Zanzibar Revolution 1964-The day Africans Slaughtered their Arab Enslavers

May 16, 2012
Let's say that the orginal arabs were Black fukk THOSE PEOPLE anyone tryin g to enslave Black people now needs to be wiped off the planet. Black white whoever.

fukk apologizing for these super c00n ass nikkas that got all that oil but are dominated by Isreal.

The Arabs enslaved WAY MORE whites dummy. Where do you think we get the word "slave" from? It comes from the "slavic" peoples of Eastern Europe. They were enslaved by the Arabs in far larger numbers than black people ever were.

Stop thinking we are history's victims. We have a far longer history being its aggressors. White people are the ones who were the principal slaves of the "Arabs". Once again read all the knowledge I have linked throughout this thread. It destroys the white supremacist mythology surrounding slavery you seem to believe is true.
May 16, 2012
I care, first of all if people can't come together they always ally with outsiders who end up taking over. It's one thing to be the dominant tribe. People can live. But to be an slave there's no excuse for that. Besides it doesn't forward your society. I mean america freed it's slaves but they still treat us like shyt. You can enslave women so that you can rape them at will. You can enslave people to do agricultural work (that can be done easier with a tractor) But you can't make a slave work at a factory. They'll work slower or fukk up the equipment. You can't make a slave innovate, He has no buy in to do so he's not going to benefit by doing something better.

If you as a culture can't observe reality somethings wrong with you. You have Tuaregs in Mali burning up in their tents, feeling superior to Africans who love an accept other Africans meanwhile in Bamako you got non arabized Africans dring cars and living in Air conditioned houses.

To try to make a point you fail to see the bigger picture. Lets say these c00n arabs (who never get accepted by the gulf arabs btw) are Black, and they enslave other Black people, Those Black people then work with white people to take over. Look at Sudan, very darkskinned "arabs" not accepted by other arabs yet enslaving Africans, what happened? They lost half their country. They kept it up now they had to accept a c00n deal where they pay the US govt and accept Isreal's right to exist. They'd be a superpower if they managed to unite.

The issue with slavery here in America is the fact it was tied to race. Since whites made it so that only people with black skin could be slaves, the vestiges of slavery have been able to trascend generations. Its why we and to a large extent black people globally still suffer to this day.

Slavery, however, in and of itself is not damaging across generations. These Gulf Arabs you talk of that won't accept the Black Arabs are the actual descendants of slavery. But because slavery was not linked to race in the Arab world, they were able to take on Arab identity over time and thanks to the spread of white supremacy globally flip the script on the original black Arabs making them out to be the descendants of slavery.

Our problems are linked to white supremacy. They are not with regard to slavery. Slavery is no different than war. Its a human ill that is universal. Its not an issue of race based injustice. So stop trying to make it one. The only reason we have all been brainwashed into accepting the idea that black people have been the EXCLUSIVE victims of slavery globally is because of the spread of white supremacy. Not because it was actually true.
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Feb 16, 2017
The issue with slavery here in America is the fact it was tied to race. Since whites made it so that only people with black skin could be slaves, the vestiges of slavery have been able to trascend generations. Its why we (and to a large extent) and black people globally still suffer to this day.

Slavery, however, in and of itself is not damaging across generations. These Gulf Arabs you talk of that won't accept the Black Arabs are the actual descendants of slavery. But because slavery was not linked to race in the Arab world, they were able to take on Arab identity over time and thanks to the spread of white supremacy globally flip the script on the original black Arabs making them out to be the descendants of slavery.

Our problems are linked to white supremacy. They are not with regard to slavery. Slavery is no different than war. Its a human ill that is universal. Its not an issue of race based injustice. So stop trying to make it one. The only reason we have all been brainwashed into accepting the idea that black people have been the EXCLUSIVE victims of slavery globally is because of the spread of white supremacy. Not because it was actually true.
If i were a slave in Mali i wouldnt be thinking about how Africans has slaves as POW's and it wasnt tied to race. I'd want to be free.

I mean at some point youd have to step back and wonder what the benefit is of having someoñe herd your camels. When other people are using cell phones that cost more than what you own in totality.

You could be totally correct about the origns of arabs (and i agree with you) but something's wrong with your culture if you look up to people who wont spit on you if you were on fire.

Gaddafi was a laughing stock when he was a panarabist. When he started the Pan-African talking points he was a hero.

At the end of the day smart people reject those who reject them.


Feb 16, 2017
The Arabs enslaved WAY MORE whites dummy. Where do you think we get the word "slave" from? It comes from the "slavic" peoples of Eastern Europe. They were enslaved by the Arabs in far larger numbers than black people ever were.

Stop thinking we are history's victims. We have a far longer history being its aggressors. White people are the ones who were the principal slaves of the "Arabs". Once again read all the knowledge I have linked throughout this thread. It destroys the white supremacist mythology surrounding slavery you seem to believe is true.
nikka i didnt call you out of your name. If you cant get out of your feelings just because some doesnt agree with you dont @ me.

Before we go further if you were in Mauritania right now and you were enslaved would you thinking "hes my master but hes also my brother" or would slaughter everyone in his household at 5he first opportunity?

This is the epitome of smart dumb nikka thinking yes we have a great history. But dont overlook c00nery just because a nikka is your "brother" whether he knows it or not.

At the end of the what makes you Black is if you consider yourself Black Adam Clayton Powell is Black
Clarence Thomas isnt (i know he's phenotypically Black but he rejects Blackness). If a nikka thinks hes an arab and shyts on Africans then hes not really Black. So no matter what thier complexion was Tippu Tib and Muhammed Ali (you better know who im talking about) were not Black.
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May 16, 2012
If i were a slave in Mali i wouldnt be thinking about how Africans has slaves as POW's and it wasnt tied to race. I'd want to be free.

I mean at some point youd have to step back and wonder what the benefit is of having someoñe herd your camels. When other people are using cell phones that cost more than what you own in totality.

You could be totally correct about the origns of arabs (and i agree with you) but something's wrong with your culture if you look up to people who wont spit on you if you were on fire.

Gaddafi was a laughing stock when he was a panarabist. When he started the Pan-African talking points he was a hero.

At the end of the day smart people reject those who reject them.

I hope you are this passionate about war as well. I just told you slavery was a human ill. What more do you want?

My aim in this thread is not to argue slavery was okay. What I'm trying to do is educate yall into not falling for the white supremacist lie of assuming slavery in other parts of the world was race based as well. In the entire history of planet earth, the only time slavery and race became linked was here in the Americas. Everywhere else on earth there was no such link. The Ancient Greeks had slaves of all races. Same with the Romans, Moors, Arabs, and just about every other human civilization.

Stop identifying blackness with enslavement. It makes us look weak.
May 16, 2012
nikka i didnt call you out of your name. If you cant get out of your feelings just because some doesnt agree with you dont @ me.

Before we go further if you were in Mauritania right now and you were enslaved would you thinking "hes my master but hes also my brother" or would slaughter everyone in his household at 5he first opportunity?

This is the epitome of smart dumb nikka thinking yes we have a great history. But dont overlook c00nery just because a nikka is your "brother" whether he knows it or not.

At the end of the what makes you Black is if you consider yourself Black Adam Clayton Powell is Black
Clarence Thomas isnt (i know he's phenotypically Black but he rejects Blackness). If a nikka thinks hes an arab and shyts on Africans then hes not really Black. So no matter what thier complexion was Tippu Tib and Muhammed Ali (you better know who im talking about) were not Black.

Slavery is bad. We both agree on that. But so is war. I view the slavery that happened in Africa between "Arabs" and "Africans" like I do the genocide between the Hutus and Tutus in Rwanda. Both are unfortunate instances of phenotypically black people viewing themselves as fundamentally different and thus enacting violence on one another. Its sad but it isn't anti-black violence. Its ethnic violence.

If you think black Arabs who engage in violence against Africans aren't black anymore, then what is your view on the Hutus and Tutsis? They also engaged in violence on the idea they were different races.

Africa is a pretty complex place. If your taking away folks blackness just because they think they are superior to another ethnic group and are exercising extreme violence against them, then you're not gonna have many "black" people in Africa anymore.


Feb 16, 2017
Slavery is bad. We both agree on that. But so is war. I view the slavery that happened in Africa between "Arabs" and "Africans" like I do the genocide between the Hutus and Tutus in Rwanda. Both are unfortunate instances of phenotypically black people viewing themselves as fundamentally different and thus enacting violence on one another. Its sad but it isn't anti-black violence. Its ethnic violence.

If you think black Arabs who engage in violence against Africans aren't black anymore, then what is your view on the Hutus and Tutsis? They also engaged in violence on the idea they were different races.

Africa is a pretty complex place. If your taking away folks blackness just because they think they are superior to another ethnic group and are exercising extreme violence against them, then you're not gonna have many "black" people in Africa anymore.
It's a little different because the Hutus are Bantus and the Tutsis and nilotic and it was the majority getting back at a minority class elevated by the whites

But it was still wrong. That's the one case where I'll give you it's the exception that proves the rule but usually anything anti Black you lose your Black card to me.

The main difference is that it's halway sqaushed neither side feels that they have to aniliate the other so again it was despicable but kinda an arrberation.


Feb 16, 2017
I hope you are this passionate about war as well. I just told you slavery was a human ill. What more do you want?

My aim in this thread is not to argue slavery was okay. What I'm trying to do is educate yall into not falling for the white supremacist lie of assuming slavery in other parts of the world was race based as well. In the entire history of planet earth, the only time slavery and race became linked was here in the Americas. Everywhere else on earth there was no such link. The Ancient Greeks had slaves of all races. Same with the Romans, Moors, Arabs, and just about every other human civilization.

Stop identifying blackness with enslavement. It makes us look weak.

Yeah but these motherfukkers made it racial That's the thing. a Mauritarian would try to enslave a Senegalese person just because, Senegal is way more developed than Mauritarania yet because they see themselves as "arabs" they have the nerve to look down on African Africans. The funny thing is before this war an African American chick could walk around Northern Mali untouched like the french did because an ADOS person would be seen as white even though they're Black yet an African can be enslaved because they're African and thus "natural slaves". If they kept the same energy that they had when they were capturing white saliors in the Mediteranean and enslaving them. I''d rock with you, but just because Seal Team Six or a drone will come for anyone with a Blue passport Black or white they create a narrative why only certain people should be targeted.


Apr 30, 2012
Its amazing that the Arabs could hold such condescending attitudes towards black Africans when they themselves had been through the exact same degradation by the brittish for centuries.

How on earth can one party be superior to another party, when they both got the white man's boots on their neck?:dahell:

If the two of them worked together, they might have achieved self determination and greater wealth for their respective groups. Their relationship reminds me eerily of the relationship poor white people and black people got in the states. :beli:
work together?

the arab man is inheritably racist.

blacks and arabs can never function side to side.

maybe africans and berbers, but I don't like their asses either
May 16, 2012
It's a little different because the Hutus are Bantus and the Tutsis and nilotic and it was the majority getting back at a minority class elevated by the whites

But it was still wrong. That's the one case where I'll give you it's the exception that proves the rule but usually anything anti Black you lose your Black card to me.

The main difference is that it's halway sqaushed neither side feels that they have to aniliate the other so again it was despicable but kinda an arrberation.

Actually the Tutsi are bantu as well in terms of language and genetics (if you believe in DNA testing). However, phenotypically the Tutsi resemble East African cushytic speaking people like the Oromo people of Ethiopia. Its because of this phenotype difference that the Belgiums when they colonized Rwanda gave the Tutsi all the political power. They believed the Hamitic hypothesis. The idea that certain black Africans (like the Ethiopians and Tutsi) were actually caucasians and thus superior to the fully negroid Africans. The Hutus and Tutsis bought into this white supremacist trick and its what ultimately triggered their civil war and genocide.

The Tutsi believed they were non-black and thus superior to the black Hutus. If you are gonna take away anybody blackness, you should start with them and not the black Arabs.


May 20, 2013
So you want black people to slaughter other black people? :dahell:

The pale skin arabs you are thinking of ain't in Africa. Almost all the arabs in Africa are black or mulatto.

True, but they DON'T identify as such. They call themselves Yemenis, Omanis, etc etc. One of the funniest things I've seen in my life was a black as Wesley MOFO in Mombasa some years back explaining how he's actually Persian!


May 20, 2013
Actually the Tutsi are bantu as well in terms of language and genetics (if you believe in DNA testing). However, phenotypically the Tutsi resemble East African cushytic speaking people like the Oromo people of Ethiopia. Its because of this phenotype difference that the Belgiums when they colonized Rwanda gave the Tutsi all the political power. They believed the Hamitic hypothesis. The idea that certain black Africans (like the Ethiopians and Tutsi) were actually caucasians and thus superior to the fully negroid Africans. The Hutus and Tutsis bought into this white supremacist trick and its what ultimately triggered their civil war and genocide.

The Tutsi believed they were non-black and thus superior to the black Hutus. If you are gonna take away anybody blackness, you should start with them and not the black Arabs.

I see this all the time and I'm tempted to lay this ISHYT to rest in a longish thread once and for all! The Tutsis have a number of self-serving narratives excusing ALL their CENTURIES of massive F'ERY.
Who here wants the truth on the Hutu/Tutsi thing from a Kenyan observer? Warning: fakkitry, sadism, dishonesty, ruthless cucking and arrogance will be revealed!?
Who's up for the truth?
May 16, 2012
Yeah but these motherfukkers made it racial That's the thing. a Mauritarian would try to enslave a Senegalese person just because, Senegal is way more developed than Mauritarania yet because they see themselves as "arabs" they have the nerve to look down on African Africans.

This is because of white supremacy spread by Europeans over the last 500 years. There was a time when "Arabs" used to write books on the Superiority of Black People over whites. I even made a thread about it:

There was also a time when white skin was the sign of a slave in "Arab" society: Mamluk - Wikipedia

The word Mamluk is Arabic used to describe Muslims of slave origin. And the mark of slave origin at that time was white skin. If you've seen any image of a Mamluk it's that of a white person. This is in direct contrast to the Arabs who at that time were defined by their black skin. And in most pictures were depicted as being black.

Here is a picture that shows what I'm saying:


The description below describes the two white individuals in this picture as Mamluks while it describes the black man as a "Bedouin". Bedouin was a term used to describe the pure Arab desert dweller.

The painter of the this picture is clearly telling us that pure Arabs (aka Bedouins) were of a different race than the people called Mamluks. The Mamluks were white while the pure Arab was black.

So you see, there was nothing about the original Arab culture that was anti-black. It was actually very pro-black. What happened was over time the white Muslims of slave origin began to outnumber the black Arabs and that coupled with the spread of white supremacy by Europeans is what has made the modern Arab culture anti-black.

Study history and you'll realize why the world is the way it is today rather than just believing this is how its always been.
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