Zanzibar Revolution 1964-The day Africans Slaughtered their Arab Enslavers


Barely-Known Member
May 17, 2015
the 254
Read the got damn thread fool. I've already answered every single question you just asked and posted PICTURES to support my points.

Here are pictures of the Sultans of Zanzibar so folks can see how these "Arabs" enslaving "Africans" looked:






Here's a picture of the LAST Sultan of Zanzibar who fled to Oman after the revolution:

He looks like he could pass as Elijah Muhammad's brother.

And here are some "Arab" females so ya'll can see how the ladies looked:



Here is a picture of the Sultan of Zanzibar's kids:

And here are a group of Arab men from Zanzibar:

If you think the SULTANS of Zanzibar weren't black after looking at those pictures I've already posted, then nobody in America is black.

Both sides of the Zanzibar conflict were phenotypically black according to the American construct on race. Both the Arabs and the Africans. No different than the North Sudanese war with the South Sudanese being between two black groups despite one being "Arab" and the other "non-Arab". White supremacy just loves putting the label of Arabs vs Africans so that we can be brainwashed into thinking black people have always been nothing but slaves.

We'll agree to disagree and I'll drop it.

I understand that both groups are 'Africans' by basic definition. I concede that there was heavy mixture with the people in the region having varying levels of Arab and native African genetics but both would be considered 'Africans'. Its pointless to split hairs on genetics because people will disregard mixed race blood to fit their own ideas of what 'black' is. What I'm trying to say is however, the people in that area didn't follow the one-drop rule.

\When the guns and swords came out, both groups were able to distinguish who was in that ruling class and who wasn't. If you want to attach labels to people who didn't consider themselves that, do you. Just know it can be disingenuous to a lot of people.
May 16, 2012
We'll agree to disagree and I'll drop it.

I understand that both groups are 'Africans' by basic definition. I concede that there was heavy mixture with the people in the region having varying levels of Arab and native African genetics but both would be considered 'Africans'. Its pointless to split hairs on genetics because people will disregard mixed race blood to fit their own ideas of what 'black' is. What I'm trying to say is however, the people in that area didn't follow the one-drop rule.

\When the guns and swords came out, both groups were able to distinguish who was in that ruling class and who wasn't. If you want to attach labels to people who didn't consider themselves that, do you. Just know it can be disingenuous to a lot of people.

First of all, who cares what they thought? I already told you I accept it that from THEIR PERSPECTIVE they were two different people. Its why I brought up modern examples like the Hutu vs Tutsi. Two other African groups who killed each in a brutal war because they thought they were two different races. Are they not both black to you? I also gave you the example of the Ancient Greeks and Germanic tribes. The Greeks believed they were a different race than the blond hair Germanic tribes to their North who they felt superior to. Does that make the Greeks non-white?

Race is nothing more than a social construct. Its not biologically real. DNA testing has proven this. We know just in Africa among groups considered "black" (i.e. Bantu, Nilotic, San, and Cushytic) that there is more genetic diversity than anywhere else on earth. This is why I posted those pictures. And why I didn't just cherry pick one Zanzibar Sultan who looked extra light skin. I posted every picture I could find online of how the Zanzibar Sultans looked and as anyone can see they looked "black" in a way consistent with how the word is used in the modern Western English speaking racial context. Which once again is the only racial context that matters since I am assuming we are living in the year 2021 in predominantly Western English speaking countries.

And FTR I acknowledged there was non-black admixture in the Arab Zanzibar group. But that non-black admixture was about the same as the amount of non-black admixture you will find in modern day Foundational Black Americans here in the United States. Are FBA now not black because we have some white admixture?

You've made nothing but illogical points. Just accept the truth. This was black on black ethnic violence. Like every other conflict in Africa in recent memory. Just because they looked different and could tell so from one another doesn't make one group black and the other non-black.
May 16, 2012

Ok. What genetics make someone black? Do you need 100% of your genes to be native to Africa? If not what percentage of non-African genetics still make you black and at what point do you cross over to being non-black? What about all the different genetic haplogroups allegedly native to Africa? Does one make you more black than others? Or are all equally black? What about all the disagreement among scientists over which haplogroups are native to Africa and which aren't? How do you deal with that?

And once we leave Africa, what about people who look indistinguishable from black Africans but live in places like Fiji and Vanuatu? What do we make of Pacific Islanders? Are they black? If not why not? If so then what about their non-African genetics?

You've got a lot to explain.
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The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
This might my best thread ever.

I dropped nothing but gems educating ya'll on our true history.

A must read for anyone who wants to be freed from the lies of white supremacy.
I agree you are dropping some gems and I am seeing somethings in a better light.


Dec 8, 2015
Ok. What genetics make someone black? Do you need 100% of your genes to be native to Africa? If not what percentage of non-African genetics still make you black and at what point do you cross over to being non-black? What about all the different genetic haplogroups allegedly native to Africa? Does one make you more black than others? Or are all equally black? What about all the disagreement among scientists over which haplogroups are native to Africa and which aren't? How do you deal with that?

And once we leave Africa, what about people who look indistinguishable from black Africans but live in places like Fiji and Vanuatu? What do we make of Pacific Islanders? Are they black? If not why not? If so then what about their non-African genetics?

You've got a lot to explain.
Haplogroups have nothing to do with this discussion. Also the amount of diversity in Africa has nothing to do with it. Worse the logic you're attempting to use is epistemological and is a slippery slope. We can be this pedantic about any subject IN EXISTENCE. I don't have to explain anything though. We can use DNA test to group races easily. How you can explain that if genetics have nothing to do with it. I can move to another country and your definition of race becomes nonexistent, you can't do that with mine. A
May 16, 2012
We can use DNA test to group races easily. How you can explain that if genetics have nothing to do with it.

Wrong. We can use DNA to group populations of people. For example, Nilotic speaking populations typically are grouped together in the Y-Chromosome Haplogroups A and B. Bantu speaking populations are typically E1b1a. While Cushytic speaking populations are E1b1b. The only reason these 3 groups are commonly described as "black" is because they share a phenotype. Not because their DNA has something in common that we don't find outside Africa.

Its the phenotype that makes groups black or non-black. Not the genotype.

Here's a good example of what I mean. Do you consider North African Berbers like Gaddafi black? If not, why?


Mar 24, 2014
So you want black people to slaughter other black people? :dahell:

The pale skin arabs you are thinking of ain't in Africa. Almost all the arabs in Africa are black or mulatto.

Those pale out of Africa fukks are directing all the bullshyt..