the right to tell what issues are more important than another person?

I can honestly say I am a woman before I am Black. That's how feel. Sexism affects my day to day life. I can't walk down the street without being sexually harassed. If I wear clothing that shows off my body in any way I am automatically labeled as sexually available and men feel they have the right to comment or even touch my body. I have been followed and I have verbally assulted for rejecting a man's advances. But I should pretend like that doesn't affect me because I'm Black? GTFOOHWTBS
What about the women that wear that type of clothing to indicate they are sexually available? An individual verbally assaulted you for rejecting his advances. Anyway i'm not ignoring sexism, what i want to know is how come black feminists main antagonist seems to be black men?

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
:pachaha: Says the poster that named itself "stripper" and had a pic of an ass as it's avatar:snoop: You see yourself as a sexual object. Shut the fukk up with all that fake whining.

All of which irrelevant to the argument. I can do what I want in a area I demean appropriate and where I give my consent. My job which no one is privy to unless I tell them does not give anyone the right to assault or miss treat me in anyway especially when I am not working. That fact that you disagree with that is the reason that feminism is needed.


Deadly Jester
Apr 13, 2013
I have stated many times that I am not a feminist. I know when they started because should be common freaking knowledge (or least I thought it was given the rise of Alice Walker and a few other people), but I don't follow the movement. Idk why that is hard to understand. I also know when the holocaust happened, I know when the gay rights movement happened...I know when a lot of thing happened.

Yea you know the holocaust happened and also what they accomplished.... the extermination of groups of people. The gay rights movement has lead to the legalization of gay marriage in certain places. This response was a weak cop out. You don't want to admit that they didn't do anything for black females, if they did, something would've been common knowledge the minute the term "black feminism" is said... just like the examples you gave.


Jul 15, 2012
Care to elaborate on your experiences as a black woman in regards to sexism? :lupe:

I usually don't answer this question because I don't like being told the things that I care about or that bother me do not matter (as I know that will be your response and the response of most of the males on this board). However, some of the problems that I have that are unique to my gender and have been very salient in my life.

Me and the other women in my profession are penalized for marriage and childbearing (even when we are still in graduate school). I have reached a point in my life where I am thinking about marriage and children, and in many cases my professors (males) have made it clear that I need to choose. If I decide to do both it's because I don't take my career seriously (it has literally been discussed). Yet, the married male (regardless of race) graduate students and professor are applauded when they get married and start families. It's not fair because I take my career seriously, so why am I being penalized for doing what's natural for me to do. Statistically speaking, the chances of me getting tenure decreases if I have a child before (that's probably because I will be the primary care giver).

Generally speaking (not all), but when it comes to white men they dismiss what I have to say as unimportant because I am a black woman (both of my identities). When I was younger and used to play poker at casinos, you wouldn't believe the audacity of some older white men who thought that they could talk to me any kind of way and even try to solicit sex from me (because I'm automatically a whore if I'm black woman). Generally speaking (not all), some black men I've encountered have been very misogynist and demeaning. Although the coli is NOT the real world, I've come across the same attitudes in real life (that women aren't worth more than their vaginas; even when they are logical, having my opinions dismissed as emotional woman rant; and generally being made to feel like a second class citizen or some type of alien). To many men, I am simply being a bytch, whore, or piece of p*ssy. Out side of being one of those three, I should sit down and shut up because, as a woman, my opinion does not matter. I don't like it.

I generally don't complain about the gender role thing because I naturally like things that are traditionally associated with being a woman. However, I have come across men who think that's my place or my job just because I am a woman. That is sexist.

That's not all, but those the things that affect me most.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
of course we (the men) are going to be concerned about black issues first, womens issues second. if black women woke up as white women tomorrow, they wouldn't be feminist. if they woke up as black men, however, they'd have a whole host of NEW problems.

You're not concerned about women's issues PERIOD. And your post did everything to prove it but put it in a frame or wrap it in a gift box.

Just admit you oppose feminism because you are a sexist. Has nothing to do with 'dividing the community', has nothing to do with 'fighting the white power structure', it has everything to do with your belief that you as a Black man should be put before Black women, and you a resistant to a movement that refutes that idea.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Sexism does not end and begin at jobs in the first place. And lets continue with your train of thought. The majority of white people are not preventing you from getting hired, or harassing you on the street. Does that mean that they do not possess white privilege?

Way to totally avoid answering my question